?According to the historical records of summit climbing on the north slope of Mount Everest in the past ten years, the weather suitable for climbing Mount Everest will only appear in May, and the rest of the weather is off-season climbing, which is extremely dangerous, even for professional climbers. The climbing team members dare not try easily.

Every year in May, the weather suitable for climbing to the top will generally appear twice, one in the first half of the year and one in the second half of the year. Each time must be guaranteed to last for at least five days. They have missed the first half, and now everyone is waiting for the second half.

Favorable weather is the most important factor for Mount Everest to be able to climb to the summit - the weather must be fine for three to five consecutive days before reaching the summit.

According to the forecasts of India, Nepal, and XZ Meteorological Observatory, as well as their own meteorological equipment, the climate curves in the next four days are all good. I believe that other teams have also received roughly similar news.

All the mountaineering teams were waiting in the base camp, feeling very nervous, just like candidates from all over the country waiting for the results of the college entrance examination.

Waking up early the next morning, I saw Huang Cong looking at the weather on the mountain with a telescope.

Chen Ergou also habitually looked up at the weather. The sun is shining brightly, and the pointed peak of Everest stands above the blue sky. Occasionally, there are a few thin wind-like white clouds lingering between the mountains and the top of the mountain.

"What do you think?" Huang Cong asked next to him.

Chen Ergou borrowed his binoculars and watched carefully, "There is a slight storm high above, if the wind direction changes, we will go down the mountain at worst."

"I think so too."

"You have to make a choice, Old Huang."

Huang Cong met Chen Ergou's eyes, took a deep breath after confirming the affirmation in his eyes, and said without hesitation, "Notify everyone, get ready to go!"

Chen Ergou nodded, quietly turned back to the camp, and notified everyone one by one to prepare to leave.

The team is ready and ready to go.

Unfortunately, too many people choose to start climbing today because there are so few opportunities to choose.

We started from the 6,500-meter advance camp, arrived at the alpine C1 North Col camp in the afternoon, and camped here.

They would play poker in their spare time, and they would start to inhale oxygen at night when they needed oxygen. Using a can of oxygen to sleep at night is actually useless, because it will be used up in a while, and its main function is to lull yourself to sleep.

Chen Ergou said: "I don't need to inhale oxygen. Sleeping here won't affect me. Let's have an extra tank of oxygen here for everyone to use." I'm used to it.

Everyone looked at each other, and Huang Cong said, "Give it to Lao Wang. You and Chu Nan Guyue are in the same tent. Tonight, we will open an extra tank of oxygen to sleep."


"Thank you, Xiao Chen."

"You're welcome, take a good rest tonight, don't suffer from insomnia anymore."

The next day the weather was fine, and Chen Ergou felt very hot when he walked out of the tent, "Today's weather is very strange, the heat is unbearable. I feel like I have arrived at the beach in Sanya, and I am already sweating, but I have to put on Down jackets, because just a gust of wind or a drop in temperature can go from the beach to the arctic in an instant.”

Wang Shi also said that he slept very well last night. After inhaling oxygen for four hours, his whole body felt similar to that of the plains, and he had a big appetite in the morning. Chu Nan Gu Yue's pneumonia felt much better, and she didn't have any cramps that night.

At that time, Chen Yazhou's condition was not good. He only slept for two hours today, but he fell asleep anyway.

Today they are going to set off from the North Col camp at 7028 meters, but it is a pity that they set off very late.

The camera zoomed up to take aerial shots, and I saw that on the vast mountain range in front of me, the figures seemed sparse, but the distance had been extended by several kilometers.

"Let's go! Try to go to C2 before two o'clock in the afternoon!"

Chen Ergou opened the way ahead as always.

The "Dafengkou" is well-deserved of its reputation, and every time I come here, it makes people tremble with fear. Even if Chen Ergou climbed up more than once, he didn't dare to take it lightly.

After about five hours of climbing, the wind picked up.

Snow falls continuously from the cloud-covered sky to the snow-covered ground. This phenomenon is called Baimentian. Trapped in a white cold white light, shadow and other climbers cannot be seen.

There were also fewer people talking in the live broadcast room, and it was all white as far as the eye could see. Chen Ergou stopped. He had already seen the black stones in Camp C2. He looked back at the team members climbing slowly one after another, "Base, report what you saw!"


Lan Jia said: "The wind speed has increased, with a speed of 60 kilometers per hour. It has started to snow on C3 and C2 has also been affected. The sunny day is too far behind, and I can't see him much. No matter how far away, I can't see him anymore."

"Sunny, Lao Qing, can you hear me? What's the matter?"

The radio that had been silent for a long time rang again, causing Qing Tian and his mountaineering assistants to stop halfway, panting heavily, and exhausted the carbon dioxide from their lungs. Because I was breathing through my mouth, my throat seemed to be dry and cracked. It took me a while to connect to the radio and said: "I heard, I can't see anyone, it's all white. I think... I'm disoriented, very tired, and I may have a heart attack. Got altitude sickness. Sorry... I'm going to turn around."

The entire channel was silent, no one spoke.

Still Chen Ergou said: "Got it. It's a pity that you made a choice, but you also know that we don't know your situation. If you think it's best to do so, then follow your decision. You still have the strength to walk now ?"

"I was running out of energy, I couldn't even get down to the North Col."

"Okay, did the base receive it?"

"Received, you are resting where you are on a sunny day. There is a gust of wind, and the weather will clear up soon. The rescue team will set off to pick you up later."

The team finally arrived at the C2 camp before 15:35, and everyone was sorry for the sunny day.

Everyone got on the radio, and the weather was fine. "Before I set off this morning, I still fantasized about being able to stand on the top of Mount Everest. But halfway through, I found that I had no energy at all. I thought a lot, and I can breathe again." 2 liters of oxygen to climb to camp C2, but what about C3 after that, what about the assault camp, what should I do then? I will become a burden for everyone.”

He sighed: "Maybe these are just excuses I made, but I know very well in my heart that climbing Mount Everest is too difficult for me. I wish everyone good luck, and I will return to the base camp tomorrow to wait for your good news."

Maybe he should have made a decision sooner, now the voice sounds much more relaxed.

The C2 camp is set up on an exposed rocky slope. Generally speaking, there is no snow, and the wind is strong and the slope is steep, and the snow is blown away by the wind.

The rest of the camp here is very important, because the summit day starts very early from the assault camp, and there is not enough time to rest there. Therefore, adequate rest at night at the 7790 camp will greatly help improve the speed and status of going to the assault camp the next day, and potentially affect the success rate of the summit on the last day.

In the evening, everyone gathered together to share experiences.

"The topography of the assault camps from C3 to C1 is similar to that of camps C1 to C2. Most of them are rocky and gentle slopes. The slope increases slightly, and the snow layer gradually decreases or even disappears. If you don't pay attention, you will fall down, and then directly break your leg or Fall to death."

Chen Ergou said: "Everyone should follow closely tomorrow, everything else is easy to talk about, the difficulty lies in the place where the ice crevices cross the iron bridge."

Saying so much is also to let everyone have a mental preparation, "Go to rest early."

When we got here, everyone's loss of appetite became more obvious, and the camping conditions were relatively poor.

Compared with other camps, the angle of inclination is larger, and some places even sleep with feet hanging in the air.

Since the camp is located on a ridge, it is very windy, and down jackets, down pants or one-piece down jackets come in handy.

In order to get a good night's sleep, all the team members started to inhale oxygen except Chen Ergou. The quality of sleep under anaerobic conditions is very poor. This is what Chen Ergou has fully experienced. Because of the cold air he inhales, his hands and feet are colder than others.

This is silly, but this is his ideal. At least so far, he has not shown any symptoms of discomfort, and it is difficult for others to say anything.

But Chen Ergou has his own way to deal with it, and the audience who stayed behind in the live broadcast room discovered his secret: he eats a lot, cooks meat in a small pressure cooker, and eats almost every two hours. Snickers also ate a lot, and then spent the rest of the time in the tent practicing "basic genetics!"

In other people's backpacks, because of the addition of oxygen cylinders, the load has increased. Because he has been training with the transportation team these days, there is more food in his backpack now, which is much more relaxed than a few days ago.

"What a big foodie, I can eat so happily wherever I go!"

It was full of strong winds outside, and even his small tent was blowing loudly. Fortunately, the scenery here is good. Sitting in the tent and opening the door, the camera is facing the outside, and there are mountains of ice and snow under his feet, as if sitting in the sky.

At three o'clock the next morning, the wind died down.

Wang Jing had a severe headache, as if they were two people, they simply sat up.

If she can't sleep in the base camp, she will walk around, but here at an altitude of 7,790 meters, she dare not go out and wander around anymore, and she has to be careful in everything.

Chen Yazhou continued to suffer from insomnia, his eyes were red and swollen like rabbits, and his vision was blurred. His eyes became the focus of protection. Although no one said anything, he had a vague premonition in his heart that he wouldn't go too far. ...but he didn't want to admit it.

Mount Everest is a large testing ground, and every detail of body parts needs special attention, otherwise it will be magnified here.

Wang Jian's nasal cavity was bleeding, and his stool also began to bleed. He is from Sichuan Province, he likes to eat chili, and it is too cold here, he thought that eating chili can keep his body temperature, but it made him very uncomfortable.

"Drink more water, you can't eat spicy food anymore." Chu Nan Gu Yue told him so.

Only Lao Wang and Qin Feiyu, the editor of the magazine who are the oldest, are in good condition, but Qin Feiyu starts to miss home, "I start to miss the bed at home, and drive lazily. Life in the city is too moist."

It is already the second day, the wind is not strong, and the rare good weather.

I don't know how long this good weather will last, and everyone has a sense of urgency.

Today we are heading to the assault camp, at an altitude of 8,300 meters, and the sprint is imminent.

Maybe it was the excitement after waiting for too long, or maybe it was the relatively smooth process that made Qin Feiyu relax his vigilance before departure, which almost stopped him on Mount Everest.

Everyone is getting ready, and that includes going to the bathroom.

Just five meters away from the tent, personal hygiene is resolved. Unexpectedly, he stepped on a dark crevasse in the glacier and got stuck there. "Ah - help!"

Chen Ergou had the sharpest ears and ran over in time, only to find that he had fallen into the crack without even lifting his trousers.

The cracks around the camp were usually cleaned up, but this time he couldn't see the bottom, and the fall was extra deep, and his legs were completely sunk.

"Lie down, don't stand up!

"Chen Ergou shouted, and quickly summoned several people to start the rescue, "Lie down along the direction perpendicular to the trend of the glacier, which can increase the contact area with the ground. We pull you up! "

Apa handed over an ice pick from behind and pulled Qin Feiyu up.

Qin Feiyu looked scared, thinking about it afterwards, "If I really fell, I'm afraid I'll never come back."

This kind of situation happened early in the morning, and for nothing it cast a layer of haze on everyone's hearts.

What kind of person is Chen Ergou, he will be in danger wherever he goes, and he will be in danger wherever he goes. At such a time, it might be good to have a wave of anti-poison milk, such as "There are too many people, there will definitely be accidents this time.", "Will you encounter a sudden storm after climbing the mountain?" It will work wonders.

Of course, he would never dare to say such words. With his disaster-inducing physique, it is more likely that the prophecy will come true!

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