Entertainment World: The Wild God of Gourmet

Chapter 133 [Killer Bee Bomber]

Before seeing the object, first hear the sound.

A buzzing and inaudible sound began to linger in my ears from far and near. Chen Ergou's calm expression just now seemed to have encountered a ghost, and he shouted, "No, it's a killer bee!"

A huge hive fell from the tree crown, and when it hit the ground, a large number of killer bees flew out of the hive.

Chen Ergou seemed to have seen the most terrifying existence in the world. Without saying a word, he pulled out the coat rolled up in his backpack, hugged his head and face, and ran out into the dense jungle.

The so-called extreme joy begets sorrow, it means laughing too much, and depressing things are coming soon.

There are thousands of African killer bees, and the blackness is shocking. Flying around in the air, the sound is like the sound of a bomber engine, shaking your eardrums to the point of exploding.

The coat covers the head, which does not provide much protection at all: the killer bee attacks the sweat glands of the animal, and as long as the muscles are exposed, they cannot escape. If the bee got into the coat, it would be more terrible, and it would sting you hard. Worst of all, the bee's carcass was smashed, and it gave off a smell that attracted other bees.

African killer bee stings can be throbbingly painful, itchy, and often leave a scar that needs to be bandaged.

Ordinary people are afraid to avoid it, but Chen Ergou just smashed his lair down.

Chen Ergou's face changed, and he shouted: "Misunderstanding, brother, I didn't mean it!"

Xiangrui Yumei: "Since it was unintentional, why don't you explain it to the killer bee? Explain it clearly!"


Chen Ergou encountered the biggest disaster in the jungle, and even his mind went blank for a few seconds. No time to think about it, covering his head and face, he rushed out to the edge of the woods with his head in his arms. It turned out that during the period of "speeding" just now, he had already come to this small open space in the green sea.

When I got out of the bushes, I saw an empty space, and there happened to be a pool of water in one corner.

It doesn't matter whether there is any danger in the water, he has been stabbed several times on his back, arms, and neck, and he has been stung so hard that he lost his mind. With all his strength, he jumped into the water with a plop, leaving only a waterproof backpack floating on the water, not even wanting to show his head.

The speakers and earphones of the audience are full of dense humming "bombers" buzzing,

The densely packed large "black cloud" made people speechless when they saw it. People with intensive phobia can't stand it even more, and they can't bear to look away when they turn their heads.

The killer bee fluttered on the water surface for a while, the bee cloud scurried left and right, and finally flew away after losing its target.

Chen Ergou waited underwater for a long time, and then climbed ashore like a dog in the water, with an expression of the rest of his life. When I touched the place where I was stung, I couldn't help grinning. The place where the bee stung had already started to react, it was painful and itchy.

He took off his backpack, took off his shirt, and turned his head to look at his back, arms, and the back of his neck. It was really poisonous. There were patches of green and red, and there were poisonous thorns stuck in some places.

Facing the camera, he raised a hand and smiled wryly: "I swear to God, I really don't want to provoke them."

The audience was shocked, not to mention the team members who were staring at the screen all the time. In a tent at the edge of the jungle, Su Qiqi, who couldn't help but shouted: "Don't play tricks, boss, think of a way." It doesn't matter whether Chen Ergou can hear it or not.

"It's funny to say. I was warned about everything before I left: about the poachers, they had machine guns, there were machetes and there were maggots in my gut and Ebola cheetahs, hippos, crocodiles, malaria, Filaria and whipworm, and African vipers that kill you in 30 seconds. But no one ever mentions the killer bee.”

"Under normal circumstances, if you encounter a small number of bee colonies, it is best not to provoke them. Squat on the ground and don't run, so that the bees will not notice you. But it depends on the situation. Squatting on the ground is only an ideal state The self-help method of the bee swarm, but if you do this when you encounter such a huge killer bee swarm just now, you are committing suicide, and it is completely unfeasible."

"Killer bees must retaliate and respond quickly: when you anger an African bee, swarms of killer bees will attack you within seconds, unlike other bees that require more than half a minute to react.

Moreover, they have a very strong sense of territory, which not only means that they will attack creatures that invade the territory, but that the range of territory they think is much wider than that of other bees. They usually attack in groups and are highly toxic. They contain a deadly heart toxin, melittin, which can do great damage to the heart. Ordinary bees only attack with dozens of bees, but the African bees do attack with thousands of bees, overwhelming, and the sound alone makes people's scalp numb. "

Shaking his head, with a cold expression on his face, it is obvious that he still has lingering fears about what happened just now.

"If you have been stung, if there is a small amount, pull out the stinger first if there is no adverse physiological reaction"

He said this to himself.

The audience could see clearly from the other side of the live broadcast room, just at this moment, several places on his back where he was bitten were already red and swollen. It hurts just looking at it, and thinking about the sound of the black mass of killer bees just now like a bomber, I really shudder.

They can't do anything, they can only send a few bamboos to send a barrage, expressing an encouraging attitude, "Come on, dog!"

Most of the poisonous stingers on Chen Ergou's body were on the arms and back of the neck, covered by clothes on his back, only a few of them flew into the clothes for some reason and bit them a few times, so that he could try his best when he couldn't see. Turning the head to pull out the stinger is really hard.

Fortunately, he is quite flexible, and he can see most of the wounds even when he twisted his waist. He said with difficulty: "If there is a poison sac on the tail of the needle that stings you, it's best not to pull it out with your fingers, otherwise the toxin will be further squeezed into the body. , it's best to scrape it out with your nails or a stiff card oh, hiss, uh"

Because he turned his head and suppressed the breathing passage, he kept making strange noises, which became ups and downs.

At the beginning, everyone didn't think much of it, but after listening to it for a long time, some guys immediately became a little confused. Especially some girls, who are watching the live broadcast alone in the room late at night, but there is such a voice coming from the stereo, they almost subconsciously look towards the door, "Parents, don't rush in at this time, I misunderstood something."

Because on their screen, it happened to be a man who took off his shirt and showed a fit body, screaming strangely there.

"55555, Thomas' little train is driving, has anyone clocked in?"

"Drip, the hole is deep and stuck."

"The old driver will take me with me, please get in the car with exploding card experience."

He finally pulled out the stinger, breathed a sigh of relief, put on his clothes again and said, "If there is soap, it's best to wash it with soapy water. But if you are attacked by a group, you'd better go straight to the hospital, nothing else Fa, may God bless you. If the situation is serious, it will cause a series of comprehensive complications such as anaphylactic shock, laryngeal edema, and dyspnea symptoms. Even death!"

Of course he doesn't have any soap now, so why would the wilderness bring that thing? It's enough for him to relieve loneliness. He has five brothers, and he doesn't need it.

but he has a solution

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