Chapter 92 The water of the Yangtze River is gone, and the waves are full of heroes! Three songs!!

Speaking of which!

The relationship between Fang Yin and Lu Rover is also okay! After all, these ten days are preparing for the Spring Festival Gala.

Fang Yin still has to deal with Land Rover a lot!

For example, Fang Yin’s costume design, his position on the stage, his posture, and even his movements and expressions…

Fang Yin will communicate with Land Rover to a greater or lesser extent.

And it is in the communication of work…

The two suddenly found that their tempers and personalities fit together, even if they talk about other things, they can also chat…

As soon as they came and went, the two became friends! And speaking of Land Rover this person.

Fang Yin felt that he was still very talented! Nothing else!

Just the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala, without two brushes, can he become the chief director?

Then there’s the opening ceremony of next year’s Blue Star Games…

When Fang Yin chatted with Li Yi and them before, he knew an inside story.

The opening ceremony of next year’s Blue Star Games, if nothing else, should be made by Land Rover!

To know! Blue Star Games!

The athletes of all the countries of the entire Blue Star gathered in the Dragon Country! The whole world is watching!

What’s more, in this world, the Dragon Country is a well-deserved first… The director of the opening ceremony of the Blue Star Games…

You don’t have to think about the gold content at all!……

It’s just that Fang Yin doesn’t quite understand.

How could Land Rover stop himself at this time.

However, Fang Yin still sat down and chatted with Lu Rover! Chatted for a while.

From Lu Rover’s voice, Fang Yin heard it now…

Lu Rover stopped himself, he should be looking for something for himself! Thereupon……

Fang Yin smiled and said to Lu Rover.

“Brother Tiger, just the relationship between the two of us, you still hide with me?”

“There is something you can say.”

“I won’t refuse if I can help!”

Hear Fang Yin’s voice.

The slightly drunken Land Rover’s eyes immediately lit up!

As a northern man, Lu Rover’s character is not the kind of twisted and defensive!

He immediately gave Fang Yin a thumbs up.

“Brother is bright enough!”

“But I have to say, brother, you really don’t look like a young man at all, your mind is really clear!”

“I don’t sell you a guanzi with my brother either.”

“The reason I’m looking for you is mainly because I have a movie on hand right now.”

“Hmm… Historical drama! ”

“It’s a pity that I’m really not satisfied with the soundtrack!”

“Either it’s not grand enough!”

“Either there is no sense of history of heaviness!”

“Or maybe there is no level of education!”


“Let’s put it this way!”

“I want something that is forceful, that makes people awe as soon as they hear the lyrics!”

“At the same time, it can also have a sense of historical heaviness…”

“It would be better if it could have a bit of an atmospheric pattern!”


“I want to find your brother for your help!”


Not waiting for Lu Rover to finish.

Fang Yin understood instantly! Invite songs!

Fang Yin only thought about it a little.

I agreed!

Seeing Fang Yin nodding.

Land Rover was not excited.

Instead, a look of embarrassment appeared on his face.

Immediately opened his mouth and said to Fang Yin.


“Brother, I haven’t finished talking yet!”

“This historical drama…”


“It’s a task set from above!”

“So what about this money…”

“Probably not so much spent on the soundtrack!”

“One song, about three million!”


“And it’s not something you can write about it.”

Look at the embarrassment on Lu Hu’s face.

Fang Yin immediately understood again! Simply put…

It’s that this life has little money, and you have to compete for jobs! Other words……

You can’t write a song, you can get on it! Gotta PK with other composers!

Those who are selected are adopted! Can’t be selected…

That’s a busy job! Can……

Does Fang Yin need to worry about this?!

An entertainment work of the whole earth, can’t Fang Yin find such a song?!

But Fang Yin thought wrong again!

Because Land Rover needs a song, not a… It’s three!

Seeing that Fang Yin had already agreed.

Land Rover is not hiding.

Directly pulled Fang Yin to a corner position.

Then whispered to Fang Yin.

“This historical drama tells the story of the first emperor of our Dragon Kingdom Zuo three hundred years ago!”

“The first emperor of our Dragon Country, you should understand, right?”

How could this Fang Yin not understand?! This half a year.

He has read a lot of books!

History books are naturally definitely on his list! The Dragon Country of this parallel world.

It started three hundred years ago! It was still the Warring States period! Countless countries, big and small!

The first emperor of the Dragon Kingdom, born in a cold family! Well……

The meaning of Hanmen is not that everyone thinks of the poor people!

Hanmen refers to the family that was once brilliant, but fell down! Such a family can be called a cold door!

At that time, the first emperor of the Dragon Kingdom rose angrily after his family fell down, was tragically withdrawn from marriage, and was invaded by others!

After selling all the family property of his ancestors, he raised troops to revolt! I have experienced hundreds of battles in my life, large and small!

Finally, at the age of twenty-eight, he collapsed his body due to years of war, and finally died in a certain war!

Then the crown prince succeeded to the throne and became the second emperor of the Dragon Kingdom! According to the legacy of the previous emperor.

Facing the last two countries is no less!

Using various means, he eliminated the last two countries that were even more powerful than the Dragon Country at that time.

And then it continued until modern times! It seems like nothing…

But when you really read those history books, it’s not so clear in a few hundred words!


Fang Yin, who has seen history, also has some understanding! And Land Rover after getting Fang Yin’s affirmative answer.

Only then did he continue to speak to Fang Yin.


“Three songs missing from my side.”

“One is the opening song that needs to be placed in the opening credits!”

“Be atmospheric! Be thick! There is also a certain literary depth! ”

“It’s probably a bit more demanding.”

“One is the soundtrack that our first emperor of the Dragon Kingdom needs when he dies!”

“Hmm… This requires a little bit of majesty, as well as unwillingness, preferably a little more agitation! ”

“The last song is to sweep the world after the second emperor of our dragon country ascends the throne.”

“You need it when you go to worship the emperor!”

“The requirements of this one have not yet been determined!”

“But brother, you can try to write first!”



Lu Rover added.

“These three songs, brother, you choose one you think is easier to try!”


“You know…”

“Although I have a certain say in this thing, it is not the most important.”

“And the time is tight, the task is heavy!”

“About the end of February, that is, after the Golden Melody Awards, I have to use it!”

Just as Land Rover spoke!

Fang Yin had already begun to recall those classic songs on Earth in his previous life in his mind!

There are even some hidden places.

Didn’t hear the words behind the Land Rover let him choose one of them… And Fang Yin thought back in his mind.

While comparing the history of the Dragon Country! Slowly…

He found!

It seems that there are really three songs that meet the requirements of Land Rover! Have a sense of history.

There is also a pattern.

There must also be a certain literary depth…

Isn’t this a proper “Rolling Yangtze River East Passing Water”?! No……

It should be “Rolling Dragon River East Passing Water”!

Because in this world, there is no Yangtze River, there is Longjiang! And Longjiang…

Even the former residence of the first emperor of the Dragon Kingdom is also the place where the emperor of the Dragon Kingdom died in battleThis song.

It is the theme song of “Romance of the Three Kingdoms” on the earth in the past life! The lyrics of this song “Rolling Yangtze River East Passing Water”.

It is a poem written by Yang Shen in the Ming Dynasty on earth: “Linjiang Immortal” [Rolling Yangtze River East Passing Water, Waves Searching for Heroes. 】

[Success or failure turns the head.] 】

[The green mountains are still there, and the sunset is red several times. 】

[On the white-haired fishing tree on the river, I am used to watching the autumn moon and spring breeze. ] 】

[A pot of boiled wine is a happy meeting.] 】

[How many things in ancient and modern times are laughed at.] Isn’t this song atmospheric?!

Isn’t there cultural depth?! Isn’t there a thick history?! Well……

In fact, there is also a song, which is also very suitable for the requirements of Land Rover!

This song is also the theme song of “Three Kingdoms”, called “Which song does the sky of history choose in the end…

Fang Yin decided to take a look before talking!

Anyway, just give it to the Land Rover before the end of February! As for the second song requested by Land Rover…

It was also when the first emperor of the Dragon Kingdom died in battle.

Demanding majestic! Unwilling to ask!


Except for the song “Borrow from the Sky for Another Five Hundred Years” in his previous life, Fang Yin felt that there was no song more suitable than this one!

And this song, it is said that it was originally written to Zheng Chenggong of the Ming Dynasty in the previous life… In the end, it was used for braid play…


This song, at least Fang Yin feels that it is very in line with the requirements of Land Rover! Unwilling?

Can there be anything more unwilling than this song?!

[I really want to live another five hundred years!] 】


The unwillingness of this, it is estimated that anyone can taste it! For the first emperor of the Dragon Kingdom…

It should be more appropriate!

After all, when he died in battle, the Dragon Kingdom had not yet completed its great cause! And two strong enemies around!

Why is he willing to die?! Well……

As for the last song.

This song Fang Yin thought of two! For example, “Jing Zhong Serve the Country”!

For example, “Farewell to the Overlord”!

The first song has a strong sense of picture! It is also Fang Yin who feels that it is the most suitable!

After all, it was the second emperor who went to the ancient battlefield to pay homage to the previous emperor! As for the second song “Overlord Farewell Ji”…

It is estimated that many people may not have heard this song title!

But if you sing this song, it is estimated that many people will hear it! After all, the beginning is so classic!

【I’m standing! 】

【In the fierce wind! 】 】

[Hate, heartache! ] 】

【Looking at the sky! 】

[Four square cloud movement! ] 】



Fang Yin feels that the more appropriate part of this song lies in one of the lyrics [Sword in hand]

[Ask the world who is the hero] Fang Yin felt…

It is precisely this lyric that should reflect the mood of the second emperor of the Dragon Kingdom when he paid tribute to the first emperor!

It’s roughly…

“Father, this prosperous life is as you wish!”

“We father and son are all heroes!”

Of course!

Compared with this song “Overlord Farewell Ji”, Fang Yin still feels that the song “Jing Zhong Serving the Country” is more appropriate!

After all, the lyrics in “Farewell to the Overlord”, except for those more heroic lyrics.

Others are for sons and daughters… Punishment…… So all things considered…

Fang Yin still felt that “Jing Zhong Serving the Country” was more appropriate! But……

Since Land Rover did not name the specific requirements of the third song.

Fang Yin couldn’t be sure for a while whether the song “Jing Zhong Serving the Country” could be accepted…

When the time comes, hand it in and look at it again!

[Eighth more.] 】

[Ten is too difficult, to write until the dawn].

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