Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 360 Guest House

In the original meeting room, after Luo Yuan left, the meeting was adjourned for an hour, and the meeting was held again. The international policy analysis experts who have declined since then, but they used to analyze the relations between countries in the world, but now they have become humans and aliens.

The video of Luo Yuan's speech just now was played in a loop on the big screen. Everyone watched it over and over again. The meeting room was completely silent and the atmosphere was oppressive.

Chief No. 2 sat on the rostrum and picked up a thin draft drafted hastily by a think tank composed of several professional scholars from all walks of life. He felt powerful. He was silent for a moment and said: "The first Question, how much truth is there in what Major General Luo said?"

As a country, it naturally has its own will, and it is impossible for Luo Yuan to believe what Luo Yuan says, not to mention such a big event, every decision can directly affect the future of mankind, and it needs to be cautious.

"It's impossible to judge. At least until now, no valid evidence has been found. There is no relevant news about the other remaining human civilization bases. Of course, we can't rule out possible clues, which have been ignored by us."

"Major General Luo doesn't have any flustered expressions, his eyes are calm, his breathing is smooth, and there is no disorder..."


"No motive for lying was found, and no glaring gaps were found through the level of detail described."

"I have a file of him here, and the evaluation of his character on it is: loose personality (refused to join the army), but also has a certain sense of responsibility, proud and conceited and polite. The safety evaluation level is: relatively safe.

Personal ideological status: have a certain patriotic tendency, be able to obey organizational discipline, and recognize the leaders of the reconstruction area. The organization's evaluation is: it can be won.

Daily life: corrupt private life, lustful, living with many women while maintaining ambiguity with several women, has obvious personality flaws.

At least according to the archives, the general aspect is good, except for personal style, I don't see any problems. "

"Second question, if extraterrestrial civilization really exists, what is its purpose, and... the relationship with the changes in animals and plants over the years?" Elder No. 2 rubbed his temples and said in a deep voice.


At this time, Luo Yuan and Chen Xinjie had arrived at the only hotel in Xinjing City that was open and also the only residence for government officials who came to Beijing to report on their duties - Xinjing City Guest House.

"Actually, you can go back a long time ago. It's not too late. Take the train and you'll be there right away. It's none of your business. If someone mentions it, I can tell you about it." Luo Yuan opened the room and said, not knowing Whether it was the room being tight or some other reason, the clerk booked only one room.

Although there is not only one bed in it, it is really inappropriate for a man and a widow to live in the same room. One must know that at her age, she probably already has a family.

"It's not a good influence, I'll go to the bathroom." Chen Xinjie shook her head lightly, and said softly, her expression was complicated, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

She turned around and walked slowly into the bathroom, her round buttocks swayed gently, the two of them were alone, and in an ambiguous place like the bedroom, it really couldn't help but make people think about it, Luo Yuan glanced at it, then quickly looked back, I blamed myself secretly in my heart. When I came here before, my heart was still heavy, and when I turned my head, my mind was wandering. It really shouldn't be.

At this time, the sound of taking a bath came from inside. Luo Yuan thought for a while, and was about to go for a walk in the corridor to take a breath. Just as he was about to open the door, Chen Xinjie's voice came from the bathroom.

"Vice-captain, please hand me the bag!"

"Okay!" Luo Yuan took a look, looked for it, and found that her bag was thrown on the bed just now. The fabric of the bag is the same material as the combat uniform. It was obviously sewed by herself, but the workmanship is fine, and there are fine mahogany embellishments , it seems to have a pre-apocalyptic fashion style.

Luo Yuan picked up the bag and walked to the door of the bathroom. The door was slightly opened, and soon a white and tender arm stretched out, covered with soap foam. Unfortunately, unlike before the end of the world, the bathroom doors are all glass doors. A thick wooden door blocked all coveted sights, even if Luo Yuan's eyesight was a hundred times stronger, he still couldn't see the figures inside clearly.

What are you thinking? Luo Yuan shook his head, quickly shook off the sudden boring thought, and handed the bag over.

Ever since his physique and strength skyrocketed, he felt like he couldn't control his desires. Normally, as long as a few women in the family seduced him a little, his anger would skyrocket. Every day was almost wasted. Fortunately, there were many women in Luo Yuan , but I can share it.

He also knows that this is a normal reaction. He is physically strong, full of energy and blood, and his hormone secretion is naturally several times stronger than that of ordinary people. His desire is far higher than that of ordinary people. Before his physique was only fourteen points, with his will, he can naturally control it firmly. Hold yourself, and now it has skyrocketed to seventeen points, which is a little stronger than the sixteen point will (naked attribute, excluding the influence of the ghost locust heart), and the will already seems a bit shaky.

In the final analysis, it is due to the imbalance of attributes, because the imbalance is not serious, and it has little impact, it is just that the anger is a little bit higher at ordinary times.

Luo Yuan didn't dare to stay here any longer. After going out, he walked to the service counter in the lobby, and asked the little girl inside to get a pack of cigarettes. After paying, she took out one and lit it. With the irritating smoke circulating in his lungs, Luo Yuan My mind gradually settled down.

After going back this time, I can no longer take one step at a time as before. Now the situation is critical, and the reconstruction area is likely to become unsafe. Maybe the reconstruction area will be in danger of overturning in the next moment. Once there is a drastic change...

He must have stronger strength!

Maybe he can't save everyone, but at least he must save those around him.

Right now, there are still a few attribute points that have not been added. Of course, he already has a place to go for this attribute point, but he has not had a stable time before to adapt to the rapidly increasing attributes. After returning this time, he must add it.

At that time, except for the eighth-level mutant beast, there will be no existence that can threaten him. As for the extraterrestrial civilization... If it is just the intelligent robot he saw last time, he will not be afraid, but the most fearful thing is that it will be a range attack when it appears.

A cigarette burned out quickly, and Luo Yuan lit another one. This kind of post-apocalyptic cigarette is very powerful and has a certain degree of toxicity, but Luo Yuan's inhuman physique has no effect at all.

Feeling depressed, he smoked half a pack in a row, looked at the time and an hour had passed, thinking that Chen Xinjie had finished taking a bath, so under the curious eyes of the little girl at the service desk, he took the cigarette butt with the remaining cigarette case and threw it into the trash can .

The room Luo Yuan walked into again, Chen Xinjie was not there, the bathroom door was open, but there was no one in it, Luo Yuan was not too worried, now is the end of the world, and the law is heavy in troubled times, here is the Xinjing Guest House again, and the people who come and go are Senior civil servants can't think of anything going wrong.

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