Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 323 Weakness

"Biometal (Doppelganger Remains)"

"Rarity: dark green."

"Weight: 6kg."

"Additional ability: energy absorption;"

"Evaluation: The doppelganger is the most powerful imitator, but also the most difficult creature. The biometal flowing inside the body can be completely immune to object attacks and certain energy attacks. Its huge size, and the terrifying survival of infinite divisions Ability also makes people helpless!"

The information from the system made Luo Yuan's face change drastically. He picked up a silver ball in disbelief, his will condensed, and a raging flame suddenly ignited in the palm of his hand. The temperature of the flame formed by the will was not high, but it was four to five hundred Celsius, as long as it is a living thing, it is enough to cause devastating damage.

However, no matter how the flame burned, the temperature of the silver ball in his hand did not change at all. He burned it for more than ten seconds, the flame dissipated, and turned into a strong chill, and the surrounding air formed ice crystals one after another. , exuding a chilly white air, and after more than ten seconds, he stopped with a solemn expression, as if a huge stone was pressed in his heart.

He found that this creature was much more terrifying than he had imagined, and it was immune to both objects and energy, which meant that most weapons were ineffective against it.

Moreover, the strong survivability of this infinite division also means that as long as any one clone escapes, the other side can survive and grow. This is an endless nightmare for the reconstruction area.

Perhaps the only solution is to use a direct nuclear attack. When the nuclear bomb exploded, the millions and tens of millions of high temperatures generated in the center were enough to evaporate any substance, no matter how tenacious this kind of biological vitality was, it would evaporate invisibly in an instant.

However, it is only three to four hundred kilometers away from Hope City, and the nearest city is even less than twenty kilometers away. Not to mention the radiation generated when the nuclear bomb exploded, just because of the closed environment here, once a violent explosion occurs, this place has just been stable. I am afraid that the stratigraphic plate will re-displace, causing another major earthquake, and it is unknown how many people will be killed or injured.

Moreover, it was too late to migrate. The shapeshifter was eagerly trying to get out of the predicament. With the speed of the shapeshifter splitting into a clone every minute, facing such an enemy, Luo Yuan was like a car, and he couldn't hold back for long.

After all, his will is limited. With the previous consumption rate, he can only deal with a hundred or so clones at most, so he has to evacuate.

Luo Yuan held the silver ball, frowning.

At this time, more than a dozen doppelgängers were already running towards him in all directions.

Luo Yuan became more and more anxious, looking at the smart terminal on his wrist, hesitating, he just joined the sword department today, and he hasn't even officially joined the job yet, the file is blank, although the sword team in Hope City has established a certain Prestige, but those people are just ordinary members, and they speak lightly. Even if the situation here is described as severe, I am afraid that the higher authorities will not immediately pay attention to it.

After all, this matter is of great importance, involving strategic forces and a large number of casualties, it is simply not something that can be decided with a snap of the head.

Moreover, even if action is taken immediately, it will be too late.

The doppelganger will form a new clone every minute. By the time the nuclear bomb is dropped, tens of thousands of doppelgangers may have already escaped from the abyss and spread all over the reconstruction area. Thinking of this terrible scene, Luo Yuan's forehead is sweating coldly.

Don't look at him beheading a clone easily with his will, but for ordinary soldiers and even most evolutionaries, this kind of creature that is not afraid of any harm has no solution at all, and it will be a devastating catastrophe , China will enter a bone-chilling winter.

"The shapeshifter can't be so strong, it must have a weakness!" Luo Yuan rubbed his face vigorously, trying to calm down, making the last effort.

"The shapeshifter is a fluid creature, what is the fluid most afraid of?"

"High temperature, freezing." Luo Yuan's heart moved, and he quickly rejected it. He did not have the ability to create ultra-high temperature and ultra-low temperature.

More than a dozen clones arrived one after another at this time, but before they got close, they were killed by the restless Luo Yuan's lightning. Seeing the silver ball rolling to the ground, Luo Yuan's eyes gradually lit up.

"No, this is not a real fluid. It has basic structural units. Although it can flow and transform at will, once the individual is smaller than this structural unit, it loses its activity and dies completely."

"The most important thing is how to separate it perfectly? The biometal of the shapeshifter has strong adhesiveness, and it is useless to cut it with ordinary objects."

At this moment, he was suddenly blessed, and a brilliant idea flashed across his mind like lightning.

"The ground tramples! What else is more suitable for killing this fluid creature than the ground tramples!"

Although this still needs experimentation, most of the haze in Luo Yuan's heart has dissipated.

Day after day, he used his will to refine his physical body, and now every inch of tissue and even every cell in his body has been deeply imprinted with will, and the messy information of the cells has been thoroughly integrated and bundled by the main consciousness, almost reaching Control freely, the point where the heart moves at will.

With just a thought, Luo Yuan's heartbeat quickly matched the fluctuations of the earth, and in less than a second, he had completely entered the state of the earth's pulse.

A thick and majestic force continuously rose from the soles of his feet and spread throughout his body. The emotion in his eyes gradually disappeared, becoming indifferent and cold.

At the same time, an indescribable coercion radiated to the surroundings, and the air seemed to become restless.

He raised his head and looked forward. In the distance, perhaps the doppelganger sensed the crisis. Countless dense clones were rushing towards this side from all directions, and the number was more than a thousand.

Luo Yuan withdrew his gaze, and suddenly moved. With just one step, he passed hundreds of meters away. Although there were so many clones of the doppelganger, they covered almost every inch of the place, but at such a speed, these clones could not be captured at all. After leaving them behind, after more than ten seconds, he had already returned to the edge of the silver lake.

The silver lake suddenly became agitated. There was no wind, and the waves were set off, turning into countless vortices, which were born out of thin air. At the bottom of the vortex, a large number of clones were rapidly disintegrating.

Facing the reaction of the shapeshifter, Luo Yuan remained unmoved at all, just waited quietly, even if a clone of the shapeshifter approached, he would not attack but just dodge.

The doppelgänger avatars that had been left behind before had begun to return, and there were more avatars that were exploring around, gathering in this direction.

With the passage of time, the doppelgänger clones quickly became densely packed, stretching for several square kilometers, looking almost overwhelming, as if an army was approaching, with almost no place to stand.

Even Luo Yuan had to levitate in mid-air to avoid the endless attacks, watching the countless avatars stretch their teeth and claws, jumping non-stop.

Even with Luo Yuan's absolutely calm state at this time, he couldn't help but feel a little fortunate that this shapeshifter has been staying underground in the rare trace of life, which has caused its potential to be far from being realized. Not to mention those high-level mutant beasts, even if it only caught the lowest-level flying birds or flying insects, it was absolutely impossible for him to be so relaxed at this time.

"Run, get out of here, this is not something you can handle." The huge movement here finally made Wu Qianru notice Luo Yuan. In time."

Luo Yuan glanced at Wu Qianru indifferently, then withdrew his gaze.

Seeing that Luo Yuan ignored him, Wu Qianru couldn't help being anxious: "You don't know what you are facing at all. You will not only harm yourself, but also the reconstruction zone."

She has seen Luo Yuan's watch and knows his identity, but no matter how crazy she is in her heart, does she think that the other party can deal with this terrifying giant? This creature is so powerful that it almost surpasses human understanding of life , almost has the power to be able to peak the world.

"Shut up!" Luo Yuan snorted lightly.

Immediately, his figure moved, found a gap, and landed on the ground. As soon as he landed, the nearby clone, like a wild dog smelling the smell of meat, rushed towards this side with bared teeth and claws.

Luo Yuan's saber unsheathed in an instant, and with a slash like lightning, the nearby shapeshifter's body paused, and the next moment it was cut in two.

Taking advantage of this gap, Luo Yuan struggled to lift his right leg, his face was flushed, the veins in his neck flowed like earthworms, it seemed that what he lifted was not only his right leg, but also the ground under his feet, a terrifying force was slowly Brewing.

The next moment, his feet hit the ground instantly.


Since both perception and strength have been improved a bit, his ground trampling has been upgraded to level five, and the power is even more amazing at this time.

Hearing a loud noise like thunder, the earth seemed to return to chaos, and the sky collapsed in an instant, and the countless shapeshifter clones nearby were instantly scattered.

The nearby lakeshore is even more like a pot of oil that burst after being poured into water. The originally flowing silver liquid shot out countless silver solid balls, like celestial maidens scattered flowers. activity.

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