Entertainment: Yang Mi Was Secretly Photographed In Love? That's My Brother

Chapter 98 Ma Xiaoyun's Side, I'll Coordinate (2, Seeking Automatic Subscription)

"Mr. Chen, what do you mean, we still need to improve?"

Yang Lei is a smart person, otherwise it would be impossible to create a project like Hellobike.

Before that, he worked for several shared bicycle companies. After realizing that this industry has great potential, he resolutely chose to resign.

And it turns out.

His choice of starting a business is not wrong. Although Hellobike’s valuation is not high and he is still looking for investors, what Chen Mo said just now is obviously interested in this project.

Being able to attract Chen Mo's attention itself means the potential of this project.

"It's more than an improvement."

Chen Mo laughed when he heard the words, and said to Yang Lei: "If you ask me, your plan can be completely discarded.



Several people looked at each other in blank dismay.

Han Mei opened her mouth to say something, but she chose to shut up under Jiang Wei's gaze.

But even so, she was still a little unconvinced.

"Miss Han is not convinced?"

Seeing Han Mei's expression, Chen Mo asked with a half-smile.

The faces of Jiang Wei and others turned green!

At the same time, he cursed Han Mei in his heart.

We are all former colleagues, and they cooperated well at the beginning, so they brought her in. She always likes to point fingers, and everyone sees that she is a woman, so they endure it.

Unexpectedly, on such an important occasion today, she would still dare to show face to someone like Chen Mo, what kind of international joke is she making?

Who is this, this is a super rich man!

What kind of person is a super-rich man who can be called a patriotic entrepreneur by the spokesperson of the country? 08

All of a sudden.

They were all a little nervous, and they were really disgusted with Han Mei's ignorant behavior.

"Mr. Chen, you just said that our plan is not suitable, so what do you think is suitable?"

Han Mei looked at Chen Mo, and said unconvinced: "This is carefully designed by us."

In her opinion, although this man is a billionaire, he doesn't know how to share bicycles.

Han Mei thought before that, in fact, there is no need to find a domestic rich man like Chen Mo to invest, and she can contact those foreign venture capital companies, which will definitely succeed.


She has always regarded herself as a team leader. In this plan, she also put forward a lot of opinions and ideas. Now that she is rejected by Chen Mo, she is naturally unhappy.

As a woman, being pampered, naturally she can't figure out her position.

Hearing Han Meimei's words, Qin Mingyang's expression changed immediately, and he glanced at his old classmate Jiang Wei, Qin Mingyang was about to speak.

After all, these people were introduced by him, and it turned out that Han Mei was so ignorant that she owed a lot of scolding.

Chen Mo was not angry, but just glanced at Han Mei, and said calmly, "Do you have a copy of this proposal?"

Han Mei admitted frankly: "I don't know why you don't approve of our plan. I think it's very good. Domestic bike-sharing companies are all using this model to develop. Is there anything wrong with it?"

This is the truth.

From Han Meimei's point of view, Chen Mo was clearly just picking on hairs.

Don't say anything else.

Which of the best shared bicycle companies in China is not the current model.

She really didn't know why Chen Mo would not approve of this proposal.

This is obviously deliberately making things difficult.

Chen Mo looked at Han Mei's unconvinced look and laughed.

"Well, let's discuss it. I will definitely not invest in this plan, and to be honest, I don't think Miss Han is suitable for you to stay in this team."

Chen Mo said calmly: "You guys have to make another proposal. If I am satisfied, I will invest."



Hearing Chen Mo's words, several people were all dumbfounded.

Even Han Mei looked at Chen Mo in surprise, she didn't understand how she had offended the person in front of her, he was targeting her like this.

"Mr. Chen, you are intentionally discriminating against women!"

Han Mei stared at Chen Mo and said.

"Are you out of your mind?"

Chen Mo said unceremoniously: "Don't use the so-called feminist label of discrimination against women to label people. I just don't like your attitude when you talk to me. I am the one who pays and invests in your project. If you dare to treat me like this, what kind of attitude will you treat your customers in the future?"

"Not everyone in this world will give in to you. Just now you were not convinced by my words, and your partner reminded you to shut up, but what are you doing?"

"With your mentality, why should I give you an investment of 100 million or even hundreds of millions?"

Accompanied by Chen Mo's words, several people were all dumbfounded.

No one expected that Chen Mo would be so rude to Han Mei.

This is simply pointing the nose and scolding.

Han Mei was also dumbfounded.

She also didn't expect that her invincible tricks would not work in front of Chen Mo.

As everyone knows.

Chen Mo, who has seen the power of female boxing countless times in his previous life, hates female boxing the most.

A person who always buckles his hat is definitely a model of shamelessness!

Naturally, a negotiation broke up on bad terms.

Chen Mo waved off the guests, Qin Mingyang sent the group to the door, and called his old classmates aside alone.

"I'm sorry, Old Qin, I really didn't expect Han Mei to be so stupid!"

Jiang Wei said with an apologetic face.

This was from the bottom of his heart, he never dreamed that Han Mei, that bitch, would dare to confront Chen Mo face to face.

Qin Mingyang looked at Jiang Wei with a look of shame, and said, "I don't care what reasons you use, if you want to accept my boss's investment, that woman must go away!

"Old Jiang, let me put it this way, if the boss is willing, he can support your project all the way to the listing."

at last.

Qin Mingyang looked at Jiang Wei and said something that surprised him.

To know.

Under normal circumstances, after many venture capitalists invest in a company, they occupy a certain amount of shares. Even if they are diluted later, they will not invest too much. After all, the risk is remembered.

As Qin Mingyang said, if Chen Mo invests until the launch of Hellobike, doesn’t that mean that the future development of Hellobike is guaranteed?

Thinking of this, Jiang Wei's expression changed.

Qin Mingyang didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, so he turned around and left.

Jiang Wei was left standing there with an uncertain face.

Qin Mingyang went back upstairs and came to Chen Mo's office.

"Boss, I'm sorry."

He looked at Chen Mo and said to Chen Mo: "It's all my fault, otherwise it wouldn't be like this.


Chen Mo raised his head and looked at Qin Mingyang in surprise: "Why are you apologizing?"

"Well, if I hadn't introduced them, you wouldn't be so angry at all."

Qin Mingyang said with guilt.

This is what he has in mind.

Among other things, Chen Mo's status should be contradicted by Han Mei, which really makes Qin Mingyang very sorry.

Chen Mo smiled, waved his hands and said, "Okay, don't think about it."


He stood up, walked to the front of the French windows, looked at the skyscrapers in the distance, and said lightly: "Xiao Qin, what do you think the future of this city looks like?"


Qin Mingyang was slightly taken aback, and looked at Chen Mo with some confusion.


He didn't quite understand what the question Chen Mo asked himself meant.

The prosperity of the metropolis may be the lifelong yearning of many people. Many people may work hard for most of their lives just to be able to buy a house here. "

Chen Mo said lightly: "But they don't know, it's actually very difficult."

Qin Mingyang didn't say anything when he heard the words.

He knew that what Chen said was the truth.

Don't look at the fact that many people are working hard in big cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, but in fact, no matter how hard they work, they will eventually return to the place where they were born.

Because this city has never belonged to those outsiders.

"Hello Bike is actually going in the wrong direction."

Chen Mo said lightly.

"What does 363 mean?"

Qin Mingyang was stunned for a moment, and after a while, his eyes lit up. After all, he was the secretary handpicked by Chen Mo. He is not the kind of person who has nothing in his mind.

With just one sentence from Chen Mo, Qin Mingyang grasped the key point.

Or, is this project developing?"

Qin Mingyang asked Chen Mo in surprise.

"Of course."

Chen Mo nodded: "You have to know that our country has more than one billion people, not all of them live in big cities, and not all of them have cars, so it is not necessary to focus on first-tier cities. Second-tier, third-tier or even fourth-tier small counties have a lot of room for development.



Chen Mo's words directly made Qin Mingyang dumbfounded.

He really didn't expect that Chen Mo could think of this.

After all, speaking of it, my boss doesn't seem to have done much research on this!

But after thinking about it carefully, he had to admit that what Chen Mo said seemed to make sense.

If the domestic shared bicycle market seems to be concentrated in first-tier cities.


Except for those provincial capital cities, there are almost no shared bicycles in other places.

In this case, if Harbin Bicycle can be the first company to eat crabs, it is undoubtedly hopeful that it will develop without other companies.

After all, this is the first of its kind.

"However, if this is the case, there must be a way to attract users in third- and fourth-tier cities.

Qin Mingyang thought for a while, and said to Chen Mo, "For example, the means of payment."

"Hehe, this is simple."

Chen Mo smiled lightly: "I'll coordinate with Ma Xiaoyun. I think that as long as the payment method is settled and the low-end market is occupied, the next step is actually very easy."


He continued to laugh and said, "Besides, it doesn't necessarily have to be shared bicycles, and shared electric vehicles are also possible. It is nothing more than a little more investment and a longer time to pay back the cost!"

PS: Seeking automatic subscription, asking for rewards, asking for evaluation tickets!.

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