Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 231 Return

The sky suddenly darkened!

The huge body of the strange bird, like a large transport plane, swooped down from the sky at high speed. Its momentum was like a mountain collapsed, and a typhoon of magnitude seven or eight blew up below. The sky was full of smoke and dust, as if a sandstorm had set off nearby, and it was completely invisible for hundreds of meters.

The strange bird stretched out its sharp claws like gold and iron, and quickly grabbed a huge boulder below.

Five hundred meters, three hundred meters, two hundred meters...

"It's still close!" Luo Yuan's heart was pounding, waiting for the best time, but he didn't realize that the strong wind had already blown away the fine sand covering his body, completely exposing him.

The fine sand buried above him was not deep, only a shallow layer, which could not stop such a strong wind at all.

The eyesight of birds has always been outstanding, let alone mutated birds.

The strange bird that had swooped down like a sharp arrow just now was shocked all of a sudden. It let out a terrified scream, and even its landing posture was a little deformed. The fear Luo Yuan left for it was so deep that it almost The frightened bird, seeing him lying in ambush without moving, would dare to land at this moment. It screamed and flapped its wings violently, as if to fly again.

Luo Yuan secretly thought it was not good. Judging by its strange appearance, the other party had obviously discovered him, and it was useless to hide it any longer.

Suddenly, he made a decisive decision and pressed his hand hard on the sand. Immediately, the beach seemed to explode suddenly. A vague figure flew up from the wild sand all over the sky. Just as he landed, it was like an arrow leaving the string. , and rushed towards the strange bird.

At this time, he was using all his strength, and every step of his footsteps seemed to explode. The sand under his feet splashed everywhere, leaving a deep pothole. His eyes narrowed slightly to prevent the sand from entering his eyes. Looking at the strange bird that had stopped falling and tried to soar high, his face was surprisingly calm.

For Luo Yuan, the distance of seventy or eighty meters was almost instantaneous. At the last step, he suddenly and lightly landed on a pebble more than three meters high, and the next moment, he jumped violently.

This jump used all his strength.

At this time, the strange bird flew to an altitude of 100 meters again, and with the flapping of its wings, the speed increased by one or two hundred meters per second.

And Luo Yuan's body just jumped up and jumped into the air.

He stretched his body extremely, as if he had just woken up and stretched, but only for a moment, his figure became violently blurred, and when it became clear, his body had already folded in half strangely.

The next moment he heard a loud "boom", and a short spear disappeared into his hand at a speed that could not be seen by the naked eye, leaving behind a small cloud of white sound cones nearby.

Almost at the same time that the short spear broke through the sound barrier, the strange bird let out a miserable scream.

The interval between the two sounds was less than three tenths.

Countless feathers scattered from mid-air, and the strange bird screamed and flew uncontrollably crookedly towards the distance.

After Luo Yuan landed from mid-air, he didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly chased after him. However, the strange bird kept flying low and high, as if it might fall at any time, but it didn't mean to fall for a long time.

After chasing for several kilometers, he could only stop helplessly, watching it fly farther and farther, and finally disappeared completely from sight.

With a gloomy expression on his face, he searched hard all night at great risk, and was scorched by high temperature for another morning, but he only got this result. I don't know how the strange bird was injured, but judging from its precarious posture, it was obviously injured and barely supported. At least for a short time, it shouldn't be coming back.

Of course, maybe it was unlucky, its injuries worsened, and it might die wherever it fell. Moreover, competition in the last days is cruel. A mutated bird that has suffered such serious injuries is undoubtedly the coveted target of many mutated creatures, and the real hope of surviving is not great.

Now that things have happened, he can only comfort himself and think of the best.

He touched his severely strained arm, and returned to the original place with a gloomy face. He found that the giant ape was still hiding under the beach so safely, and suddenly became angry. He wanted to beat it up and vent, but he wanted to After thinking about it, forget it.

I can't blame others for my mistakes. In the end, I can only blame myself for being too careless this time. I didn't notice at all. The sand would be blown away by the strong wind when the giant bird landed. , out of the chain.

He secretly reflected on his behavior since he stepped into the apocalypse, and found that since his strength has become stronger, he has become less and less fond of using his brain. If he can solve it with violence, he usually uses violence. He is no longer as cautious as before.

Because violence is the most straightforward method, and it is often the fastest effective method.

Just like a rich local tyrant, if you tell him to chase his girlfriend slowly, with sincerity, tenderness, and stalking, then he really doesn't have the patience, it's better to spend money directly.

Whether relying on money or relying on one's own strength, they are all dependent on some kind of power. When people get used to the omnipotence brought by this kind of power, most of them will become addicted to it.

However, once there is a problem that cannot be solved by this kind of power, it will be smashed and bloody, and even precious life will be sacrificed.

This time is undoubtedly a lesson!

He rubbed his eyebrows and stood up, stepped on the sand where the giant ape was buried, and shouted loudly: "Go back!"

Hearing Luo Yuan's voice, the sand on the ground rolled, and countless silt was overturned by a violent force. Immediately afterwards, a huge creature stood up from the smoke and dust.


When Luo Yuan approached the camp, it was almost evening.

As the giant ape approached, the giant lizard seemed to smell the smell of strange creatures breaking into its territory, and roared violently, and the giant ape also roared loudly without showing any weakness, and the two came one after another.

The loud noise like a sonic cannon shook Luo Yuan, who was sitting on the shoulder of the giant ape, to ring in his ears, and he began to hesitate, until Luo Yuan punched it hard, and the giant ape stopped.

Urged by Luo Yuan, it reluctantly dawdled and approached the camp where the monitor lizard was.

As soon as the two creatures came into contact, they immediately entered a fighting state as if they had stepped on their tails.

There can be no two tigers in the same mountain. When two evenly matched strange mutant beasts meet each other, fighting is the only ending. Moreover, unless one side shows obvious defeat, there will be basically no escape.

Naturally, Luo Yuan would not let this kind of thing happen, and quickly shouted angrily.

Hearing the familiar voice, the monitor lizard realized that the owner was sitting on the shoulder of that strange mutant beast. It froze for a moment, and was stunned for a moment. Finally, it whimpered aggrievedly, as if it found that the owner had already I found a new favorite, but couldn't hide my sadness.

As for the giant ape, it was already afraid of Luo Yuan to the bottom of its bones. After Luo Yuan shouted angrily, it had already squatted aside as calm as a cicada. What are you thinking about.

"Huh! There's such a big commotion, why no one came out." Luo Yuan looked puzzled, with some bad premonition in his heart.

PS: Two chapters tomorrow

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