“One more thing, you don’t have to worry about Langshan List.”


“Somehow, they planned to air it as a new year drama, so even if you caught up with the drama here, you wouldn’t be able to get both dramas on the year before.”

“Then you just said that”

“Xiao Mo, let me tell you again, my tolerance for you is already very high

You can go out and ask around, except for those top-tier artists, which artist can ignore the arrangement of their agent?”

“Sorry, Sister Yan”

“Forget it, you have always been lucky, and you are right. The opportunity to study with Cheng Youming may not come across again. You really shouldn’t miss it.”

“Study hard, this is very important”

Lin Mo nodded and said:

“Sister Yan, if I go to film in the future, if you have been in the group for a long time, please rent a house for me.”

Zhou Yan looked at Lin Mo and said:

“Are you afraid?”

Lin Mo nodded and said:

“Oh, I see. In the past, I only knew that being stabbed would hurt, but until I was stabbed, I would never know how much pain it would be.

This time I was lucky, but next time it will be hard to say. Safety first”

“Now that you know it, you haven’t thought about stopping messing around in the crew?”

“Um, it’s not like you haven’t seen my physical fitness before. I can’t help but be scared.”

“go! Keep talking nonsense and see how I deal with you

Lin Mo chuckled

Zhou Yan said:

“In fact, you don’t need to be so nervous. As long as you don’t meet in private, nothing will happen to the crew. The hotel arranged by the crew is much safer than the ones outside.”

Lin Mo’s face was full of doubts

Zhou Yan said:

“Remember what I told you? I can arrange a model for you if necessary. I didn’t just say it casually

Men, sometimes filming lasts for several months, and there are needs

So sometimes the manager will make arrangements, and some even ask the crew to make arrangements. After all, both the manager and the crew are afraid that the artist can’t help but mess around outside and cause some trouble.

Therefore, generally the hotels that contract with the crew may not have very complete facilities, but they still do a good job in keeping confidentiality.”

Lin Mo nodded, it turns out there is such a way.

“However, do you know who spread the news about you this time? This person broke the rules. If he knew and told me, as long as I let him know, no crew would dare to accept him.

This time I’m just talking about watching a small movie. If I talk about your hospitality, arrangements, and rules, if something happens to you, the entire crew will suffer huge losses. Do you know who it is??”

Only then did Lin Mo realize why Li Chun said that just now. It turned out that this matter was not as casual as he thought.

“Forget it, Sister Yan, she apologized to me and it was unintentional. I will pay attention to it in the future.”

Zhou Yan looked at Lin Mo and said:


“Oh, Sister Yan, please don’t look at me like that, okay? In fact, she is a very nice person, and she is not a malicious person. Don’t worry, if she really has bad intentions, I won’t be merciful.”

“Sooner or later you have to suffer a loss with a woman before you can be wary”

“Please, Sister Yan, please don’t set a flag for me.!”

Zhou Yan glared at Lin Mo and said:

“Tell me, how did you get hit yesterday?”

Lin Mo said a little embarrassed:

“It’s really nothing. I was just frightened by the teacher’s first use of gestures. For the first time, I realized that acting is really not that simple.”

Zhou Yan said in surprise:

“Did Cheng Mingming teach you how to be powerful?”

Lin Mo nodded, Zhou Yan looked at Lin Mo and said,”I really don’t know what’s so good about you. It’s only been two days, and Cheng Mingming has told you all the tricks of being an actor.”

Study hard, these things are not taught even in film schools.

“I know, Sister Yan”

“Okay, since you’re fine, I’ll go back first”

“ah? You leave now

“nonsense! The Chinese New Year is almost here, and there are still so many things waiting for me to deal with in the company. I don’t have time to spend time here with you.”

“Sister Yan, pay more attention to rest. In fact, I can handle many things.”

“Don’t tell me it’s true”

“Sister Yan, you said, as long as I can do it, there will be mountains of swords and seas of fire.”

“I have received two endorsements here, both of which are major international brands. The brand is more famous than LV. Are you interested? And the endorsement fee is super high”

“real? So why are you hesitating? What’s next?”

“do you agree?”

“Of course I agree, who can’t get along with money? There’s also the brand effect.

“Okay, then I will reply to Weige and Durex and say that you agree.”

“Um, wait a minute, Sister Yan, I, these two brands are, I”

“snort! Study hard, film well, and preferably come up with a good song with positive energy. I will be of great use.”

“What’s the use of knowing Sister Yan?”

Zhou Yan glared

“Okay, okay, I won’t ask, okay, I won’t ask, I’ll just keep filming. Thank you for your hard work, Sister Yan. Sister Yan, please take your time.”

Zhou Yan rolled his eyes at Lin Mo, and then said:”Go down.”


“What’s wrong? Do you still want me to take a taxi to the airport?”

“Oh oh oh, let me go, let me go, Xiao Wang remembers, I must keep Sister Cao safe at the big airport. If there is a problem, you are the only one I ask!”



After Lin Mo got out of the car, he watched the nanny van take Zhou Yan away, and then walked towards his lounge. Many people were still looking at him and whispering to him along the way. Lin Mo covered his face with his notes.

To be honest, this is really embarrassing

Lin Mo returned to the lounge and first used his personal scarf to send an apology statement. It was very formal, without any hint of joking.

Of course, this could be regarded as a disguised admission that he secretly watched a short movie in the middle of the night. Then Lin Mo looked at the comments. Sure enough, almost all of them were ridicules, and there were very few abuses.

What else can I say?

It all depends on the support of his peers. Compared with the things that other celebrities have done, Lin Mo’s incident is really nothing. It’s just, quite funny.

While reading the comments, Reba sent a message:”I heard that you want to relax with short movies?”

“So are you coming to visit?”

“Go away, I’m not looking for you even if I’m looking for cucumbers”

“you are vicious!”

“I’ll have time to visit the class in two days”

“I knew Sister Reba was the best to me”

“You think so, I’m here to visit my good sister Song Yi, I have nothing to do with you”

“It’s all the same, it’s all the same. I’ve prepared cucumbers, eggplants and bananas. I guarantee you’ll be satisfied when the time comes.”

“Go to hell! By the way, it’s best to find out who spread the news. Be careful about people like this in the future”

As expected of Reba, she can always see the essence of things

“Got it, I’ll check it out”

“Well, that’s it, busy”

“night video”

“Got it, you’re bored to death”

Since Jiaxing didn’t develop as Reba imagined, after the two had a talk, Reba changed a lot. Although she was still the strong and resolute woman, she had a little more humanity.

After Reba’s message ended, Cheng Xiaoxiao also sent a message. This girl is much easier to talk to than Reba, showing all kinds of care and condolences, and decided to come and visit Lin Mo, ah embryo, and my good sister Song Yi in a few days when she has some free time.

After talking to Cheng Xiaoxiao, Lin Mo was about to go out when an annoying voice came from outside:

“Hahahahaha, Lin Mo, I heard that you are on the hot search, hahahahaha.”

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