Entertainment: With A Net Worth Of Hundreds Of Billions, He Signed Boss Yang At The Beginning

Chapter 45: No One In The World Knows You! (7, Ask For Flower Evaluation Tickets)

On the screen, Brother Dao's petty goods were checked, and Hei Pi walked towards the traffic police with a hammer in his hand.


In the alley not far away, a car slid slowly and just hit another car.

The screen changed unexpectedly: Four Eyes sprayed a big word on the wall.

? ? ? ?

? ? ? ?

The audience was immediately dumbfounded.

Everyone was still waiting to see the progress of the plot, but suddenly the scene changed again, and many people immediately started discussing it.

"Damn it, what is this filming? It's so messed up that I can't understand it at all."

"What a broken movie, the plot is messed up before and after."

"can't read."

The audience spoke loudly, and Ning Hao's heart tightened when he heard it, but when he was about to turn around, he was pulled back by Qin Shou beside him.

Qin Shou smiled and said lightly: "Don't worry, take your time, this is just the beginning, you have to believe in yourself."

This is the truth.

No one in China has used the multi-line narrative expression method, and the audience needs a process of adaptation when they see such a movie unexpectedly.

This point, Qin Shou is even clearer than Ning Hao.

After all, he is a reborn person.

It is not an exaggeration to say.

From the beginning of the century to the present, the so-called comedy movies in China can't escape two types.

Either it is like a small steel cannon, and a large number of jokes are assembled, which looks funny, but it is similar to a sketch.

Or it is a small market with short parents, with humorous language and upward themes, but the narrative technique is just one word, flat.

The viewers who came today were all for the most handsome coal boss in the movie promotion.

As a result, Qin Shou has not shown up until now, which makes many people feel strange.

Fortunately, the movie has just started, and everyone can continue to wait.

"Damn it!"

Four eyes were cursing, suddenly heard a loud noise, and then watched helplessly as a bread hit his BMW.

Then the camera turned again, Bao Shihong and Sanbao were driving bread, and a soda can falling from the sky smashed the glass.

The two got out of the car and cursed, but they didn't know that the car had slowly slid away.

"High technology, unmanned driving! Didn't see it, don't touch me, don't drive if you can't drive it!"

"Ha ha!"

Seeing this, while the audience laughed loudly, they finally understood what was going on in their minds.

It turned out that the few scenes that looked messy just now were actually introducing the relationship between the main characters of the movie.

This method of reverse order is undoubtedly very fresh to the audience.

Everyone loves it.

"You can still play like this!"

Liu Yiwei's eyes lit up, and he said to Xu Shanzheng beside him.

Xu Shanzheng smiled: "I was also a little surprised, and learned a lot."

"Unfortunately, not everyone can do this kind of shooting technique, at least the investment is definitely not easy to find."

Liu Yiwei said with a sigh.

the reason is simple.

Because in the current situation, not all investors are willing to spend money for the director to experiment with his own ideas.

It can only be said that Ning Hao was lucky to meet a coal boss like Qin Shou.

With the development of the plot, the main line of the story gradually became clear. The factory manager dug up a priceless emerald and wanted to use it to bring the factory back to life, but it aroused everyone's enthusiasm.

In addition to the two forces of Brother Dao and Feng Dong, there are also branches of Sanbao, Xie Xiaomeng, Bao Shihong's hidden illness and so on.

Faced with such a wealth of clues, the audience quickly learned the correct way to watch movies, and no longer made a fuss about the flips set by Ning Hao.


Ten minutes later, Qin Shou appeared.

Tight-fitting leather jacket, flamboyant silver earrings, and it didn't take long for Xiaojun to slip into his bag.

"What the heck!"


"It's so interesting."

"Does this sentence mean shit?"


The audience couldn't stop laughing immediately, and they all became lively there.

The biggest problem with filmmaking is the sense of picture.

The biggest difference between abundant funds and tight funds is that when the funds are tight, the pictures of the films produced are particularly rough.

In the case of sufficient funds, the visual effect can undoubtedly be infinitely magnified.

Just like the current Ning Hao, he gave full play to his ability as a photographer.

The mountain city in his lens shows a magical three-dimensional sense.

Ancient and modern, tall and low, all living beings are money.

Coupled with the sharp editing and unconventional music, the whole movie exudes a strong smell of alcohol, which makes people intoxicated.

Audiences have eyes and ears.

Everyone is very clear about whether the things that are photographed are done with care.

When Huang Bo uttered the classic line "I'm a brand name, Baleno!", the entire auditorium burst into laughter.

One line after another really made everyone laugh.

There are constant burdens and tight laughs.

You don't have a chance to lose your mind the whole time.

have to say.

Ning Hao's script is really awesome, and his lines are really strong.

And the actors who will be called powerful stars in the future are indeed outstanding, and none of them disappointed the audience.

the end of the film.

With bread in his mouth, Huang Bo was chased by the owner on a scooter. Tchaikovsky's "Nutcracker" played and the film ended.

The entire auditorium fell silent.

Ning Hao was a little nervous, he didn't know what was wrong.

this moment.

He didn't even know whether to stand up or not.

Qin Shou smiled, and stretched out his hand to hold Ning Hao.

As Ning Hao stood up, the entire auditorium suddenly boiled.



There were applause and cheers one after another.

The audience used the most practical actions to prove their feelings for the movie!

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for rewards, ask for monthly tickets, and ask for all kinds of support! Newcomers and new books, if there are 30,000 flowers and 1,500 evaluation votes today, I will send them in ten more! In addition, if there is a reward of 500 book coins or the monthly pass reaches 50, there will be ten updates! Chapter 41 has been audited, there is no way, Feilu's standards are very confusing, if I keep being audited today, I will buy a plane ticket tomorrow, the fish will die and the net will be broken, the big deal will be the same! My mind has collapsed!

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