Undoubtedly, the royal family also has a lot of dietary rules, and they are extremely particular. They can't be like ordinary people, eating hazelnuts without image, or drinking unscrupulously.

A formal dinner usually takes at least two hours. Don’t think that the royal dinner is so relaxing and comfortable. You must sit upright throughout the dinner, never lean your back against the back of the chair, eat and drink without making a sound, and touch the knives and forks with the dishes. Be very careful, whispering to those around you, and learning to appreciate the music played by the bagpipers.

Ge Youtan and Erlang crossed their legs and simply didn't even think about it. It's not a problem to just sit for a two-hour dinner party, and they have to have some necessary conversations with each other.

Involving sensitive finance, sports, ethnicity, sex, health, politics and religion, etc., and even all topics related to privacy are not allowed to chat. If necessary, it can serve as an important task of communication and entertainment.

This is embarrassing, Chen Ergou is not feeling well after eating this meal.

You can't eat what you want, and the taste of what you don't want is even worse.

Fortunately, he also has to show his face, so he won't be so greedy.

But in terms of behavior, he didn't make a mistake, it's just that he was the only one in the audience with a high-tech camera on his head, so he couldn't be conspicuous. Then when others chat with him, they naturally don't even want to talk about in-depth topics, and those who don't want to be on camera avoid him.

He is not worried about the lack of content in the live broadcast, as long as the camera is aimed at the princess from time to time, he will be able to win massive gifts and refresh the screen. After the live broadcast on this day, he has earned millions of popularity without saying anything, and he is one step closer to the main task.

It's just that his series of actions still made him look a bit out of place with the surrounding environment.

It's like a mirror in my heart: after all, he doesn't belong to this circle.

The so-called high society does not just refer to money, it is a circle and a system.

Why is he broadcasting the royal dinner so hot?

Compared with the ordinary class and the new rich class, the core difference between the lifestyle of the upper class is that they will naturally pay extreme attention to the quality of food, clothing, use, cost, housing, behavior, and etiquette. In some regions (e.g., East Asia), the characteristics of collective culture make "publicity" a bad thing. Therefore, the upper class in these areas will keep a low profile on the surface in terms of [clothing] and [travel] that may be seen by "outsiders". But low-key does not mean that they do not pay attention to the quality of clothing and behavior.

In the current environment, it is more appropriate to describe young people's pursuit of the upper class as "flocking to them".

On the one hand, as Balzac said, "no pen can write the ugliness of the upper class"; but on the other hand, almost all young people have hoped to "fight" in the "festive" place , They are born romantic and full of passion, "the best and the worst" are what they must and must experience.

Or more people simply yearn for it, thinking: "Wow! So mysterious! So stylish! So tall!"

"Behavior is extraordinary. When I have money, I will be such a sophisticated person."

People who despise it will think: "Troublesome! Hypocritical! Pretentious! Pretentious! I'm going to vomit!"

"I've seen a super rich man with assets of XX billion. He is so rich and lives the life of an ordinary person. Don't be so pretentious!"

In Chen Ergou's view, neither of these two views actually understands the essence of this way of life: neither is it pretending to be aggressive, it is not to make oneself look stylish, it is not to show off wealth, and it is not very noble. It is because of the simple increase in demand that the so-called high society naturally formed.

Judging from the seat, joking with the surroundings, and net worth, it seems that he is also one of them?

But he has his own way of life.

He himself doesn't care about this, he still does his own thing.

The luxurious dinner was coming to an end, and Her Royal Highness the Princess left the venue after taking her farewell. Both the guests at the scene and the water friends in the live broadcast room felt lost.

For a moment, it seemed that the gorgeous colors changed to black and white.

There is no doubt that this is an age of arrogance, and various transactions can be conducted in the name of love, which is no different from business conducted in the name of friendship. No, there may be a difference in venue: the latter is on the table, the former Usually on another piece of furniture.

Turning love into a transaction is the result of excesses, which rob us of our ability to love. With the increase of people's index of picking up girls, money, material, and status become the first choice. People's love pathway is like a blood vessel blocked by high blood fat, hardened and fragile...Do you still remember that long-lost first love?

The moment Margaret turned to leave, there was something like first love... leaving.

So the next dinner party will naturally be less exciting.

Chen Ergou took a look at the night view of the palace with the camera and went back home.

Only half of the 48-hour live broadcast has passed, what to do next?

Staying up late to live stream?


After returning, he grandly let thousands of water friends watch him sleep, but his sleeping position was not good.

Some people say that even if a dick makes money, he will still live like a dick. It is probably Jiang Zi now.

Woke up the next morning, full of energy. Glancing at the live broadcast, there are still millions of people in it: "Haha, good morning everyone, there are still so many people."

"^_^ Laughing and screaming, Gouzi, do you have a B number in your heart. It's already night in China."

"Master Dog, why are you so sleepy?"

"The 48-hour live broadcast, half of the time is spent sleeping during the live broadcast, and I am convinced."

"Quickly go to Miss Princess, we will forgive you."

"What's on the air today?"

Chen Ergou stretched his waist and said with a smile: "Don't worry, everyone. I have already prepared for today's itinerary. Let me... wash up first." He took off his pajamas, revealing a healthy body that can be called a work of art. With a tall figure, he went straight to the bathroom.

The camera stays there, letting millions of people listen to the sound of his bathroom water splashing, and then imagine it.

"666, I'm sure I saw you right."

"This wave of benefits came unexpectedly."

"Ahhh, I'm going to die, how can the Lun family sleep tonight. If you lick the screen again, the screen will explode."

At ten o'clock in the morning, a helicopter inlaid with the Tulip Royal Insignia arrived outside the hotel, and Chen Ergou led Lao Zhang and Lulu into it without hesitation.

The one person who caught the eye left the audience staring dumbfounded.

"Good morning, Your Royal Highness."

"Good morning, Mr. Chen." Waiting in the helicopter was suddenly the princess herself, who was magnificent last night.

At this time, the princess was only wearing a simple shirt and long skirt, plus a small streamer on her chest, completely looking like a pure girl. Yingying smile makes people feel like spring breeze.

The image stands in stark contrast to the sumptuous palace attire worn by the princess when she attended social events last night.

But more like an old lover.

I still remember that in the old days, people still wore corduroy hunting jackets and washed cloth trousers. At that time, people still had long hair covering their ears. At that time, people liked to shake their heads and shake the locks that fell on their foreheads. Turning to the right, I like to put my hands in my trouser pockets when I have nothing to do, and I like to kick any empty soda cans away.

At that time, the first love was not far away, maybe on the other side of the road, maybe at the other end of the corridor, maybe in the unit next door to a classmate’s house, maybe behind a young man who landed on one foot with you when you encountered a red light.

This simple dress, clean head and face, bright expression, may not have a long skirt with a waist, and no exquisite flat shoes, but can you say that this is not a princess? !

——It was heart-pounding.

After a brief greeting, the helicopter took off and flew directly to the destination. Apparently they had an appointment yesterday. But what it brings to the audience in the live broadcast room is still a huge surprise!

Chen Ergou also saw the chaotic live broadcast room, and said proudly: "My friends, today I am honored to accompany the princess on the tour of Poseidon Island. As your boss, I, Chen Ergou, have a big reputation! "

"666, Daddy Dog, I was wrong, please accept my knee."

"This face is enough to look at for a whole day."

"Such a cowhide, may I ask how you did it!"

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