Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 173 Chapter 173: On the Road

"I have brought weapons, ammunition and clothes, and you will distribute them later." Luo Yuan turned to Zhou Yicheng and said.

"Okay!" Zhou Yicheng said bluntly, "I'll do it now!"

Then he turned and walked towards the weapon boxes.

"Wait a minute, how are your wounded recovering?" Luo Yuan called him quickly.

"It's much better now. Most of the wounds have scabbed over. As long as they don't get wet, they're basically fine!" Zhou Yicheng said after thinking about it.

"I'm afraid it will rain today!" Luo Yuan shook his head.

"I can only hope that they can make it through!" Zhou Yicheng looked sad: "Time waits for no one, it would be great if we can rest for a few more days."

Luo Yuan didn't say anything more. In fact, he has a better way to deal with this kind of injury. Although the life sucking attached to the saber is not very useful in combat, it can almost immediately help such trauma, but this is related to his secret. He was destined not to be one of his own, and once he arrived at the military base, he would definitely part ways, which made him hesitate.

A good knife, especially a good knife that cuts iron like mud and has supernatural powers, is enough to arouse greed.

Moreover, the situation changed rapidly at that time, one was strong and the other was weak, and he and others had demands from others, no matter how strong his personal strength was, no matter how scruples he had, he would not be able to help himself.

It's not that he is reluctant to part with a knife, but as a swordsman, the knife has become a part of his body, and he knows every inch and every foot of the Saber. Moreover, with the grinding and tempering of the will day and night, this knife has already become like an arm, as if it has a spirituality. Once it is lost, his strength will also fall into a trough for a period of time, which is undoubtedly dangerous in the last days.

Luo Yuan sighed, this can only be discussed in due time.

Taking advantage of this gap, Luo Yuan went out to have a look at Lao Huang. Compared with yesterday, it has obviously recovered a lot. The scabs on the wound have begun to fall off, revealing new tender skin. When Luo Yuan saw it, it was wandering around, apparently walking barefoot, there is no problem.

When Luo Yuan came back, breakfast had already been prepared, everyone hurriedly finished their breakfast, and just when they were about to leave, a few small figures appeared at the door.

These are three skinny children, like refugees from Africa on TV before the end of the world. Their cheeks are strangely sunken into two round holes, and their eye sockets are sunken, like skeletons covered with skin. They are about thirteen or fourteen years old. The young one is only eleven or twelve years old.

Their skin is covered with plaster, but it can still be seen that they are very white, almost transparent. They looked at everyone timidly, with uneasy and helpless expressions on their faces!

The youngest one kept grabbing the skirt of a child next to him, trembling all over.

Maybe it was because of the light, their eyes were always slightly squinted, and the tears were stimulated to flow down uncontrollably, and two obvious marks were washed out on the face covered with plaster.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Seeing that they were all children, Wang Shishi rushed to ask.

"Yes, someone called me here." The tallest one, who was obviously the most courageous, insisted, and then added: "They said that there is enough to eat here!"

Luo Yuan already had a general understanding of where these people were from, motioned Wang Shishi not to speak, and asked, "Why are there only three of you, and where are the others?"

"They don't want to come, they just let us come, otherwise the three of us will starve to death." The boy mustered up his courage and said with a trace of hatred in his eyes.

Luo Yuan sighed inwardly, it seemed that those people were running out of food, and driving away these fatherless people was obviously to save the last bit of food.

"These bastards!" Huang Jiahui cursed in a low voice: "Come here, what are their names?"

"My name is Deng Wei, thank you, big sister." The boy who had spoken before immediately said sweetly, with a hint of joy on his face.

"My name is Zhong Chuqiang, and thank you, big sister."

"Chen...Chen Jiayi, thank...thank you!" A child who had been lowering his head timidly raised his head, glanced at everyone secretly, and then quickly lowered his head.

"Shishi, go get them something to eat, and eat it later on the way!" Luo Yuan knew that Wang Shishi has always had the habit of eating snacks, and usually put something in his bag, and chewed and chewed when he was free. The mouth never stopped.

"Oh!" Sure enough, Wang Shishi responded, opened his backpack, found a few pieces of dried meat the size of an egg, and handed it over: "This meat is very hard, you can only eat it by tearing it piece by piece."

However, Wang Shishi's kindness was obviously useless. They were already hungry, and they started to gobble up the jerky after taking it. When they found that they couldn't chew it, they swallowed it forcefully, almost choking.

"Okay, don't delay, let's go!" Luo Yuan looked away, looked at the time, said, and then whistled.

The huge body of the monitor lizard appeared in front of everyone very quickly, and the faces of the three children turned pale with fright. Even the tallest, Deng Wei, was struggling with both hands, almost unable to stand, while the youngest little girl was about to Cried, but tried her best to hold back, but firmly held the boy named Zhong Chuqiang next to her.

Huang Jiahui noticed this scene and walked over to comfort her with a smile: "Don't be afraid, we raised it!"

"It...it really doesn't eat people?" Deng Wei stammered, his face pale.

"Hmph, monitor lizards have always been very obedient and never eat people. We will sit on its back later!" Wang Shishi said dissatisfiedly when he saw that the people they frightened couldn't stand up.

"Back... on your back?" Deng Wei said tremblingly, almost crying: "Then... then can I not sit?"

"Of course not, unless you can run faster than the monitor lizard!" Wang Shishi curled his lips, children are timid.

These people have been living in the dark supermarket all the time, and even the lowest level of mutant creatures are rarely seen. I have never seen such a scene, but I feel like I have entered hell. When Pioneer returned from venting outside, they experienced another panic.

It wasn't until Huo Dong dragged him onto the monitor lizard's back and saw that most of the people around him looked normal, that he finally recovered a little.

For them, today's scene may remain in their memory forever, until death comes.


The team finally set off, and there were more than 20 people sitting on the back of the monitor lizard, which seemed a bit crowded, and they would slide down if they were not careful. In addition, Lao Huang was still a little weak, so Luo Yuan just let the monitor lizard walk along the way. go ahead.

The sky is covered with dark clouds, like a pot of thick ink!

After walking for less than an hour, the sky began to rain. Everyone had already prepared themselves and did not stop because of this. They continued to move forward. As they gradually left Jiaping City, the road became more and more difficult. In many places, the road surface has already been close to disappearing and has become part of the forest.

When it was close to noon, Luo Yuan walked on the expressway again, and the road became a little easier to walk. During the period, another wave of fleeing flying creatures flew by not far away, which not only brought panic, but also aggravated the sense of urgency in everyone's hearts.

There was no longer any time for lunch, and everyone hurried on their way, but the team had to stop after walking for less than an hour.

The road ahead is broken.

The expressway collapsed, with a length of hundreds of meters, and if you continue to move forward, the road ahead is still intermittent. In just a short dozen kilometers, the road was cut into more than a dozen knots, and the collapse was serious. As for the farther places, because of the line of sight, it is impossible to see clearly, but the situation is obviously not too good.

Standing at the collapsed place, Luo Yuan scratched his head a little irritably, threw out a trail of water, and said loudly, "Go to the fortification in front to rest and leave after eating!"


It's raining non-stop outside, and it seems to be getting bigger and bigger!

The interior of the fortification was severely seeped, and the wooden beds inside were all damp to varying degrees. After searching a lot, Huo Dong finally found a mop with a wooden handle that was almost rotten in the corner, and then lit the fire.

Luo Yuan went out for a while, and when he came back, he had already dragged two low-level mutant beasts in his hands. A few women dealt with them briefly, and then threw them into the bottom of the pot.

The throbbing flames kept burning, and the three children tried their best to squeeze in beside the fire, but they were still shivering from the cold, but kept silent.

Huang Jiahui touched their foreheads and found that they were surprisingly hot. Their bodies are very weak, not even as good as ordinary people. It's no wonder they don't have a fever after being drenched in the damp and cold rain.

Huang Jiahui gestured to Luo Yuan, and Luo Yuan nodded.

She got up from the package, carefully took out a food brick, thought about it, cut it into a fifth, and put it in the stone pot. With their performance yesterday, a third will obviously affect the way forward.

After a while, a strong fragrance wafted out again, and the spirits of several soldiers were shocked, and their eyes could not help but be attracted. Although Zhou Yicheng and other soldiers felt that the thing was weird, they wisely didn't say anything.

Luo Yuan studied the map for a while, and could only sigh helplessly. There is no better road than the expressway. Others, such as national highways, are probably already comparable to dense forests! The strong corrosion ability of the root system of the mutated plant has already cracked and decomposed the cement.

After lunch, the three children were obviously much more energetic than before, even their fever subsided a bit, and they even seemed a little hyperactive because of eating bricks.

Seeing that everyone was in good condition, Luo Yuan didn't dare to delay and let the team set off again.

The collapsed place is six or seven meters high from the ground, and there are dense bushes underneath. From the top, you can also see huge pieces of concrete, rusted steel bars, and traces of broken bushes. Obviously, the collapse here did not take long .

This is not good news!

This shows that if it is not a natural cause, then the cause of the collapse may not be far away.

He glanced down, hesitated for a moment, and jumped straight down.

He has long been prepared to face danger along the way, not to mention, is there any way out at this time?

Either enter or die!

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