With Reba’s help, it didn’t take long for the two girls to cut a large bowl of each ingredient, and the vegetables and meat were also pre-processed. Ye Feng nodded and said it was almost done.

The three of them sat around the table in the hall to rest. Chen Duling and Reba each had a bottle of yogurt in front of them. Before they had a chance to drink, the three’s cell phones suddenly rang.


They all took out their mobile phones to check. It turned out to be a message from the program team.。

“As of 6 p.m., the passenger flow of each group:

Cai Xukun and Liu Haocun group: 56 people;

Zhang Lingchi and Bailu group: 67 people;

Wang Hedi, Zhao Lusi, Yu Shuxin group: 88 people;

Ye Feng, Reba, Chen Duling group : 15 people.

There are still four hours left before the challenge deadline, so please keep up the good work!”

“Sister Shu Xin is already 88, so amazing……”

Reba read this message several times and looked at Ye Feng worriedly.。

“Ye Feng, there are only four hours left, nothing unexpected will happen, right? ”

It’s getting dark now. After so long, I haven’t seen where the guests Ye Feng invited are. Just

now, there were a few guests who pushed the door and came in wanting to eat, but they should all be Uncle Wang’s regular customers. At first glance, Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang were not in the store, so they turned around and left without being stopped.

It was obviously a meal, but after a long time, no business was opened.

If this continues, the three of them will definitely be at the bottom. !

Chen Duling looked at Ye Feng with a somewhat complicated look.

Based on her understanding of Ye Feng, Ye Feng didn’t seem like a big talker.

Even if he didn’t want to win, he probably wouldn’t have prepared so many dishes and asked them to cut them so much. More ingredients.

But after a long time, no business was done, and she couldn’t help but start to doubt Ye Feng.

Hearing Reba’s words, Ye Feng frowned and turned to look at the CV.。

“Brother, what time did we make the appointment with Aunt Liu?”

“5 o’clock, I remember. ”

The photographer replied.

Ye Feng checked the time on his phone, “It’s already five ten, why haven’t you come yet?……”

“Who is Aunt Liu? ”

Listening to the conversation between the two, Reba couldn’t help but asked curiously.

As soon as he finished speaking, before Ye Feng could answer, there was a dull knock on the door.。

“Excuse me… is Xiaoye here? ”

Everyone looked towards the door and saw a middle-aged woman wearing sanitation worker’s clothes. She had gray hair and dark skin. She was holding the door frame open and her face was a little embarrassed. Seeing the person coming, Ye Feng felt happy and quickly stood up to greet her


“Aunt Liu, I was waiting for you. You came so late. I thought you let me go! ”

Ye Feng invited her into the house very enthusiastically.

When Aunt Liu saw Ye Feng, the expression on her face became much more natural. She smiled helplessly and said, “Oh no, the car is out of battery. I took the car to a quick charger. Came over。”

“That’s right. ”

Ye Feng nodded, took out a bottle of drink from the refrigerator and handed it to her, “Aunt Liu, drink quickly. It’s such a hot day, so I’d like to trouble you to come here! ”

Aunt Liu still wanted to refuse, but she couldn’t resist, so she had to take the drink, with a smile on her face.。

“Auntie, what do you want to eat? I’ll order it for you! ”

Reba came over with the menu and asked Aunt Liu sweetly.

Seeing Reba, Aunt Liu’s eyes lit up.。

“Ouch, this girl is so good, Xiaoye, is she your daughter? What grade are you in? ”

Hearing this, the smile on Reba’s face gradually solidified.

Ye Feng couldn’t hold it back and almost laughed out loud. His face turned red from suppressing it. He pretended to cough and said, “Well, this is my daughter Xiaore. I’ll be here soon.” High school entrance exam. ”

At the end of the day today, he has begun to get used to Reba’s outfit. Unexpectedly, to outsiders, Reba now looks like a junior high school student. What he said about the father-daughter

relationship in the morning is inde

ed a prophecy.。

“It’s a lot of pressure to study. He came to the store to help at such a young age. This kid is so sensible! ”

Aunt Liu couldn’t help but admired。

“Ha…hehe…thank you…grandma. ”

Reba’s eyebrows trembled unnaturally. She scolded Ye Feng thousands of times in her heart, but she still had a smile on her face.。

“Grandma, what do you want to eat? I’ll order it for you. ”

Aunt Liu shook her head and said with a smile: “I’ll order it later, don’t be in a hurry, come to Xiaore, I’ll give you these candies, and you can chat with grandma about homely things! ”

As she said that, she took out a few big white rabbits from her pocket and handed them to Reba.

Reba subconsciously turned to look at Ye Feng. When Ye Feng nodded, she took the toffee and sat down opposite Aunt Liu with some reluctance.。

“Grandma, what do you want to talk about?”

“Xiaore, isn’t it stressful to study? I have a granddaughter who is also in the third grade of junior high school.……”


【Hahaha, this scene is so hilarious, I almost spit out my rice!】

【People fall in love and become a couple, but these two people fall in love and become a father and daughter?】

【Ye Feng is so uncomfortable holding it in. Hahaha, this couple is really interesting.~】

【Unexpectedly, Ye Feng was quite willing to go out and work so hard to attract customers.~】

【? What did Ye Feng do? I didn’t watch it this afternoon. Can someone help explain it?】


“Ye Feng, you’ve been out for so long… you won’t just get this one customer, right? ”

Looking at Aunt Liu who was chatting with Reba, Chen Duling couldn’t help but asked Ye Feng in a low voice.。

“yes! ”

Ye Feng nodded solemnly.

Hearing this, Chen Duling was a little confused.

Just one person for half a day?

How can she win?

Even if she ordered all the dishes and spent thousands, it would still only count as one customer. Measure it!

Looking at Chen Duling’s complicated expression, Ye Feng guessed what she was thinking and shook his head with a smile.。

“Don’t panic, although I only got this one customer, it doesn’t mean that this is the only one coming.。”

“Um? ”

Hearing this, Chen Duling raised his head in confusion. Just as he was about to ask something, he saw Ye Feng reaching out and pointing towards the door.。

“No, look! ”

Chen Duling looked in the direction of Ye Feng’s finger, and saw in the distance a large number of old men and women in sanitation uniforms walking towards here in groups.。

“Ye Feng, is this… is it?……”

Thinking of a possibility in his mind, Chen Duling opened his mouth unconsciously.

Ye Feng smiled proudly, “Don’t be shocked, hurry up and greet the guests!”

After saying that, Ye Feng went directly to open the door.。

“Hot…ah, no, female goose, the customer is here, ready to order! ”

Reba raised her head subconsciously and was surprised to see so many people at the door. She quickly said hello to Aunt Liu, got up and invited the uncles and aunts in with Ye Feng to sit down. The

entire guest hall was full, and Ye Feng even We put together several tables, and took out a few temporary small tables from the store’s warehouse to place in the aisle, which was just enough.

Although there were many people, these ladies and gentlemen were surprisingly quiet, and no one even spoke. Their expressions were a little uncomfortable.

With so many customers arriving at once, it would be too late for Reba to take orders alone. Ye Feng and Chen Duling each took a menu from the counter to help.。

“Grandparents, whatever you want to eat, I’ll give you some! ”

Reba pushed the menu in front of everyone, holding a notepad and calculator in his left hand, and a pen in his right hand. He looked very professional.

Hearing this, the elders and aunties on the table looked at each other and looked left and right. There were pictures of the dishes on the wall, and he asked nervously: “Little girl, are your dishes… expensive?””

“Hmm…it’s not expensive, Grandpa, look at it……”

Reba was about to introduce the price of each dish to them, but was suddenly stopped by Ye Feng。

“Ye…Dad, what are you doing? “

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