Entertainment: With A Net Worth Of Hundreds Of Billions, He Signed Boss Yang At The Beginning

Chapter Thirty-Four: Yang Mi's Thoughts (6, Asking For Flower Evaluation Tickets)

When Yang Mi put it on the phone, her expression changed.

"Mimi, what's the matter?"

Seeing her appearance, the girl beside her asked strangely.

"Nothing, nothing."

Yang Mi blinked her eyes and said hastily.

"By the way, I asked you before, how about the Bright Entertainment, but you haven't said anything yet."

It was a girl with big eyes who asked this question.

"Yeah, Shanshan and I are wondering whether we should try it."

Another tall girl also nodded.

They are all Yang Mi's roommates. Although they haven't had the chance to act in any film and television dramas yet, in the acting department, who doesn't want to be a big star?

Looking at her two roommates, Yang Mi hesitated.

But think about it.

She still said: "Bright Entertainment is still good, because the company has just started, so for actors and so on, as long as the conditions are similar, they will sign. The problem is that because they have just entered the industry, they are not good enough in terms of network resources, so they have to wait for opportunities."

This is all the truth, and it is also the industry's view on Bright Entertainment.

After all, it has only been established for less than two months, and the company feels that it has no resources. It can only rely on the investment of Qin Shou, a coal boss, to have the opportunity for the company's actors to have roles in film and television dramas.


Yang Mi said to the two roommates: "Xiaofei, Shanshan, you can try it. I remember that Bright Entertainment has a branch in Yanjing. Or I can introduce my manager, Sister Qin, to you."

Her idea is very clear, she has an unusual relationship with Qin Shou, and she needs to recruit more talents for Bright Entertainment.

That's my own business!


If Qin Shou knew Yang Mi's thoughts, he would definitely laugh out loud.

Never thought that Boss Yang would have such naive thoughts when he was young.

He hung up on Yang Mi's phone, and not long after, he received a long-distance call from Huang Zhenqi.

on the phone.

Huang Zhenqi reported the specific situation to him, and Qin Shou knew what was going on.

"Love Call Transfer" has a total of seven investors, with an estimated investment of 30 million. ,

In addition to the main investor who contributed 12 million, the other six investors contributed 3 million each.

Qin Shou frowned.

Today's movie market is sluggish. A movie with an investment of 50 million yuan must at least reach 150 million at the box office to make back its money. This is simply impossible!

But Qin Shou quickly realized that this drama probably didn't expect to make money at the box office at all.

After all, after decades of working in Hengdian, Qin Shou knows the profit model of movies well.

Generally speaking.

In addition to the box office, there are still some channels for a movie to make money.

The first is the copyright income. To put it bluntly, it is the screening rights and network broadcasting rights of the film. It is mainly determined according to the subject matter of the film, plastic surgery of the actors, and the final box office.

Then there is overseas sales, which are mainly distribution income and copyright income in other overseas countries including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Although the investment in this area is currently relatively low, its development potential is huge.

Then there are related derivatives, mainly the authorized use of the film's image, title, and important visual elements, as well as sales revenue from copyright derivatives.

There are also government subsidies, and some profits can also be obtained.

And most importantly.

Undoubtedly it is advertising.

To put it bluntly, it is the income obtained by placing advertisements in movies, marketing cooperation, and event titles.

This amount of money is not a small figure.

It seems that "Love Call Transfer" should be the idea.

"Overall, this project can be voted for."

Huang Zhenqi said to Qin Shou: "Yang Mi's manager, I have already notified her. Also, President Qin, what do you think of what Xu Shanzheng said?"


This is an exchange of interests.

Xu Shanzheng introduced the investment of this drama to Bright Entertainment, and put Yang Mi in as one of the heroines.

As for Bright Entertainment, it is natural to reciprocate and invest in his new movie.

"Let's read the script."

Qin Shou thought for a while, and said lightly: "If the script is okay, it's okay for us to vote for all of them. If the script is not good, just give it two to three million yuan, and forget it."

He said that on purpose, even if he knew that Xu Shanzheng's movie would definitely make money, Qin Shou would have to act aloof.

"Okay, Mr. Qin, I see."

Huang Zhenqi nodded.

He thought he understood what Qin Shou meant, but he didn't know that Qin Shou was thinking about how to turn Xu Shanzheng into his cash cow!

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