In fact.

There is nothing wrong with what Zhou Yang said.

These so-called company executives really don't have much confidence in the TV series "Bright Sword"!

Maybe because of the previous "Dragon Babu", they are a little confident, but not much.

Even if they personally tested the quality of this TV series!

In fact, it's not their fault. After all, the quality of a TV series will always be tested by the market and the public!

And "Bright Sword" is a pioneering film after all, so they don't have much confidence!


When Zhou Yang's voice fell, no one responded to it, and they really didn't know what to say.

Zhou Yang's eyes were indifferent, and he slowly glanced at everyone, and then retracted his gaze.

He didn't choose to continue scolding.

Because he also knew what these people were thinking.

To be honest, if he didn't have God's vision, he wouldn't have much confidence.


Even so, he would choose to fight.

After all, we have to fight for our life. There is still hope.

"Okay, let's skip this matter. Next, you just need to do a good job of promoting "Bright Sword". I will take care of finding buyers!"

"Just like last time, I chose the Central Bank as our first choice. After all, it is backed by the country. With the vision and pattern of the Central Bank, it is impossible for it not to see the production level and epoch-making meaning of our "Bright Sword"!"

"Even if it fails in the end, it doesn't matter. Just think of it as a failure of investment in this drama!"

Zhou Yang made a direct decision without giving everyone a chance to refute again.


A hint of money filled the meeting room.

Just at this time.

Zhou Yang seemed to remember something and turned to look at Huang Zhen and Jiang Li: "How is that Han Han?"

"How is the filming progress of that movie called "See You Tomorrow"?"

Although this movie cannot be called a classic, not many people can remember it later.

But Zhou Yang clearly remembered that when this movie came out, the response was quite good.

The most important thing is.

Several of the leading actors in it have very good development potential in the future.

If these leading actors can be signed, the company will be able to create more benefits!

Hearing this.

A gleam of brilliance flashed in Huang Zhen's eyes. He gently supported his eyes and said, "Boss, Han Han's movie can start shooting. All the preparations in the early stage are ready, and the casting of the major actors has been confirmed!"

"But because of the cutting ceremony, this guy said that he must wait for Zhou Yang to personally cut the ribbon and share your joy before he is willing to start shooting!"

"But recently, because you are not in the company, the crew of Han Han has stopped working for five days!"



Zhou Yang was confused.

All the preparations in the early stage are ready, but because he has not said it for a long time, the work has been stopped for five days?

Although Zhou Yang, as a coal boss, is not short of money, it does not mean that he gets his money from the wind and can do whatever he wants!

Stop work for five days.

This is only now. After one or five years, if any crew dares to do this, then what the hell is the point of filming? They will just disband!

Every day, the money consumed can be counted in tens of thousands.

This Han Han is really daring!

"Okay, I'll go to the crew this afternoon and let that guy start filming!"


Zhou Yang nodded and said.

After explaining a few more company affairs, Zhou Yang ended his memories and went to his office.

Not long after he sat down, the assistant Liang Qian opened the door and said with a very resentful look: "Mr. Zhou, there is a mother and daughter downstairs. They said you asked them to come to our company, and they are holding some contracts in their hands!"


Zhou Yang was startled.

Then he remembered that he had forgotten about Liu Yifei's mother and daughter.

He waved his hand and said directly: "Bring them in to see me!"

As for the resentment on Liang Qian's face, Zhou Yang had long been accustomed to it and was not surprised.

Until now, this girl still lusted after his body and wanted to be the boss lady of Zhou Entertainment Media.

However, as an elite talent in the academy at that time, Liang Qian's professional level and ability to do things were really not to be underestimated.

In total, she has been with him for a year and has worked hard without complaint. Should I give this girl some awards, or just take her in?


Looking at Liang Qian's background, Zhou Yang's hormones began to rise.Radiate.

To be honest, this little assistant is very good both inside and outside.

She is 1.72 meters tall, has a proud figure, good looks, and has the capable temperament of a professional.

And it is said that this girl has started to sign up for a yoga class privately and has begun to work hard to keep in shape.

In this case, the fruit has begun to mature, and it is time to start picking.

Before Zhou Yang could continue thinking, Liu Yifei and her daughter appeared in Zhou Yang's office.

Looking at the familiar little round face, Zhou Yang couldn't help laughing.

Liu Yifei, who was sixteen years old, looked like a fairy. Her temperament that was not worldly was rare in the world. No wonder so many viewers would like her in the future!

The moment she saw Zhou Yang, Liu Yifei's face lit up, and she broke free from Liu Ma's restraints and rushed directly towards Zhou Yang.


The soft and sticky cousin made Zhou Yang's whole body numb, and his heart trembled.

A sense of guilt rose in my heart for no reason.

If I say that I had no thoughts about this girl before, that would be absolutely false.

Although the other party is only sixteen years old now, it is illegal to do that kind of thing at this age.

But it can be cultivated. When the other party is eighteen or twenty years old, this fruit is ripe and can be picked!

The cultivation record of the fairy sister.

After more than half a year, the moment Zhou Yang saw this girl, he felt an inexplicable activation in his heart.

"Hehe, I haven't seen you for more than half a year. Do you miss your cousin?"

Zhou Yang pinched Liu Yifei's face and asked with a smile.

And it was this action that made the little girl blush instantly. After looking at Liu Xiaoli timidly, she quietly leaned over and whispered in Zhou Yang's ear: "I thought about it. I was thinking about playing with you, but my mother wouldn't let me!"

Such a playful and cute appearance, coupled with that invincible temperament, made Zhou Yang's heart melt instantly.

His face suddenly pretended to be serious.


"In that case, cousin must have a talk with your mother. You are not young anymore, and it is not okay to restrict your freedom like when you were a child!"

Liu Xiaoli: "..."

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