Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 271: The Next Level

"The meal is here!"

"I've starved to death!"

A group of big men in chef uniforms pushed dozens of huge wooden barrels 1.5 meters high into the hall, and the crowd suddenly became commotion. However, in the reconstruction zone, discipline is everywhere, and order has long been engraved in the bones. No matter how hungry people are, they have to calm down and line up honestly.

Of course, the heavily armed soldiers nearby may have also played a deterrent effect.

Luo Yuan also stood up and lined up with the crowd.

Thousands of people were crowded into the entire hall. Even though there were dozens of wooden barrels, half an hour had passed by the time Luo Yuan and his party received the food.

Dinner is two flatbreads per person, but the portion is full, and the two add up to a pound. The flatbread was an odd green color and obviously didn't look like flour or anything.

"This is cactus cake. Judging by your appearance, you must have never eaten it before." Seeing Luo Yuan's hesitant expression, Zhao Yali said with some taste.

Luo Yuan smiled unnaturally, and asked curiously: "Cactus cake! Made of cactus?"

He had never eaten this kind of thing before. He lowered his head and took a bite, chewing slowly, and found that the texture of this kind of cake was extremely rough. When he swallowed it, his throat was scraped and it hurt a little.

With his physique, naturally there will be no phenomena such as broken skin, but the mucous membrane is far more sensitive than ordinary people, and the self-protective pain caused by the friction of hard food is nothing more than that.

"Since it is called cactus cake, of course it is made of cactus starch. Our factory often eats this kind of food, steamed, boiled, and fried. Anyway, we eat this kind of food for three meals." Mu Wenwen saw Luo Yuan With an embarrassed look, he explained something funny.

After entering the reconstruction area, the stable environment and peaceful life greatly weakened her sense of insecurity. She is much more cheerful than before, and now she can chat and laugh with everyone. Compared with the expressionless face when fleeing, he is a completely different person. Moreover, with the change of mentality, the mysterious sense of non-existence has also subsided a lot, at least the opening of the mouth no longer feels abrupt.

"Actually, what we eat is also cactus starch." Huang Jiahui explained with some embarrassment: "It's just finer."

"The price difference is seven or eight times!" Wu Xiaoxiao muttered in a low voice, secretly stunned.

You must know that ordinary cactus starch is not pure, and there is still a small amount of fiber that has not been cleaned. Although the proportion is extremely low, the huge plants that are hundreds of meters high are everywhere in the desert, and the fibers supporting their bodies are stronger than moso bamboo. It has to be several times harder, even if it has been ground into powder, it is difficult to eat. But the advantage is that it is large in quantity and cheap, and it is easy to fill. Now it has become a common staple food in the reconstruction area.

As for the fine first-grade superstarch, it needs to be processed through more than a dozen processes to completely remove the rough fibers. The taste is almost the same as that of ordinary starch, and the price is also comparable to the third-grade mutant animal meat. Even if his husband has a good income, he is usually reluctant to buy it. , As for those ordinary workers, they can't afford it at all. I didn't expect that some people would take it as their staple food.

Huang Jiahui's face was blushing, Luo Yuan was all to blame, he was used to every meal of meat in the wild, and it was still the same every day here. He has three meals a day, with meat and vegetables at every meal, and he eats too much recently, almost every day he eats five or six days' worth of ordinary people. Those thousands of dollars are a huge sum of money for ordinary people. It's only been a month, and it's almost gone.

"Luo Yuan, tell me the truth, what exactly do you do?" Wu Xiaoxiao finally couldn't help asking curiously.

"I told you a long time ago, I'm still a vagrant for the time being." Luo Yuan ate quickly, swallowed the last mouthful, took the water Huang Jiahui handed over, drank it dry, and said helplessly.

Several women secretly smiled!

"I don't believe it, it's fine if you don't want to say it." Wu Xiaoxiao curled her lips and held her breath. And the sniggering of those women deepened her judgment.

"To be honest, you don't believe it either!" Luo Yuan said.

At this time, Secretary Zheng walked into the hall, looked around, and quickly found Luo Yuan and his party through his unique soul vision. A look of surprise flashed across his face. In his unique soul vision, Luo Yuan seemed to be hanging The scorching sun radiated infinite brilliance, and just getting close to it gave him a feeling that his soul was being burned. The strength is actually several times stronger than when I saw it last time.

How long is this!

He quickly cleared up his mood, with a warm smile on his face: "Mr. Luo, I couldn't find you just now. So you are here. Mayor Wu has already arranged the room, why don't you go there now?"

Luo Yuan was taken aback, the face was given by others, but he couldn't just sit and take it, he stood up with a smile, stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, Secretary Zheng, will this be too troublesome?"

"It's our honor to be able to invite Mr. Luo, how can it be troublesome!" Secretary Zheng said quickly, shaking hands with some flattery in his heart. Although he has been in politics now, he is still an evolutionary in his bones. He has more awe and respect for power than ordinary people. fanaticism.

"Maybe there are too many of us? I wonder if we can arrange it!" Luo Yuan said at this time, with a little embarrassment on his face.

"Is it seven? Of course it's no problem!" Secretary Zheng glanced at the crowd, wanting to pat his chest and say.

To be honest, talking to such a strong person really made him a little frightened. The gap in strength was too big, and he always had the illusion that if he answered incorrectly, he would die on the spot.

It may be that the more you know, the more you are in awe, and sometimes you are not as calm as ordinary evolutionaries.

Wu Xiaoxiao and Sun Youde looked at Secretary Zheng's enthusiastic, almost flattering expression, and could hardly conceal the shock on their faces. Who the hell is this Luo Yuan? How could even the mayor be alarmed.

"Since Secretary Zheng invited you so kindly, let's go over there." Luo Yuan said.


Luo Yuan discovered that under the shelter, there is actually a lower floor.

"This floor is mainly a warehouse, which stores a lot of supplies. Such as food, drinking water, ammunition, oil, etc., and there are some spare factories! Even if the shelter is completely closed, it can survive for half a year to a year." Secretary Zheng said.

Seeing the weird expressions on everyone's faces, Secretary Zheng quickly said: "Of course the ammunition depot is far away from the residential area, and there are enough isolation facilities. Even if there is an explosion, it will not be affected, so there is no need to worry."

Hearing Secretary Zheng's explanation, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Anyone who knew that he was sleeping near the ammunition depot would be worried and unable to sleep.

"Secretary Zheng, do you know what happened outside?" Zhao Yali couldn't help asking at this time.

Luo Yuan was also a little curious, this time the incident was so big, it might not be a trivial matter, if not, Motu City would fall.

Secretary Zheng paused when he heard the words, hesitated for a long time, and then whispered: "This matter is a secret, you must not spread it, so as not to cause panic among the people!"

Everyone was stunned and nodded quickly.

"We have received news from above that a super bug swarm will pass through here. The war ahead has already begun a few days ago, but the news is very unfavorable. Once the front line falls, Motu City may be temporarily abandoned."

Luo Yuan's face was a bit serious: "That means we will stay here for a long time."

Everyone is also ugly!

"It's possible, but it's also possible to retreat to the rear cities when the situation deteriorates." Secretary Zheng said: "After all, Motu City has a population of nearly 100,000, and there are so many machines and equipment. Once they lose maintenance, they will soon rust. If it is scrapped, it should definitely not be wasted in vain.”

Although the reconstruction area has recovered a certain amount of productivity, it cannot be compared with that before the end of the world, and even some equipment cannot be produced at all. Each set has been rescued from the occupied area at the expense of huge manpower and material resources. Especially with the passage of time, the equipment in the occupied area has been gradually corroded and damaged, and it is no longer possible to search for materials and equipment as in the beginning. Now, if one is lost, one is missing.

"But the underground train has only one double track, and there are only two trucks. How could it be possible to transport so many people and machinery and equipment in a short period of time." Sun Youde said sensitively, his face pale.

He is a person who has experienced the great migration, once bitten by a snake and afraid of well ropes for ten years. He deeply knows the cruelty at the moment of life and death. Machines are given priority, talents are given priority, women and children are given priority.

At that time, countless people were cruelly abandoned, rebels were swept to death by machine guns, and countless people died on the way of migration and were eaten by wild animals. That cruel scene is often recalled in nightmares.

Although the reconstruction area is relatively safe now, when it comes to critical moments, there will always be a priority.

But when he thought about it, his status was different now, and his importance was enough to match the first migration. Sun Youde couldn't help but relax a lot!

Secretary Zheng glanced at him secretly dissatisfied, and said: "This is just my guess. The specific situation depends on the changes in the situation and the decision of the higher authorities. Even if the situation deteriorates sharply, at least the shelter is still very safe. Even if they can't all migrate, the rest People, relying on the material reserves here, can live for half a year to a year, such a long time is enough for the reconstruction area to recover the lost land."

Everyone also relaxed in their hearts. After all, no matter how bad the situation gets, it won't get any worse. At least this place is safe.

The group continued to walk for a few minutes, and then stopped near a warehouse. Secretary Zheng opened the door, and there was a room of 30 to 40 square meters inside: "This area was originally an office area, but I thought it was too big. It has been transformed into a dormitory. Mr. Luo, you will live here. Hot water and food will be delivered soon. If you need anything else, you can find me. I am in the nearby room 2033. Of course, you can also find it directly. Mayor Wu, we share a room."

"We've already..." Wu Xiaoxiao was about to say that he had already eaten, but was pulled by Huang Jiahui, and immediately understood, and quickly closed his mouth.

Huang Jiahui knew that with Luo Yuan's astonishing appetite, he was not full at all with the cactus cake before. He was going to give him the rest of the cake, but since the food would be delivered, there was no reason to refuse.

After Secretary Zheng left, a group of people walked into the room, which was decorated like a student dormitory. There were eight beds in the small space, enough to accommodate everyone. In addition, there was a bathroom inside.

Although the place is simple, but in such a narrow and overcrowded shelter, it is no longer possible to ask for too much, even a little extravagant.

"I didn't ask just now. Huo Dong said he would arrange a room. Why did you come with Secretary Zheng?" Huang Jiahui pulled Luo Yuan over and asked in a low voice.

"I want to arrange a room in the refuge. He has just arrived, and it is impossible for him to have such power. I guess the military is standing behind him this time!" Luo Yuan explained. He has been here for so long, and his name is early. He has already registered with the high-level officials in Motu City. It would be strange if no military came to win him over.

"Do you have a problem with the military?" Huang Jiahui asked doubtfully.

"Of course not, it's just that the other side is more familiar and easier to deal with." Luo Yuan smiled.

The army has a tough style, and it has penetrated into the bones to take orders as its bounden duty. Especially in today's environment, in the eyes of the military, all the people are already soldiers, and the distinction between soldiers and civilians has become extremely blurred. Once they fail to win over, under the conflict of ideas, it may be difficult to make room for change. In contrast, the government is more tactful and much easier to deal with.

To be honest, he has long been used to being free and undisciplined, and it is really difficult for him to adapt to the strict and disciplined life in the military camp. Besides, on the battlefield, no matter how powerful an individual is, it still seems insignificant. But Luo Yuan didn't expect that even if he avoided it consciously, he would still be unable to avoid the troubles he should encounter!

Less than five minutes after entering the door, there was a sudden knock on the door.

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