Entertainment: This Bit Player Is Crazy

Chapter 82 Goodbye Liu Yifei

Qiubai wanted to laugh a little when he heard the brand Baleno.

Baleno was originally a top brand of suits, and its initial spokespersons were all Hua Ge.

But the good news is that when Huang Bai was filming Crazy Stone, the director gave him the opportunity to make a movie in order to thank Hua Ge for his director support plan.

I just wanted to help Brother Hua promote the endorsement, so I asked Huang Bai to add this sentence to his lines:

"The brand is from Baleno!"

In the end, good intentions lead to bad things. Just tell me who is willing to wear the same suit as Huang Bai.

As a result, the sales volume of this brand dropped by more than 30% because of this sentence. It was really as bad as my grandma's house, and it has not recovered until now.

"How much is the endorsement fee?"

"Twenty-one million for three years is also an additional condition for advertising and catwalk shows."

"That's it! It's definitely not because of money, it's just that I can't stand Versace's style. This is a man's dignity."

"Go away! Do you still have dignity? Think about it, although these two brands are in the same category, in fact Versace is definitely higher than Baleno.

"Actually, it's the same for me. My future goal of 10 suit endorsements is definitely the most luxurious. This is just excessive.'

"Okay, it's settled then. There is also an endorsement for watches."

"Which brand?"



Qiu Bai made the decision without saying a word.

When Yang Mi heard Qiu Bai's words, she directly picked up the pen on the table and threw it towards him, but Qiu Bai nimbly dodged it.

Without him, although Tissot is not a top luxury brand, it can still be considered a high luxury brand. This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that another Tissot spokesperson is Liu Yifei!

That's why Yang Mi is so angry.

"Boss, don't be angry. This is luxury. It's my first luxury endorsement, so of course I accepted it.

And if I accept more endorsements, you can get more money, and your gambling agreement can be completed sooner, right? I'm doing this for your own good.

I swear, it has nothing to do with Liu Yifei. "


Yang Mi snorted and glared at Qiu Bai, then said:

"Tissot was originally going to accept it, and the endorsement fee is quite generous."

"Is she as tall as Concubine Liu Yifei?"

"What are you thinking about? You don't even have one-third of what they have. Moreover, they are a serious spokesperson, and they are promoting Tissot's most popular Little Mermaid series.

You are just a star promoter, and you still want to compete with Xixi.

The Little Mermaid series is one of Tissot’s best-selling styles and one of the few that makes money.

"However, you have a print advertisement co-produced with Sissi that will be placed in Times Square."

"Pick it up! Must pick it up!!!"

"Get out of here!!!"

"Hahahaha, don't be angry, don't be angry, it's mainly about money. But I still don't understand why Tissot chose me as a star promoter."

"It's not just because of your acting skills and popularity."

"Can you explain it to me?"

"Your acting skills have been fully demonstrated through Li Huizhen, and all you lack is a good display platform.

As long as the resources are sufficient, with your acting skills, you will definitely go further and further in the future. What Tissot values ​​is your potential.

Giving you a star promoter is a kind of gamble. If you win the gamble, you will become a star in the future. It is natural for the star promoter to become a spokesperson.

If you lose the bet, you are just a star promoter. If you become popular in the middle, it is equivalent to them signing a spokesperson artist with only the celebrity promoter's money, and they will make more money. "

"No wonder, there is always a discussion."

"Nonsense, do you think I'm a fool? Anyway, I'll give you these two endorsements. There will be some business promotions, magazine shoots, and interviews. You and Sister Liu can discuss it."

"Okay, I know."

"Okay, go ahead and connect. I have to rush back."

"Are you leaving now? Don't you want to have dinner together?"

"I'm extremely busy right now. I have to catch up with two groups a day, so I don't have time."

Qiu Bai understood that Yang Mi had already started her career as a dramatist, and because of her, the word dramatization would be boycotted by all major film and television directors from now on!

This also shows from the side that Yang Mi's gambling agreement is really starting to put pressure on her.

Qiu Bai was thinking in his mind, but he grabbed Yang Mi who was going out and said with a smile:

"Boss, don't put so much pressure on yourself, there's still me."

Yang Mi looked at Qiu Bai and sighed and said:

"It would be great if you came here two years earlier. Maybe I really don't have to worry."

"It's okay, it's not too late now, let me help you relieve the pressure."

"where to?"

"I really miss the room next door. Let's go and see it together."

"Don't make trouble. It's broad daylight and there are people outside."

"It's okay, just be patient and go.

"No, no, no!"

Although she said no, Yang Mi showed no intention of resisting and followed Qiu Bai into the next room.

Qiu Bai helped Yang Mi relieve some of the pressure, and then Yang Mi left in a hurry. She was really busy.

After Yang Mi left, Qiu Bai was not idle either. He found Sister Liu and confirmed the itinerary [and then became busy again.

Various interviews, magazine cover shoots, and different business promotions. As Li Huizhen continues to broadcast, Qiubai's name is spread more and more widely.

Facts have once again proved that the role of Bai Haoyu is not a flash in the pan, Qiu Bai's acting skills continue to be demonstrated.

This has gradually made Bai Haoyu synonymous with Qiu Bai, and he is really developing into a classic character.

Qiu Bai became popular, and Reba, as the heroine, also became popular.

847 The role of Li Huizhen was originally tailor-made for her, and because of Qiu Bai's appearance, the director's requirements for her were even more stringent than in the previous life.

This also resulted in Reba's performance being better than in the previous life.

In the last life, Reba started from this role to stabilize the second line and move towards the first line. This process is even faster in this life.

Although her resources are not as good as Qiubai's, she has received a lot of business and advertising, and she also has scripts delivered to her door.

Just like that, everyone started to get busy.

The production time for "Charlotte's Trouble" has been set. In order to catch up with the Spring Festival, it will be officially launched on October 5th.

Qiubai has been busy for more than half a month, and finally took pictures of all the itineraries, leaving only the last one, Tissot's print advertisement.

After Bazaar, Qiu Bai met Liu Yifei again!

Qiu Bai's feelings for Liu Yifei were different from others. I don't know if it was because of the influence of his dream of a dragon knight in his previous life. Others admired Liu Yifei, but they could watch her from a distance and not play with her.

Qiu Bai is particularly nasty and always wants to bully her. This is an impulse, an indescribable impulse!

So he decided to shoot an advertisement with Liu Yifei this time and win her no matter what. . . contact details.

Well! No future!!!

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