Entertainment: With A Net Worth Of Hundreds Of Billions, He Signed Boss Yang At The Beginning

Chapter 50 Money And Power Have Always Been One (2, Ask For Flowers Evaluation Votes)

The Xue family?

Qin Shou was obviously a little surprised when he heard these two words.

Because in his memory, he didn't seem to know anyone from the Xue family.

But obviously.

For no reason, it is impossible for Liu Zhong to suddenly bring up this matter, there must be a reason for it.

Looking at Liu Zhong, Qin Shou asked in puzzlement, "Uncle Liu, who are the Xue family?"

Liu Zhong smiled wryly, and said with some surprise: "I thought Mr. Qin had told you that."

? ? ? ?

? ? ? ?

Qin Shou was even more confused.

The dead father still has something to hide from him?

"It's like this. Your father comes to Yanjing every year to meet someone. He is his old classmate. It is said that the two of them used to be educated youths together. It seems that they saved each other's life."

Liu Zhong said seriously: "At the time when your father and mother died unexpectedly, there were people who specifically investigated whether someone deliberately framed them, but they left without finding anything. I suspect it was the person sent."

"Um, that Uncle Xue is very powerful?"

Qin Shou asked in surprise.

"I don't know about that. I just heard your father say once in a while that he should be an official."

Liu Zhong explained: "I thought your father mentioned it to you."


Qin Shou was completely dumbfounded, he really didn't know about it.

My father actually had a good friend who was an official.

The most critical question is that the other party has never met him, and his father has never mentioned it. What is going on?

But the more so.

On the contrary, Qin Shou became more and more curious.

To know.

What is the origin of Qin Guangming's friends who are worth hundreds of billions, and who can make him keep a secret?

He didn't even dare to tell his son, it seemed that he didn't want his son to have anything to do with the other party.


He felt that it was not time to explain all this.

It's just that I didn't expect that I had an accident in a car accident, so I made it like this.

All of a sudden.

Qin Shou was a little curious instead.


There is a well-known law called Murphy's Law.

The meaning is very simple.

The more you worry about things going in a bad direction, the more likely the result you imagined will happen.

Like now.

Qin Shou received a mysterious phone call just a few days after listening to Liu Zhong's speech.

That day Qin Shou was discussing dancing with Zhao Ke. She passed Gao Xixi's interview and will play the role of Xiao Qiao in "New Three Kingdoms".

In a good mood, I took the initiative to call Qin Shou to ask for some difficult dance moves.

Qin Shou naturally did not refuse any comers, so he asked her to prepare some dance costumes, and the two danced together.

As a result, Qin Shou's phone rang just after dancing for two hours.

It is an unknown number.

Telecom fraud has not been popularized these days, Qin Shou picked it up even though it was a bit strange.

"Hi, who are you looking for?"

Qin Shou picked up the phone and asked.

"Hello, Xiao Qin, I'm your Uncle Xue."

On the other side of the phone, a man with a mellow voice spoke.


Qin Shou was stunned for a moment, not because the other party claimed his family name, but because the voice of the other party was familiar to him, as if he had heard it somewhere.

Although most people's voice will change when they are on the phone.

But some people are not, and their voice is the same whether they are on the phone or not.


This Uncle Xue is like that.

But the key problem is that Qin Shou can be sure that he has never met this Uncle Xue, and he doesn't even have any information about him in his memory.

But why do you think his voice is familiar?

Just when Qin Shou couldn't figure it out, Uncle Xue on the opposite side continued, "I'll send someone to pick you up later, let's meet up, your father has something for you."

Now, Qin Shou frowned again.

He didn't expect that the other party wanted to see him.

Thinking of this, Qin Shou, who was holding the phone, was a little dazed.

Then he realized, how did the other party know where he was?

With such doubts, Qin Shou received a strange call half an hour later.

"Hello, is this Mr. Qin? I'm Li Huai from the Forbidden City Office. I was appointed by the chief to pick you up. Please go downstairs..."

The voice on the phone was very polite, but the moment he announced his family name, Qin Shou was dumbfounded.

Office of the Forbidden City!

Just these six words made Qin Shou at a loss for what to say.

this moment.

He suddenly felt suspicious of life.

Unless you are a fool, how can a normal person not know what the three words Forbidden City mean.

My mysterious Uncle Xue turned out to be the head of the Forbidden City. Who the hell is he?

At this moment, Qin Shou suddenly felt that he couldn't see through his father's mystery any more.

It never occurred to him that he had something to do with the Forbidden City.

But think about it carefully.

How could an ordinary person with no background earn hundreds of billions of assets from scratch in a place like Jin Province? There must be something wrong with it!

But Qin Shou was still a little at a loss, who the hell is this Uncle Xue?

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