Entertainment: Yang Mi Was Secretly Photographed In Love? That's My Brother

Chapter 81 Zhao Liying: Come In, You're Welcome! (1, Ask For Automatic Subscription)

Zhao Liying came to Hengdian, of course for filming.

Coincidentally, the hotel Qin Mingyang booked was the hotel she stayed in every time she came to Hengdian.

In fact, everyone probably has the habit of going to a place and staying in a fixed hotel.

Zhao Liying is like this.

The place where she is used to living is this hotel.

Unexpectedly, such a thing happened.

Just when she was feeling down, Chen Mo appeared, which really surprised her.

With Chen Mo coming forward, things will be easy to handle naturally.

The hotel quickly completed the accommodation procedures for Zhao Liying and his party.

Chen Mo didn't talk too much nonsense, exchanged some pleasantries, and then led him upstairs.

Zhao Liying came here to make a movie, and it seems that she plans to enter the movie circle.

Speaking up.

In today's digital film era, compared with the previous film film era, the lives of actors are really too easy.

Movie shooting is actually very easy now.

This is no joke.

Now, you can do everything except high-speed shooting with a better SLR camera.

Even this thing can be connected to your mobile phone, you can watch the shooting effect in the mobile phone, and use the mobile phone as a monitor.

In this case, it doesn't matter what kind of lens you shoot, and the movie poster you shoot is even clearer than a digital camera.

But if this was put in the film film era decades ago, it would be a fantasy!

To paraphrase a little pretend.

How high is the threshold of film film?

How many floors are there!

Equipment, film, technology, this series of requirements have made the film industry extremely demanding.

To put it simply, the industry is picking people.

So from the 1970s to the 1990s, for most ordinary people, filmmaking was a high-end and high-end job, and it was a technical job.

Chen Mo had read some novels before, and those people thought that if he was reborn once, he could make a movie or TV series and make a lot of money.

In his opinion, this is as outrageous as selling scripts for money after rebirth or playing a gambling agreement with other entertainment companies.

In Zhou Xingxing's "Kung Fu", there is a character called the charter woman. She is best at swearing, and there is a line that is most suitable for these people.

"One day you are a rabbit, and you will be a rabbit all your life. Even if you put on white shorts, it can't cover up the red underwear you are wearing underneath. It is white and red!"

Go back thirty years.

The film camera is very huge, and it is very complicated to operate, and the use process is very cumbersome.

How to cut each shot, how to bury the camera position, how to handle the scene, and handle the shot according to the environment, script, character psychology, and light.

All of these are real technologies. With such technologies, you can make money to eat.

A director once said that at that time, even a small cameraman assistant had to be competent.

Among the rumors.

In the photography department of the Film Academy, one of the basic skills training is to change the film.

The film box is 1,000 feet a box, and the camera is 400 feet a box.

The photography assistant needs to change the film within the specified thirty-five seconds, in the dark without any light, and then lead it in another four hundred feet, quickly spray the lens, and then continue shooting.

Why is there no light?

Because the film cannot see the light, once it is exposed, it is gone.

In the old movies before, the film of the camera was pulled out and exposed, and then it was scrapped, and it was for this reason.

A 90-minute movie requires a lot of film.

Someone once calculated that if a film is counted in seconds, it can be shot for about four minutes.

Not counting the cost of developing and copying, the photographer and director are very good. When the waste rate is as low as three to one, the cost of a film is about 150,000.

If a set is scrapped, the director will be furious immediately.

Many people are very curious. In Hong Kong City in the 1980s and 1990s, it was common to shoot one film a week. In fact, one of the important reasons is that the film is really too expensive.

It's not like now.

Are the little fresh meats not good at acting?

no problem!

Just spend a little more time and take a few more shots.

It is really impossible to cut out pictures and read numbers.

Anyway, shooting is easy, and the director is happy to accompany you if you have time.

But that was not possible at that time. No matter who you are, the director will not give you face, and you will be scolded if the filming is not good.

I think Liu Tianwang filmed three movies at the same time, was scolded dozens of times a day, hugged his manager and cried bitterly. As a result, during the next shoot, I fell from a high place and felt pain all over my body. My arms were bruised and I didn’t dare to move. I didn’t dare to move until the director said it was okay.

Chen Mo has watched a documentary and said that in Hong Kong City in the 1980s, the ratio of film waste to one to five was a very conscientious big production.

The famous director Li Hanxiang went to the mainland to shoot "Burning the Yuanmingyuan". The entire domestic film and television circle was shocked. A group of directors from various film and television circles went to study and visit.

On the one hand, it is to see how this well-known director makes movies, and on the other hand, it is natural to watch how local tyrants use film.

It's not like now, if you shoot for a year or so, you really have time and money, anyway, the crew has investors to pay for it.

Of course.

Chen Mo knows that in the early years, some people were more powerful.

Such as Sunglasses King, such as Jiang Wen.

The King of Sunglasses is really trying to kill investors by making movies.

It took three and a half years to shoot "Evil in the East and Poison in the West".

Not to mention the actor's desire to die, and the investor's tens of millions of funds have been poured in, and he can't even see a splash. He really wants to hack this bastard to death.

Fortunately, my good friend Liu Zhenwei was witty and used the original cast to shoot "East Makes West", otherwise the King of Sunglasses could easily become Tieguai Li.

But let's be honest.

Chen Mo also thinks this guy is really a scam, a movie film can cost tens of millions, what is the difference between this and burning money?

And that guy Jiang Wen, making a movie can drag down a film studio, it's really a bit of a trap.

It is true that artists deserve respect, but if you have the ability to play art by yourself, it is a bit shameless to use other people's money to play art.

"Now is a good time~!"

Lying on the bed, Chen Mo talked to himself.

Compared with that era in the past, although the current production process of film and television dramas is relatively complicated, at least there is not so much trouble in filming.

The bar has been lowered.


The threshold has been lowered, and naturally there are more shoddy works, but speaking of it, even in Hong Kong City in the 1980s and 1990s, although there were many classic works, there were also a bunch of garbage movies and TV series.

When the big waves wash away the sand, history will prove what kind of works are true classics.

the next morning.

Chen Mo asked Qin Mingyang to arrange a visit to the class. Wang Sicong sent himself a message yesterday, saying that the plane arrived in Hangzhou in the middle of the night, and he came to see him this morning.

Chen Mo told him not to worry, it's not a big deal anyway.

However, Chen Mo was worried that Qin Mingyang would not understand, so he got up early and went to the front desk to ask the room number where Zhao Liying and others lived.

Knocked on the door, someone inside quickly agreed.

It was Zhao Liying's assistant who opened the door.

"Hello, is Miss Zhao there?"

Chen Mo asked with a smile.

Hearing Chen Mo's voice, Zhao Liying came out, seeing him, she was a little surprised, but immediately showed a bright smile and said: "Mr. Chen, please come in."

Although I don't know why, it is not so easy to invite people like Chen Mo.

Chen Mo smiled and walked in.

"`"Thank you very much, otherwise we would have to find another place. "

Zhao Liying said to Chen Mo.

"It's just a little effort."

Chen Mo shook his head indifferently, and then asked Zhao Liying about the visit.

Zhao Liying was startled, thought for a while and said: "Actually, the crew is a small society with many unspoken rules.

"For example, you can't be late. The work of the crew is like a big machine. It can only operate when everyone is in place. A certain behind-the-scenes person may not be very important, but if you are late, everyone will have to wait for you, so the most important thing. be late.

"And the production team can't inquire about the actors' remuneration casually, except for the extras of course."

"Also, the crew members are not allowed to take photos with the artists casually, and they can't take pictures with the artists without calling you. It's commonly known as winking."

Hearing her words, Chen Mo suddenly laughed: "I didn't expect that there is so much knowledge here? You are also amazing, and you know it all.

Zhao Liying touched her head when she heard the words, and said a little embarrassedly: "Actually, it's nothing, the main thing is that I did a group performance in Hengdian, so I know something.

Speaking of which.

She remembered one more thing, and explained to Chen Mo: "The other thing is that you can't sit on other people's chairs. Of course, those who have chairs in the crew are basically big guys, and small characters can find a place to rest. You like this Boss, it is estimated that there is no one in the crew who is higher than you."

"Also, when filming, try not to move around (Wang Hao) randomly, so as not to steal the spotlight."

Immediately afterwards,

She emphasized on other considerations.

To put it bluntly, it means who is the target of the investigation class. If it is someone with high status in the crew, such as the lead actor or the second female lead and the second male second, then it is best to give them a midnight snack or something. This can be regarded as a welfare for the entire crew. If it's an ordinary artist, then give something on a small scale, and it's a favor for the director or the leading actor. The following words don't matter, so as not to be misunderstood and steal the show.

Yang Mi is the starring role, so naturally she doesn't need to think about anything else. According to Zhao Liying, as long as Chen Mo doesn't cause trouble in the crew, it doesn't matter.

"Actually, it's best to get a dining car."

Zhao Liying said to Chen Mo sincerely.

dining car?

Chen Mo's eyes lit up, and he immediately laughed: "Okay, thank you for taking the clothes."

After chatting for a few words, he said goodbye and left.

Looking at Chen Mo's back, Zhao Liying's assistant said enviously: "Sister, why do you think Yang Mi's life is so good, there is such a big brother.

"Yeah, what a blessing!"

Zhao Liying also nodded.

This is the truth.

Nowadays, many people in the industry are actually very envious of Yang Mi. Who wouldn’t want a big brother like Chen Mo?

This is a real billionaire!

PS: Ask for automatic subscription, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for rewards, ask for monthly ticket support! Work hard, they are all chapters of 5,000 words, everyone can read more. .

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