Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 212 Excitement

No one objected, however reluctant some might be.

People are always used to obeying the stronger one. This kind of strength includes power, wealth and the most primitive physical strength. In modern society, the latter kind is the most insignificant, completely incomparable to the former two, but in the last days, no matter what Coupled with the isolation here, the latter undoubtedly has the absolute upper hand.

And Luo Yuan possesses overwhelming power in the team, so he naturally has an unambiguous position. This is a kind of tacit understanding. Even if these soldiers who have just joined do not have the idea of ​​betrayal in their hearts, they still instinctively obey this customary rule. And even Commander Xia, the superior of these soldiers, did the same. Even because he is a soldier, he has higher obedience.

Next, set fire to deal with the prey that Luo Yuan dropped before.

After a while, the meal was ready soon, and everyone gathered together to eat in silence.

Few people spoke during the period, everyone looked tense, and the atmosphere seemed a little dignified.

Wei Xiaohu chewed a piece of plant tuber vigorously with the broth. This thing tasted good. It had an indescribable aroma when chewed, but the texture was very rough. For a soldier who counts every day, this little pain is nothing at all.

Speaking of which, he has only been in the army for half a year, which still includes a three-month recruit training period, but he has already gone through seven missions, and a few times were major battles, so he is already considered a veteran.

He joined the army as a refugee, and there are many refugees like him. Almost hundreds of thousands of refugees flood into the reconstruction area every month, except for some talents who meet the needs of the reconstruction area and old, weak, women and children who have no combat effectiveness. , Most of them were forced to enlist in the army, and he, a private company employee with a high school education who worked on the assembly line before the end of the world, was naturally not considered a talent.

Just like the assembly line in a factory, countless soldiers die every day, and countless recruits add to the team every day. Human life is just a cheap consumable in the last days. The only difference is that a product is a product. And the other is a soldier.

To be honest, he was a little lucky that the plane crashed in this forest. If it was in the reconstruction area, he might be on a combat mission again at this time. Of course, it is more likely that it has turned into the excrement of mutant beasts and turned into a military area. An insignificant fraction of the casualty figures in the staff battle damage reports.

However, danger is about to be experienced again.

He sneaked a glance at Luo Yuan, maybe he didn't even notice, his eyes were full of awe, as if he had sensed his own gaze, Luo Yuan turned his head to look at him, he quickly lowered his head , hiding his head and drinking soup, until Luo Yuan's eyes stopped paying attention to himself, he was slightly relieved, his heart was pounding, and when he realized it, he couldn't help cursing inwardly, why were he so afraid of him, and he wasn't a mutant beast.

Luo Yuan swallowed the last piece of meat, put down the bowl and chopsticks, and seeing that Luo Yuan had finished eating, everyone also subconsciously speeded up, and within a minute they all finished today's breakfast.

"Don't waste time, the sun hasn't fully risen yet, and the temperature is still not high, let's go right away!" Luo Yuan said, standing up.

Huang Jiahui looked at the children, and said softly, "Chen Jiayi and the others should stay. It's too dangerous for them to go?"

Here are only Huang Jiahui and other close women who have the courage to refute Luo Yuan's words.

Luo Yuan glanced at the three children. They dared not speak, and lowered their heads slightly, with nervous expressions on their faces. Only Deng Chao was eager to try.

Luo Yuan thought to himself: It's true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, but it's still too young and too weak. If you go there, if you don't pay attention, you will die there.

He nodded and said, "That's fine, you three can stay. Then hide in the cave and don't come out. Also remember to close the hatch."

The three of Deng Chao nodded vigorously: "Understood!"

Everyone checked the cuffs and trouser legs, tied them again carefully, and then checked the daggers, firearms and other sidearms again and again, before they were relieved.

The apocalypse has lasted for almost a year, and everyone has already become a survival expert. Things like trouser legs and cuffs are easy to be drilled by creatures and difficult to detect. They are tightly bound almost all the time, and only absolutely safe When it is time, it will be loosened for a while to allow blood circulation.

Afterwards, everyone picked up their knives and followed Luo Yuan into the forest.

The clearing and the forest are two completely different worlds. As soon as you step into this place, your vision becomes dark, as if you have entered the evening, and the air becomes cool, making you sweat all over your body.

Stepping on the soft dead leaves, a large number of strange insects and mutated creatures flew out of the dead leaves quickly, and some even crawled over the backs of their feet.

Some creatures are still colorful and frightening to watch.

Huo Dong walked at the end, holding the handle of the knife vigorously, his body was like a tight bowstring, his expression was unusually solemn, his eyes looked around over and over again, and his ears listened carefully to the movement in all directions.

He faintly felt that Boss Luo was really serious this time, and he didn't care about it at all. Because he noticed that Boss Luo was walking in the front this time, and he basically didn't look back all the way, unlike before, he usually walked in the middle.

It seems that this time he has to rely on himself. Thinking of this, he is slightly distracted.

At this time, a strong throbbing suddenly rose from his heart, and almost at the same time, a strong wind came from behind his head, his hair stood on end, and his whole body trembled.

"Here we come!" A thought flashed in his heart like lightning, and the next moment, as if instinctively, he quickly drew the knife, without even thinking about it, turned around and slashed at the back.

Drawing the knife, twisting the waist, stepping, and back-splitting, all the movements were done in one go, extremely smooth, and in an instant, a snake-shaped mutant creature about two meters long with flat wings was caught by its blade. hit the ground.

The body of this strange snake is extremely tough, the blade slashed on it, and almost only cut into a quarter, but the severe pain of the wound aroused its ferocity, as soon as it landed, its tail flicked, and its body was like a springboard I wanted to rush over again, but Huo Dong's reaction was faster.

Holding the knife in both hands, he leaned back as hard as he could, like a cheetah about to hunt and prepare to charge up, and suddenly charged forward with a stride, the blade fell down quickly as he bent down and squatted down, striking the soft ground like lightning .

Under the tremendous force, the whole strange snake was chopped into two sections immediately, and the ground was cut into a depth of thirty to forty centimeters.

Seeing that the situation was resolved, Luo Yuan, who had been gripping the handle of the knife, also let go.

This action is just to test and exercise everyone's strength, not to send them to death. Of course, Luo Yuan will not ignore it. Although he has not looked back, his perception has been paying attention to his surroundings. With his reaction, as long as it is not speed A mutated creature that is too fast can completely save a person at a critical moment.

The others also felt the movement behind them, and the team stopped quickly.

"Are you okay?" Cao Lin turned her head and asked in concern.

Huo Dong slashed a few more times, chopped off the snake's head, completely relieved the danger, and then stood up, waving his hands in a hurry: "No...it's okay!"

His face was slightly pale, but there was a hint of excitement in his expression. In his usual training, he had never flowed so smoothly like today. The series of movements just now were simply smooth and flowing, and they were all done in one go. After a burst of force, the power was fully aroused, and it was exceptionally smooth. After a few cuts, although the whole body was a little sore and limp, the heart was extremely happy, and even the tension in the heart was relieved a little.

Seeing that Huo Dong was a bit out of strength, Luo Yuan asked everyone to rest for a few minutes before moving on.

As the group got deeper and deeper into the forest, mutant creatures appeared more and more frequently in the forest. There seemed to be endless danger hidden here. The density of mutant creatures made one's scalp tingle, and most of them moved extremely fast, making their attacks hard to guard against. , are completely different from the mutated creatures in the coastal areas, but the degree of danger is even more dangerous. In just ten minutes, there have been several dangerous situations.

Except for one time, when the mutant creature attacked was too powerful, Luo Yuan had no choice but to take action, and the rest of the times were solved by everyone alone.

As the dangers were eliminated again and again, the apprehension on many people's faces gradually dissipated, replaced by a burst of excitement. They already felt that these ten days of hard training had changed their strength drastically.

And strength means that they can live longer.

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