“Fortunately, you induced vomiting in time and sent me to the hospital quickly enough. I am now out of danger!”

“Based on the remaining medicinal properties in her body, she probably won’t be able to wake up tonight, but it won’t be a serious problem. ”

Hearing this, Ye Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew nothing about rescuing people and had only roughly applied it to rescuing animals. But judging from the current situation, the result is still good, and it can be regarded as the hard work of these few hours. It was not in vain.

Reba was so surprised that he lost all strength and collapsed directly on the ground.。

“Great…great…Grandma Ding is not dead……”

The doctor didn’t know what happened. He thought she also had a sudden illness and was frightened.

Ye Feng had become accustomed to her abnormality today, so he stood up and picked up Reba again like a chicken.

Being treated so roughly, Reba not only didn’t get angry, but instead hugged Ye Feng excitedly.。

“That’s great, Ye Feng, Grandma Ding is not dead, I didn’t kill her, that’s great! ”

Reba shouted and jumped, the subtle bulges kept rubbing on Ye Feng’s body, and Ye Feng’s expression became more and more weird.。

“This girl…really thinks of me as one of her own?”

“We will transfer the patient to the general ward in a while. You’d better leave someone to accompany you. The patient has cancer and is weak after the operation. If there is any abnormality, please notify our nurse immediately! ”

The doctor warned.

He was already used to the excitement of the patient and family members after being saved, so he was not too surprised.。

“OK, thank you doctor! ”

He nodded with Ye Feng, and the doctor left directly.。

“I said…should you let go? ”

Ye Feng asked awkwardly.

Even if he hugged her for a while, he actually didn’t let go.

The clothes on his body were uncomfortable sticking to his flesh, but when she hugged him like this again, the feeling of being close to him was extremely hot.。

“ah? ah! ”

Reba raised his head in confusion. After noticing the postures of the two of them, he was stunned, and his face suddenly turned red.。

“Sorry, sorry, I was so excited, so… Oops! ”

She quickly let go of her hand and stepped back while explaining. As a result, her foot slipped and her butt fell to the ground.

Reba’s brows suddenly furrowed and she rubbed her butt pitifully. Ye Feng didn’t care about her this time and let her go. She was sitting on the ground.

The photographer was awakened by Reba’s fall and looked at the two of them blankly.。

“What happened?”

“Grandma Ding is saved! “X2

Ye Feng and Reba said in unison, looking at each other and smiling.。

“Oh ah? ”

The photographer was surprised, and his face suddenly showed joy.。

【Hahaha, Reba makes me laugh to death, so cute, just like a child~】

【Great, Grandma Ding is finally safe, otherwise Reba may not be able to untie this knot in her heart for the rest of her life!】

【Alas, I’m really relieved for them. Fortunately, the ending is good!】

【Is it okay for Ye Feng and Reba to get married where they are? It’s been like this and you’re still not together?】

【As a girl, I can tell that Reba 100% likes Ye Feng! Absolutely no mistake!】

【I feel like Ye Feng is also interested in Reba. When have you ever seen this straight man so considerate?】

【Ye Feng is not sure yet. After all, Reba is so pitiful this time. An ordinary friend would comfort her!】


Not long after, Grandma Ding was pushed out of the operating room.

Because she had just completed the operation, her body was still very weak and she needed oxygen, but her face was much rosier than before.

With the blessing of Ye Fengchao’s ability, the hospital arranged a separate ward for her. Fortunately, the hospital’s resources are not tight now, and there are three empty beds nearby, just enough for each person.

The photographer was so tired that he turned off the camera, lay on the bed and fell asleep again, snoring slightly.

Ye Feng was also a little tired today. Reba took the initiative to take over the job of keeping the bed, so he found a bed to sleep without any courtesy.

Reba tucked Grandma Ding into bed and felt relieved when she saw that all her indicators had improved and her breathing was getting stronger.

Looking up at the sleeping Ye Feng, her eyes were full of tenderness.

Grandma Ding was able to save her life thanks to Ye Feng.

If Ye Feng hadn’t been there to keep calm at all times, maybe Grandma Ding would have…

if that happened, she would never forgive herself in her whole life.


Her cell phone suddenly rang. She picked it up and saw that it was a message from Damimi.。

“Reba, are you okay? Reba

felt warm in her heart and replied with a smile: “It’s okay, Gran

dma Ding is back after rescue!” ”

Da Mimi’s message came quickly: “Silly girl, what are you trying to do?”

“You should thank Ye Feng more this time for helping you so much and even holding you to sleep, tsk tsk tsk~”

Even with just words, Reba could roughly guess Damimi’s expression at this time.

She must be now A… very strange and pleasant smile.

But her words reminded Reba.


She was so excited just now that she ignored many details.

When she was sad, it seemed that Ye Feng was holding her, very He coaxed her gently!

Later, she even took the initiative to put her arms around Ye Feng’s neck!


! ! !

Reba’s face suddenly turned red with embarrassment. She didn’t dare to look at Ye Feng, so she ran out of the ward as if running away. She went into the bathroom and splashed cold water on her face, but her face was still extremely hot.

Reba looked at herself in the mirror. There was a bruise on her forehead, and it was the medicine that Ye Feng had applied to her personally…Ye Feng, a

straight man, why was he so gentle this time…

His whole body was full of intelligence, and Reba suddenly woke up. , “No, it’s too shameful, forget it quickly!”

But there is no way to control people’s memories freely. The more she wanted to forget this matter, the clearer her memory became. Ye Feng’s gentle eyes, gentle voice… even in Ye Feng’s arms… She clearly remembers the warmth。

“ah! ! ! ”

Reba screamed and covered his face in shame. He wanted to blame Ye Feng, but Ye Feng had helped her so much this time and she couldn’t retaliate. In the end, he slowly put down and covered his face

. With both hands, he pointed at himself in the mirror, “You woman… why do you always miss that man? So shameless! ! ! ”


The bathroom door was slammed shut.

Reba didn’t know that there happened to be a girl in the bathroom at this time.

Her family had just had an operation, and she was responsible for coming to accompany her.

The hospital was eerily quiet at night, and she was alone She was very scared

to go to the toilet. She couldn’t hold it in

anymore, so she had the courage to go to the toilet. Unexpectedly, not long after she sat down, the originally quiet bathroom suddenly let out strange screams, which echoed throughout the empty bathroom. When she came out, she looked extremely miserable.

She, who was already timid, was startled, tears poured directly into her eyes, her teeth chattered, and she huddled in the toilet stall and did not dare to come out. It took a while before the screams


. She breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the ghost hadn’t noticed that she had left. Just as she was thinking about solving the problem quickly and hurried out, another resentful female voice suddenly came out.。

“You woman… why do you always miss that man? So shameless! ”

Because the bathroom was small, the sound seemed to be coming from her ears. How did this

ghost know that she was thinking about the boyfriend she just talked about?

And he said she was shameless?

Could it be that she values chastity ? Chaste Ghost?

She was so frightened that she cried and trembled all over. Then there was another slamming of the door, which once again dealt a fatal blow to her fragile heart.

She didn’t even bother to go to the toilet, sitting on the toilet and crying. , while confessing to the empty bathroom: “I was wrong, I will break up with him now, and I will respect myself and love myself in the future and not fall in love. Ghost sister, please don’t eat me, please woo woo woo……”

Stretching out her trembling hand and finding her boyfriend’s authority, she directly said “break up” and then immediately blocked her。

“Sister Ghost, look, I broke up with him, don’t eat me, woo woo……”

She was so scared that she burst into tears.

However, after a long time, the female ghost did not make any next move.

Did the female ghost forgive her when she saw that she had turned around?

Carefully opening the door a crack, she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that there was nothing outside. She quickly got up and ran out the door with tears in her eyes.

Since then, this hospital has become a legend.

A chastity ghost will appear in the women’s bathroom at midnight, advising girls to respect themselves and value their chastity.

Don’t be afraid when you meet her. As long as you repent, break up immediately, and take the initiative to admit your mistakes to the chaste spirit ghost, the ghost will not hurt you!

This kind of weird story is unique among all ghost stories, but it is surprisingly popular among young people. It has even become an internet celebrity for some girls who follow the trend, making this hospital a little popular.

Of course, this is all a story for later.

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