Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 328 Superconductor

Fang Qianru opened the door of the house, and just after changing her shoes, the door of the guest room opened.

"Cousin, you're back from a mission!" A woman with a little heroism between her eyebrows said happily. She didn't look very old, about eighteen or nineteen years old, wearing a thin nightgown, and there were still traces of scars on her face. She was blushing from exhaustion, and looked delicate and naive.

If Luo Yuan were here, he would recognize that this woman was not someone else, but Wen Yujie who missed in Motu City.

She was lucky, as soon as the last train arrived in Hope City, there was a strong earthquake, and the entire area where Motu City was located was razed to the ground, and she missed the god of death. It just so happened that my cousin lived here, but she didn't go to the refugee camp organized by the government.

"Why haven't you slept so late?" Fang Qianru said, looking a little tired.

"If you don't come, you won't be able to sleep!" Wen Yujie said.

"Are you still thinking about Motu City?" Fang Qianru asked worriedly.

"No, this is a natural disaster and fate. At least some people are still alive." Wen Yujie sighed and didn't want to talk about it. People born in the last days must learn to be strong, otherwise she would have collapsed long ago.

"Whose piece of clothing is this in your hand?" She noticed the clothes on her cousin's hand at this time. It was a set of combat uniforms at a glance, but to her surprise, it was obviously a combat uniform. A set of men's combat uniform.

Noticing Wen Yujie's eyes, Fang Qianru's eyes were slightly flustered, and she pretended not to care and threw it on the sofa: "I picked it up on the road, and I don't know whose it is? But it's a pity to throw it away, so I picked it up."

Wen Yujie looked at Fang Qianru suspiciously. She knew that her cousin had a good family since she was a child, and her aunt was a doctor, so she also had some cleanliness. With her personality, she wouldn't pick up any worn-out clothes at all, it was too weird, she rolled her eyes: "It's just right, the rag is a bit rotten! I'll go and cut him off."

Before she reached the sofa, Fang Qianru took the clothes back into her hands, and said with an unnatural expression: "Oh, such a good dress, it needs to be cut to pieces. A combat uniform needs 20 catties of food stamps. I want a rag , in my closet, just find an old piece of clothing."

"You're not a rag, do you want to wear it yourself when you take it back?" Wen Yujie said, "Or do you want to wash the clothes and return them to the people who lost them?"

"Wen Yujie, are you finished?" Fang Qianru blushed, knowing that she had been tricked by this little girl, she became angry from embarrassment, "I don't want to go to the house for three days, right? Let's see how I deal with you."

As he spoke, he rushed towards Wen Yujie, and the two chased after each other until Wen Yujie begged for mercy.

Wen Yujie quarreled for a while, seeing that her cousin was tight-lipped and couldn't open her mouth no matter what, she felt drowsy, so she went back to her bedroom, but before falling asleep, Fang Qianru quietly entered the room and slipped into the bed , whispered: "Do you really want to know? Don't go to sleep, we sisters have a private conversation tonight?"

Wen Yujie laughed to herself, and said in a muffled voice, "I'm so sleepy, please speak quickly."

Seeing that Wen Yujie was silent and didn't care, she covered her hot face: "Do you believe in love at first sight?"

"Did you meet a little boy, such a person is the most unreliable, be careful of being deceived." Wen Yujie found out that her cousin was really stuck, and said worriedly.

"He's not a pretty guy, of course he's also very fair!" Fang Qianru quickly retorted, and after a moment of silence, she said softly: "I didn't want to say it, but if it wasn't for him, you might not see me today."

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little scared, the situation at that time was really terrible, it was Luo Yuan who pulled her out of hell.

"Ah!" Wen Yujie was startled: "What happened, so dangerous?"

"This time the information went wrong. I thought it was an ordinary task, but unexpectedly, I encountered a terrifying creature beyond imagination. The vice-captain was dead, and I was trapped in it. I could only wait to die. He saved me."

Wen Yujie felt Fang Qianru's body tremble slightly, obviously the danger this time was not as light as she said.

"That dress belongs to him too?" Wen Yujie said sharply.

"En!" Fang Qianru nodded lightly in the dark, her face flushed, and she said with a nympho: "What do you say, I seem to have fallen, and he is so handsome, he speaks so softly, and his eyes are like It’s like magic, clear and bright, when I see him, my heart seems to jump out.”

Wen Yujie was secretly anxious. The cousin looked like she was ready to throw herself into her arms all the time. If she met someone unkind, she might be sold and she would have to count the money. She hurriedly said: "Do you understand his situation? What if he has a family? What should I do?"

"It's not clear, he is a colleague who just came here, and I just met today." Fang Qianru said a little distressed, at this moment she suddenly remembered something, and exclaimed: "Oh, yes, I asked before I came, it seems It’s from your Motu City, maybe you know it.”

Wen Yujie was taken aback for a moment, then her expression froze. She had a faint bad feeling: "He... what's his name?"

"Luo Yuan, his name is Luo Yuan, do you recognize him?" Fang Qianru asked expectantly.

"Luo Yuan!" Wen Yujie chewed these two words repeatedly, feeling dazed.

"Do you know it? Motu City is so small, you must have heard of it!" Fang Qianru asked.

"I know!" Wen Yujie said sullenly.

Fang Qianru exclaimed, and sat up quickly. She was so excited that she didn't notice the strange and deep voice of her cousin: "You really know him, tell me quickly, what kind of person is he?"

"I've only met a few times from a distance, and I don't know him very well, and I have nothing to say. I'm going to bed." Wen Yujie turned around and said.

"Oh, hurry up! Anyway, you're fine these few days." Fang Qianru urged.

But no matter how Fang Qianru urged, Wen Yujie still didn't say a word.


Early the next morning, Luo Yuan walked all the way to the headquarters of the Sword Team after breakfast.

The guard at the gate immediately saluted him as soon as he saw him, and let him pass without even checking his credentials.

Yesterday, Luo Yuan's miraculous flight in mid-air was still shocking to these two ordinary guards.

Luo Yuan nodded lightly, met the excited and awe-inspiring eyes of the guards, and walked slowly into the manor.

Because Luo Yuan got up early and there were not many people in the office hall, he took a sip of the tea offered by the support staff, then picked up a newspaper from the table, and flipped through it at a glance.

At this time, it was not yet six o'clock, and the sky was still dawning. The cool and peaceful morning made people feel calm. In this atmosphere, the hesitation and uneasiness yesterday due to the change of four-dimensional vision gradually dissipated, and my heart became peaceful again.

In the last days, being able to steal half a day of leisure, sitting in this secluded manor, drinking tea quietly, is already earned. As for life and death, everything is left to fate.

Moreover, this situation is not unsolvable. The reason why four-dimensional vision affects him is that the brain cannot accept information from four dimensions. Starting from this aspect, he has thought of several solutions, such as improving wisdom. If wisdom can be improved , with the strengthening of thinking ability, the influence from four-dimensional information will be greatly weakened.

Another example is to improve the will, and the will can also resist this erosion to a certain extent. Since the will has been improved, the influence of the four-dimensionalization on him has been much weaker. When the four-dimensionalization is only one percent, even if you take it off The straps also have limited impact on him. However, whether it is improving wisdom or improving will, these are equivalent to damming the river and cannot be solved from the root cause.

If you want to solve it from the root cause, Luo Yuan guesses that the whole brain must be four-dimensional, and even become a four-dimensional creature, but all this is just a crazy delusion, except for some people who are as talented as Xu Zhiqiang, otherwise they want to become four-dimensional beings. , Difficult as reaching the sky is not enough to describe what happened.

That is a leap in the level of life, a change in nature, and it is almost impossible without encountering a miracle.

But look up at the sky and look down at the road. Compared with that kind of crazy delusion, the improvement of wisdom and will is practical. The willpower at 16 points is strong enough to take it easy, but wisdom, for him whose main attributes are above 15 points, the wisdom at 14 points is indeed a bit low, and it has seriously affected the display of strength .

Thinking of this, Luo Yuan couldn't help regretting that he shouldn't have destroyed that tree of wisdom. A blue-level wisdom tree can increase his wisdom to 14 points, so a green-level tree can definitely improve his wisdom even more.

Although the system can also improve attributes, no one would want too much of such a precious thing.

Fortunately, there is not only one tree of this kind. It is closely related to the birth of intelligent races. Behind every intelligent race, there is a high probability of having such a tree of wisdom. This means that as long as intelligent creatures are found, there will be It means that this magical tree can be found.

Luo Yuan's eyes lit up slightly, and he couldn't help but feel a little lucky to join the Sword Team.

Compared with looking around in the wild alone like a headless chicken, it is relatively easier to use the power and intelligence system of the country.

An intelligent race is not a single mutated creature. Since it is a race, it must have a large number and a certain social organization. As long as it develops to a certain level, it will expand outward, and as long as it conflicts with the reconstruction area, it will definitely stay. Under the clues.

After a cup of clear tea bottomed out, members of the Sword Team appeared one after another.

"Brother Luo, what you gave me last night really hurt me. It made me wake up in the middle of the night to go to the military factory to talk and drink tea. I didn't come back until two or three o'clock." He yelled from a distance, with an aggrieved expression on his face.

Luo Yuan chuckled, he had already expected it in his heart: "Who told you to be so active, you can also do it during the day."

"How dare I refuse to do what you ordered, but it is really a good thing. This is a real room temperature superconductor, and the superconductivity is as high as more than 300 degrees, which is simply beyond imagination. This is still a preliminary test. For this The higher-ups were alarmed, and the No. 1 chief personally intervened. It is estimated that someone will come to find out the situation today." Li Dong said excitedly.

"Normal temperature superconductor!" Luo Yuan was also a little surprised.

The concept of room-temperature superconductors has been rotten before the end of the world. Even an illiterate person can tell a thing or two and get a general idea. But in fact, room-temperature superconductors have always been the key superconductors in materials science. It is still unattainable. Even in the most authoritative laboratory in the superconducting field before the end of the world, the superconducting temperature is not higher than minus 50 degrees, and the word normal temperature is far away.

And the superconducting temperature of this shapeshifter's corpse is as high as more than 300 degrees, which means that below 300 degrees is in the superconducting range. This is a miracle, and it can almost set off an energy revolution. No wonder.

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