After Lin Mo left, the director looked at the coffee in his hand and said,”Fortunately, he doesn’t seem to be the kind of person who can’t recognize himself.””

The assistant director next to him was also drinking coffee and said,”Didn’t Teacher Wu Gang say that? Lin Mo is very easy to get along with and very dedicated.”

The director said angrily:

“The big baby next door is kind-hearted and does charity every year. What’s the result? Cutting out pictures, applying eye drops, and being a stand-in for the scenes, and the money is calculated from the moment you step out of the hotel!”

The assistant director lowered his head. To be honest, Lin Mo’s attitude is like an anomaly in today’s traffic circle!

Others, who don’t show up during filming? When there is no filming, no one can be seen on the set.

Not to mention memorizing the lines in advance, if the lines are read smoothly before filming, that is a sign of dedication.

“Don’t just regard her as a traffic figure. She is now an actor and a singer who has proven her ability. So don’t you listen to Ni Zhan every day?”

“Hey? I said, Lao Xiao, why are you so interested in this guy? A cup of coffee bought you off?”

“That’s not the case, it’s just that I just heard from Old Liu that Lin Mo brought a coffee cart and a dining cart, and he didn’t bring any reporters. From a small perspective, I think he is a nice person.”

The director nodded and said:

“It looks like I found a treasure.”

The director and assistant director asked Lin Mo for help, but Lin Mo did not return to his lounge but said to the executive director:

“Director, whose role is it today?”

Executive director Wen Xianzhiyin said with a smile:

“Today is the scene for teacher Cheng Mingming and the scene for teacher Zhang Ruoyun”

Lin Mo said:

“Is it convenient for me to visit the two teachers now?”

“Okay, both teachers should be taking a rest now. Let’s go to Teacher Cheng Ming’s place first?”

“Excuse me, director”

“It should, it should”

Lin Mo followed the executive director towards Teacher Cheng Mingming’s lounge. It was said to be a lounge, but it was actually a tent. It was mainly used for putting on makeup, changing clothes and other activities for artists….For smoking

During normal breaks, when on set, I mainly stay in my nanny car. In private, the crew arranged for a hotel.

Lin Mo saw Teacher Cheng Mingming from a distance. He was still wearing costumes and makeup. He did not rest, but kept standing and walking around.

Lin Mo quickly stepped forward and bowed to say hello and said:”Hello, Teacher Cheng Youming, I am Lin Mo, I play the role of Wu Zhu in the play. Thank you for your hard work, teacher.””

Cheng Mangming looked at Lin Mo and said with a smile:

“Don’t be so polite. I know you. You did a good job in Wolf Warrior 2 and the song is also great. I like your song”Muma City””

“Thank you, teacher. I have always enjoyed watching your performances and hope to learn more from you.”

“Hahaha, let’s learn from each other, sit down”

Lin Mo looked at Cheng Mangming and said with a smile:

“You’re welcome, teacher, please sit down”

Just kidding, if you don’t sit down, who dares to sit down? I am sitting and you are standing. If this photo were to be spread, I would not be alive.

Cheng Mangming shook his head slightly and said:

“I have a role in the afternoon. I tend to be lazy. Once I sit down, I won’t be able to get back to this state for a long time. So I just stand. You can sit down. It’ll be fine.”

When Lin Mo heard this, he felt some respect in his heart.

When the entertainment industry in Longguo was just emerging, artists at that time became actors not for money but fame and fortune.

Many seniors do it to revitalize the entertainment industry in Longguo, or they really like this job. For them, being an artist is a career.

So you will find that many seniors have really good artistic ethics. Do art first and do ethics first. This is a saying that many old-timers will say. Unfortunately, in this circle, it has been almost lost to the younger generation.

“Teacher, I really don’t want to sit down anymore. To tell you the truth, I really don’t dare to sit down in front of you.”


Cheng Yaoming burst out laughing when he heard Lin Mo’s words, and then said:”You boy, you are quite honest. Okay, then you can go and have a rest. We will talk when we have time, so you don’t have to worry about me here.” Not happy

“Okay, teacher, please do your business first. If you don’t dislike this coffee, please try it.”

“OK, thank you”

“Then teacher, I’ll leave first

“Well, good work”

Lin Mo bowed again and left. Cheng Mangming looked at Lin Mo’s back and then turned around and said:

“Is this the artist Zhou Yan’s manager asked me to take care of?”

Cheng Mouming’s agent said:

“Yes, Agent Zhou called me and asked you to look at him a little bit.”

Cheng Mingming said with a smile:

“This guy is pretty good. It seems like he doesn’t need to worry about me. Please help me keep an eye on him. Don’t use the unscrupulous tactics on him.”

The agent smiled and said:

“Lin Mo came with a dining car and a coffee cart, and the crew had a good impression of him.”

When Cheng Mingming heard the name, he smiled and said,”Not bad.””

The crew is most famous for its artists playing big names, but only veteran artists know how many small tricks a crew can do

If you offend the prop master, he can give you a cuckold. Do you want to wear it?

He didn’t dare to offend the makeup artist and disfigure his face, but think about Shu Chang’s Tianshan child-grandmother look back then, it won’t kill you

If you offend the lighting engineer, he can make you look half white and half black, which will make you look like a douchebag.

Therefore, as a crew, it is best for everyone to be polite and courteous.

Although no one taught Lin Mo these things, Lin Mo heard them from many people when he was in Hengcheng.

So it’s no wonder that his main focus is to be a polite person!

After bidding farewell to teacher Cheng Mingming, Lin Mo came to the protagonist Zhang Ruoyun’s lounge again.

Mine is not his role of Fan Xian or the role of Xu Fengnian in the future, but that of Zhang Xianzong

There is no Zhang Xianzong in the world, and no one loves me, Yue Qiluo!

Who knows how a grown man like him could be so moved by a villain? In his previous life, he wished that Wu Xin was killed directly.

Secondly, Lin Mo also likes the sultry Qin Ming.

People say that Zhang Ruoyun is the kind of ugly and handsome guy, but Lin Mo thinks that he is actually quite handsome, although he does look a bit like a husky.

When Lin Mo saw Zhang Ruoyun, he was playing games

“Hello, teacher Zhang Ruoyun, I am Lin Mo, thank you for your hard work, teacher.”

“oh! Lin Mo, you are finally here. I have always heard Ruoruo talking about you, and today I finally met you in person.”

Zhang Ruoyun is quite handsome when he doesn’t smile, but when he smiles, he looks like a husky

By the way, Ruoruo is Song Yi. The characters played by Lin Mo in this drama are Fan and Ruoruo.

“Did you just come here? Beware of selling out teammates!”

“At first glance, you look like a king player”

Zhang Ruoyun said with a smile:

“I’m not playing a game like King.”

Lin Mo looked at Zhang Ruoyun and said:

“Does the game still have contempt chains? I always feel that you are looking down on the king”

Zhang Ruoyun said:

“Of course, Dora looks down on LOL, LOL looks down on the King, and the King looks down on Xiaoxiaole. This is the chain of contempt in the gaming circle. Sorry, I am the most distinguished DOTA player. Do you play King?”

“Well, I play Xiaoxiaole”

“Hahahaha, you are indeed the same as what Ruoruo said. It’s quite interesting.”

“Teacher Zhang Ruoyun also….”

“Don’t call me teacher, it’s weird. Ruoruo and I have a very good relationship. Although it’s our first time meeting, I’ve heard a lot about you. Ruoruo almost praises you to the sky. You can just call me Brother Ruoyun, and I can call you Xiao Mo, okay?”

“Okay, Brother Ruoyun”

“That’s right, when will you start filming?”


“Shooting starts tomorrow? Do you know all your lines by heart?”

“Well, I know it by heart!”

“I’ll go, you won’t want to involve us too, right?”


“I’ve heard what Ruoruo said. When you were on the crew of Wolf Warrior 2, you tricked Mr. Wu Gang and others into talking about their sleep-talking lines. Wouldn’t you want to trick us in the same way?”

Lin Mo couldn’t laugh or cry:

“Brother Ruoyun, you are overthinking it. I simply joined the team late, so I familiarized myself with the script and characters in advance.”

“That’s fine, let me tell you, such evil behavior as involution is absolutely unacceptable.”

“OK, I get it. Brother Ruoyun, you have some drama later, I won’t disturb you anymore. Try the coffee, it’s not bad.”

“Okay, then I thank you. Let’s talk about it when we go back to the hotel tonight. Are you really good at Kung Fu? Can you teach me?”

“Hahahaha, okay, I’ll teach you tonight

“Okay, it’s settled, you teach me Kung Fu, and I’ll teach you how to become a noble DOTA player!”

“OK, listen to you. Then I’ll leave first.”

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