Entertainment: Yang Mi Was Secretly Photographed In Love? That's My Brother

Chapter 72 Brother, Take It Easy, It Hurts! (3, Ask For Automatic Subscription)

At their age, in fact, sometimes emotional matters are really like that.

Everyone is no longer young, no longer that ignorant girl.

In the face of feelings, everyone has their own experiences, and naturally they also have their own judgments and ideas.

Whether a person is good or not, whether he is suitable or not, actually does not require a deep understanding, just meet a few times and chat, and you can probably tell the difference.

There is no doubt about it.

The biggest difference between a mature woman and a young girl is here.

Knowing and understanding, having the clearest understanding of what you want and need.

As Yu Feihong said, who would not like such an excellent man as Chen Mo?

to be honest,

If you really don't like it, it can only mean that there is something wrong with this person's thinking.

"That you?"

Zeng Li carefully glanced at Yu Feihong's expression, and asked in a low voice: "Together?"

"Haha, don't think about it."

Yu Feihong rolled his eyes at his best friend, and said calmly: "He and I can be regarded as confidantes. After all, we both know that it is impossible for us to have results."



Everyone was stunned.

They looked at Yu Feihong in surprise, but then, they all sighed in unison.

To know.

Among the four people present, apart from Yuan Quan, both Chen Shu and Zeng Li were actually single.

They also had boyfriends before, so they naturally understood what Yu Fei meant.

Don't say anything else.

With Chen Mo's status, it is impossible for him to marry a wife casually like other people.

For a rich man with a net worth of hundreds of billions, even if he does a property notarization before getting married, it still involves the division of countless assets and the like.


The interests involved in this are really too great.

not to mention.

Chen Mo is self-made and so young.

Just like what Yu Feihong said about 337, the two of them are destined to have no results.

Unless, as it is now, a secret relationship is maintained.

"What are you talking about?"

At this moment.

Chen Mo changed into his pajamas and went downstairs.

"It's nothing, you go get the wine, we'll be done soon."

Yu Feihong said loudly.

Naturally, everyone didn't continue talking.


Chen Mo brought out a case of red wine, and the others brought the side dishes to the living room and placed them on the tea table.

"Yo, Romanee-Conti!"

Chen Shu looked at the box of red wine that Chen Mo brought out, and asked in surprise.


Chen Mo glanced at it casually, nodded and said: "I didn't pay attention when I took it, if you don't like to drink, there are other things.

"No, no, just this."

Chen Shu nodded quickly and said with a smile, "I haven't had such a good red wine before."

She said this from the heart.

Romanee-Conti is definitely a boutique among red wines.

Many people said that Lafite in 1982 was the best, but in fact, they didn't know why they said that Lafite in 1982 was the best.

In fact.

This involves a lot of professional knowledge.

When it comes to the year of wine, many people give the answer "the year the wine was born".

That being said, it is true, but it may take several years or even more than ten years for grapes to go from picking to brewing to the final aging and bottling. If you want to talk about the birth year of wine, which year is it?

The year of wine does represent its "age", but this age is often said to be a false age, that is, the year when the grapes were picked.

The reason why the year is so important, on the one hand, is because it represents the climate of the year, and reflects the quality of the wine to a certain extent.

On the other hand, it also shows how long the wine has been aged and whether it has reached the best drinking period. (aiaf) If it is said that the climate and environment are different every year, which creates good vintages and bad vintages, then why does vintage only exist in wine?

Wheat, corn, soybeans, and sorghum are crops that are eaten every day. Why do people never eat the difference between the years?

Let's start with something special about old world wines.

Wine The old world has formulated a series of regulations on grape planting and wine brewing to respect the terroir and the characteristics of the producing area.

In order to faithfully reflect the weather conditions of each year, the winery is never allowed to improve the quality of grapes through artificial means even in years when the climate is very unsatisfactory.

In this way, the growth of grapes every year can only depend on fate. Under this system of watching the sky and eating, good years have begun to look precious.

Take the well-known 1982 as an example, Bordeaux in this year had perfect climate conditions for grape ripening: the summer was hot and not dry, so that the grapes had very good maturity. During the harvest season, the sun was shining and there was no rain, which ensured that the grapes were harvested in the best condition.

In this way, 1982 has become the Bordeaux vintage of the past 50 years, and it is only natural that it is expensive.

Of course.

People who are not professionals don't know much about these things.

Chen Shu understands this because she loves to drink red wine.

"Don't be too polite, everyone, this wine is even more precious than Lafite in 1982.

Chen Shu smiled and said to his good girlfriends.

"real or fake?"

Yuan Quan was a little surprised.

She knows Lafite in 1982, it is a very famous red wine.

"Of course it is true."

Chen Shu said with a smile: "Generally speaking, a good wine should have three advantages: a good origin, a good year, and a good winemaker. Wine pays seven points to raw materials and three points to brewing.

"The reason why Lafite in 1982 is precious is actually because the small environment of the Lafite estate was not bad that year, and in addition to the fact that there was less wine in that year, rare things are expensive, and there are hypes, so it is naturally very expensive .”

"However, about 200,000 bottles were produced that year, and most of them have been collected, so most of the ones on the market are fake."

Hearing her explanation, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but they didn't expect that there would be a lot to say about this wine.

“All in all, this Romanée-Conti [is] the more valuable red wine of Lafite ’82.”

Chen Shu waved his hand, and said to his good sisters: "A box of Romanee-Conti, at least one million starts!"


Hearing this sentence, several people were stunned.

Even Yu Feihong was stunned.

If she remembered correctly, Chen Mo had taken several boxes of this red wine for herself before.

At this time, Chen Mo smiled and said: "It's just wine, no matter how expensive it is, it's for people to drink. Come, come, let's not go home today if we don't get drunk!"

"Haha, good, if you don't get drunk, you don't go home!"

Chen Shu also laughed, obviously, Chen Mo's character really suits her taste.

Several people each took a bottle of red wine, poured it into the quilt, and drank while chatting.

They all have a good capacity for alcohol, and Chen Mo's capacity for alcohol is also very good, and he opened a second bottle soon.

"Brother, you haven't said it yet, why is Liu Qiangdong so afraid of you?"

Zeng Li drank a lot of wine and talked a lot, so he asked Chen Mo curiously.

"It's simple, because I own 25 percent of JD.com's shares and 60 percent of its voting rights.

Chen Mo said lightly: "Moreover, JD.com has also accepted Penguin Group's investment, and I'm still the major shareholder of Penguin Group..."


Hearing Chen Mo's words, several people were stunned.

Yu Feihong frowned slightly: "You mean, Liu Qiangdong doesn't have as many shares as you?"

"The shares are actually about the same, but he really doesn't have as many as mine."

Chen Mo said lightly: "The real important thing is voting rights, because JD.com implements a dual-level shareholding structure."

"Uh, what does the dual-level shareholding structure mean?"

Sister Chen Shu, the curious baby, asked directly.

"Haha, it's actually AB shares."

Chen Mo said with a smile: "AB shares may seem mysterious, but in fact the core is very simple, that is, the same shares have different rights.

"The stock is divided into two levels: A shares and B shares. The A shares issued by external investors have only one vote, while the B shares held by the management have N votes per share."

"For example, many high-tech listed companies in the United States mostly use AB shares, and N is usually taken as ten, so that the founding team has ten times the voting rights of their shareholding ratio, thus firmly controlling the right to speak in the company's management."

"However, Class B shares cannot be traded publicly. If you want to transfer them, you must first convert them into Class A shares with "one share, one vote". Although Class A shares suffer from voting rights, they still have to be paid in terms of profit distribution and priority compensation. Often there is compensation."

"Because the founder is the soul of many companies, and the purpose of many capital tycoons' investment is only to obtain huge profits, and does not need to obtain control of the company, so AB shares have been used in many high-tech innovative companies. .”

Hearing Chen Mo's words, the women were all dumbfounded.

They don't quite understand this, but they are very clear that according to Chen Mo's statement, it means that Chen Mo is the real actual controller of JD.com.

"Then if you say that, doesn't it mean that Liu Qiangdong is not the controller of JD.com, but you are?"

Chen Shu said to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo smiled: "My voting rights are all entrusted to him. As long as he does not violate the rules I set, I will not interfere with the company's operations."

In fact.

He didn't give too many details to several people.

This shareholding structure is also restricted.

So far, only the New York Stock Exchange, Nasdaq and Hong Kong City Exchange allow listed companies to adopt such a shareholding structure.

Taking JD.com as an example, one share of stock held by Chen Mo has 20 voting rights.

This guarantees Chen Mo's absolute voting rights, while Liu Qiangdong, a shareholder of JD.com, holds 18% of JD.com's shares, but only 5% of the voting rights.

In addition, JD.com also gave Chen Mo another "absolute power". In the event that Chen Mo or his representative fails to attend, JD.com's board of directors shall not hold a formal meeting unless he voluntarily avoids it.

This is why Liu Qiangdong is so afraid of Chen Mo.

He is really scared!

"Okay, let's not talk about this."

Chen Mo looked at the people with blushing cheeks and said with a smile: "Let's talk about something happy.

"Haha, okay, okay, tell me first, when was the first time?"

Perhaps because of the drinking, the scale of the conversation between the few people became larger and larger. Chen Shu asked Chen Mo an explosive question right away.

Chen Mo said the answer with a smile, and then looked at Chen Shu: "Let's play truth or dare, how about it?"


Chen Shu nodded and looked at the others: "What about you?"

"no problem!"


"Who is afraid of whom?"

Perhaps because of the alcohol, the women became bolder than each other.


They drink more and more, and there are fewer and fewer people in the living room.

Chen Mo was so dazed that he didn't know how he got back into the room.

I just vaguely heard a sound coming from my ear: "Brother, be gentle, it hurts!"

Then I don't remember anything!

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