At present.

Zhou Yang has several good scripts in his hands, and they are divided into several series, one is the embarrassing series, and the other is the comedy series.

Instead, they are all works with good box office and excellent quality in the future.

The script is in hand, but he can't find a suitable person to shoot it. This is the only thing that Zhou Yang's company needs to solve at present.

There are only two directors in the whole company, one is Yu Min and the other is him.

But Yu Min is a professional in martial arts TV series. It is definitely no problem for him to make martial arts TV series, but it is probably difficult to make movies. There must be an essential difference between the two!

As for him, as a boss, how could he lower his status to shoot a movie.

Professional matters should be left to professionals.

The last time "Bright Sword" was filmed, it was entirely because of special reasons that Zhou Yang went on stage to shoot, but this time, absolutely don't think about it.


Zhou Yang gradually had an idea in his mind.

If it was that man, it must be no problem.

As for the person Zhou Yang mentioned, it was none other than Xiao Taohong's current husband, Xu Zheng.

Speaking of this guy, he is definitely a model of a successful man in the entertainment industry.

In his early years, he became famous in the entertainment industry with the series "Spring Light Pig Bajie" and "Li Wei as an Official". Later, he starred in "Love Call Transfer" and "Night Club", which made him well-known and even won the most popular actor of the year.

At that time, Xu Zheng was definitely one of the most popular male actors in Yanhuang.

But this guy is not a master who is content with being ordinary.

In simple terms, he doesn't want to continue working for others and continue to be an actor.

Because, no matter how well you act, you are still a worker and the object of capital exploitation in the entertainment industry.

Only by being self-sufficient, directing yourself, shooting for yourself, and acting yourself can you completely turn over in the entertainment industry.

But 10 years ago, his dream of being a director did not come true.

Because after 2005, the Chinese film industry was absolutely a battle of gods, with countless popular TV series and movies coming out of nowhere, just like the music industry, which peaked at the beginning.

How could Xu Zheng want to get a piece of the pie from others under such circumstances?

Until 10 years later, the appearance of Wang Baoqiang gave him hope. The two of them joined forces and made "Lost on Journey", which completely opened up Xu Zheng's path as a director.

So far.

This guy is like a cheat, making great strides all the way.

"Lost on Journey" series of movies, "Hypnotist", "Nian Beast Battle", "Pig Taro's Summer", "The Player", "Time Travel Cohabitation", "Dying to Survive", "My Hometown and Me" and other movies.

Not only is the output rate amazing, but the most important thing is that the quality is guaranteed.

Especially "Dying to Survive" has become a classic among classics, which has brought tears to countless audiences.

The most important thing is that the box office is so high that it can compete with "Wolf Warrior 2"!


At this point in time, Xu Zheng is not like the later generations. Now, he is just an ambitious man who wants to break free from his fate.

Zhou Yang can make good use of this point.


Zhou Yang directly took the phone off Xiao Taohong.


"It's me!"


As Zhou Yang's voice sounded, Xiao Taohong on the other end of the phone felt particularly surprised, even a little surprised.

After all, the last time she was watered was a month ago.

For a woman in her thirties, good moisture is essential.

This is not.

Zhou Yang just called, and before he could say anything, he said directly: "Give me an address, I'll go right away!"


"You misunderstood. This time I called you not to water the flowers, but because of what you said last time about your husband, Xu Zheng, who wanted to make a movie and direct and act in it himself."

"During this period, I happened to find a few suitable scripts, but there are not many directors in the company, and they are not involved in the film industry, so I thought of testing the waters with your husband first. Ask him and see if he is willing!"

"If he is willing, ask him to come to the company to find me, and then we will have a detailed interview!"

Zhou Yang didn't waste any words and directly expressed his intention to call this time.

Hearing this.

Xiao Taohong on the other side was also a little regretful, but then she looked happy.

This kind of thing is good for both Zhou Yang and the couple.

Xiao Taohong knew very well that with Zhou Yang's personality, he would never allow her to get along with other men after having that kind of relationship with her. Otherwise, she would never be able to survive in this circle.

Even if it was her husband, it would not work.However, although he is called husband, the relationship between them is just a little better than strangers.

On weekdays, they just say hello appropriately when they meet, and there is nothing else.

But then again, a husband and wife are bound by love for a hundred days, and there is still a certain friendship between them, but this kind of friendship is not the feeling between husband and wife, but like friends.

It is just the kind of feeling that hopes that each of them will be well in the future, and that both the future and career will be smooth sailing.


Xiao Taohong still hopes that Xu Zheng can get better and better, and Zhou Yang is undoubtedly Xu Zheng's opportunity.

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Taohong did not hesitate and called Xu Zheng directly to convey Zhou Yang's words.

As expected.

Xu Zheng, who got the news, felt that a huge pie had landed on his head.

Just as Zhou Yang analyzed, he is now eager to find an opportunity to turn over a serf and return home.

And this coal boss Zhou Yang is undoubtedly the best opportunity.

Xu Zheng naturally knows about this person.

And to be honest, in the current entertainment industry, anyone who lives in this circle knows Zhou Yang.

If he likes something and thinks it's good, he will definitely get money.

Of course.

For Xu Zheng, what he wants is not money, but an opportunity to be a director and accumulate original capital.


He did not hesitate, washed and dressed directly, took a briefcase, wore a suit, and flew to Yanjing.


That afternoon.

Zhou Yang was drinking tea leisurely in the office.

After a while, he received a message from the assistant that Xu Zheng was waiting for him in the conference room.

Zhou Yang was also surprised when he received the message. He didn't expect this guy to be so impatient. He just notified the news in the morning and came in the afternoon.

So anxious.

It seems that it will be much easier for him to keep this guy.

Thinking about it,

Zhou Yang also showed a smile at the corner of his mouth!

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