For Song Jia.


It would take half a year of filming to earn it back.

After all, he only makes a few thousand yuan for filming a TV series now.

And more importantly, she has just graduated and can only get a few acting offers.

The only role she got, Xiuqin, was the role she got with the introduction and help of Yang Mi!

And to be honest.

She had only heard of the term "living a life of luxury" before.

But she didn't know what level could be considered as a real life of luxury, and she didn't know what the lifestyle of a real rich person was like.

But now.

Just a shopping trip to the mall made Song Jia completely understand what a real rich person is.

What, is it called a real life of luxury?

Looking at Song Jia's appearance, Zhou Yang smiled slightly, took out a bank card from his arms, and said: "There are 10 million in it, take it, buy yourself whatever you want!"




Seeing Zhou Yang's operation, Song Jia was stunned.

10 million.

This is the money that she would have to work all year round and shoot for a full ten years to earn back!

At this time, her first thought was to refuse.

Because it was too much.

She couldn't accept it.

"You still..."

Song Jia said.


Before she could refuse, Zhou Yang interrupted directly: "Don't refuse. If you still recognize me as your boss and recognize you as a contracted artist of Zhou Entertainment Media, then you should accept her!"

"Besides, this is the first time I have given so much money. Don't you understand what this means?"

Hearing this.

Song Jia's eyes immediately bloomed with a gleam of light.


How could she not be clear!

As a person in the entertainment industry, although she dare not say that she knows everything about this circle, she is also very clear that a coal boss like Zhou Yang may lack everything in the future, but he will definitely not lack money and women who love him.

Just like Yang Mi who introduced her to Zhou Entertainment Media.

If she guessed correctly, this girl would have already slept with the man in front of her.

There are also Tang Yan and Liu Shishi.

If nothing unexpected happens, this guy will accept this girl Liang sooner or later.

These are just three girls he has contacted in public, and there will be more behind the scenes.

Therefore, although Song Jia is with Zhou Yang, she has never thought of completely owning this man.

Because a coal boss like him, a playboy in the entertainment industry, is destined to not be able to pour all his love on her.


On weekdays.

Song Jia has never opened her heart to Zhou Yang, and even has more or less the kind of little girl's defense and complaints in her heart.

But now.

After hearing Zhou Yang's words, she was completely silent.

She knew very well that if she was willing to accept this bank card, she would have to be unclear with this coal boss for the rest of her life.

If she didn't accept it, it wouldn't have any impact, at most they would just meet again and become strangers.

Although they were still in the same company, there would be no intersection between the two parties.

In just a moment, Song Jia fell into a struggling thought!

Seeing Song Jia's appearance, Zhou Yang smiled and shook his head, saying: "Don't think so much, no matter what, you must accept this bank card!"


Zhou Yang directly put the bank card in his hand into Song Jia's hand, and whispered beside her earlobe: "If you have thought it over, come to my house tonight, we will stay up late together and celebrate New Year's Eve!"

After that.

Zhou Yang gently held Song Jia's forehead, kissed her gently, and then turned and left.

Looking at Zhou Yang's figure going away, Song Jia was stunned, and then looked at the bank card in her hand, and her heart was full of mixed feelings and struggle!

If she said that she was not moved by Zhou Yang, it would be absolutely false.

But to say that she would entrust her life to him, that would be absolutely nonsense.

But no matter what, she had done that with Zhou Yang.

Being able to take this step was already the biggest sacrifice she could make.

As for being with another man, it was probably unlikely.

Not to mention.

With the character of this coal boss, he would not allow her to have such a thing happen.

If you think about it this way, since the moment she decided to sacrifice, the future seemed to be doomed.

"Damn man, I am unlucky in this life, so I have to have such a thing with you."

"If you dare to owe me, I will never let you go!"

Song Jia was ruthless in her heart, bit her mouth, and chased after him directly.


That night.Outside the courtyard, thousands of lights, firecrackers, and countless fireworks are blooming, turning the Forbidden City into a sea of ​​fireworks.

Inside the courtyard.

Spring is in the air.

Two young lives had a heated discussion about the issue of offspring reproduction.

After all.

For an ancient civilized country with a history of 5,000 years, offspring reproduction and family inheritance are life's major undertakings and cannot be taken lightly.

The two discussed fiercely.

They discussed from the bedroom to the hall, from the hall to the kitchen, and from the kitchen to the bath.

The two sides argued endlessly, each holding their own views, and neither was willing to give in.

It was not until both sides were exhausted that they stopped temporarily.

The next day.

The first day of the new year.

When the first ray of winter sunlight shone into the house, the two fresh lives slowly opened their eyes.


Zhou Yang took a breath, supported his slightly sore waist, and looked at the white figure in front of him, and couldn't help cursing: "You are really reckless!"

"Aren't you afraid that your future husband will die before he succeeds?"

Hearing this.

Song Jia slowly stood up, and the quilt slipped off her body, revealing her proud figure.


"You deserve it!"

"See if you dare to find a woman casually in the future, this is a lesson for you!"

Song Jia snorted coldly, and a proud expression appeared on her face.


Just when she was about to get up and wash up, she felt her body soften, weak and powerless, and she lay straight on the bed.

Seeing this.

Zhou Yang laughed slightly and said, "Okay, don't show off. It's so intense for three or four consecutive days. Even if you are a woman, you can't stand it!"

"Be a little restrained and restrained!"

"Don't go there today. Just rest at home for a day."

"By the way, what do you want to eat? I'll make it for you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Yang saw Song Jia's contemptuous eyes.

That look seemed to say.


"Only you?"

"Only you can cook."

"If you, a coal boss, can cook, I think sows will climb trees!"


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