Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 363 Response to the Reconstruction Area

Luo Yuan returned to the guest house in a daze, and fell asleep after dinner.

For the next two days, there was no news. The accidental explosion of the controllable nuclear fusion power plant was obviously blocked, and Luo Yuanxin gradually calmed down and stopped thinking wildly. No matter how difficult the situation is, life still needs to go on.

With the emergence of the end times, no matter how weak a person can learn to be strong, he has already adapted to this depression.


In the past two days, Chen Xinjie seemed to be a different person, her face was much cooler, and she deliberately kept a distance from him when she said and did things, especially when she fell asleep at night, she slept with her clothes on and wrapped herself up tightly, even Even if it's washing up, Luo Yuan didn't have to sleep until Luo Yuan started snoring, then he got up and walked quietly into the bathroom, just like guarding against a wolf.

Such a move made Luo Yuan's previous judgment shaken a little.

But I don't know why, the more Chen Xinjie is like this, the more Luo Yuan is ready to move, especially when he thinks of that pretty face that seems inviolable, and thinks of the delicate and weak peach blossoms a few days ago, this time seems to be still vivid in his memory, He was itchy.

Coupled with the ubiquitous oppressive atmosphere these days, Luo Yuan's heart is ready to move!

After staying up for two days pretending to be serious, that night, when Chen Xinjie came back from washing in the bathroom, Luo Yuan suddenly opened his eyes, lifted the quilt, and touched Chen Xinjie's bed again. After a weak and silent struggle, the other party soon fell asleep. Already limp...

Afterwards, Luo Yuan stared blankly at the ceiling again, beside him was Chen Xinjie who was motionless with his back turned.

This time even he was a little confused. Looking at the silent Chen Xinjie, he felt a little guilty. This time, Chen Xinjie didn't seduce him, and not only didn't he, but he was very guarded against him. Could it be that his previous suspicion was wrong?


This set of action plans carefully planned by several psychologists and experts in human behavior to target Luo Yuan's weaknesses is naturally not without follow-up, but a series of plans. The ultimate goal is to let Chen Xinjie truly enter Luo Yuan's heart and have A certain status, rather than just coming and going as soon as you are called, and cheap sex, let alone make Luo Yuan lose his sense of freshness once or twice.

The reason why psychology and ethology are miraculous is that it targets the weakness of human nature. As long as there is desire, no matter how strong the wisdom is, it is inevitable that you will be tricked. Before the end of the world, those methods are not worth mentioning. How many business tycoons and high-ranking officials and dignitaries who call themselves elites are deeply trapped in it, and it is impossible to see through it.

For Chen Xinjie, who is relatively conservative, the previous seduction scenes are naturally not round and flawless, and it is difficult to distinguish between true and false. Yes, it's a completely true performance, even if Luo Yuan thinks about it carefully, he can't see any flaws.

At this time, Luo Yuan, who was lying on the bed and still in the middle of the game, recalled the excitement of having an affair just now, and the wonderful feeling of Chen Xinjie's sad face on the bed, but he wanted to refuse, and his heart was turbulent again, and his eyes subconsciously Glancing at her, Chen Xinjie showed her charming curves because she turned her back...

After a while, there was an exclamation in the room!


Early the next morning, Chen Xinjie tidied up the room silently, secretly watching Luo Yuan who was reading the newspaper. She sighed in her heart!

In the sword department, Luo Yuan, who is so majestic and intimidating, is quite easy-going in private, coupled with his handsome face, perfect figure, and mysterious strong temperament on his body. When she gets along with each other day and night, she feels like she has fallen.

It's a pity that this relationship is not pure after all, since she took over the task, the beautiful relationship has become a fantasy for her.

But in order to rebuild the stability of the area and win over this powerful evolutionary, personal feelings are nothing.

At this time, she was awakened by the silent knock on the door outside. She quickly put down her clothes and opened the door. Outside was the waiter of the guest house: "Why is there another newspaper?"

"This is today's special issue."

After Chen Xinjie took it, she glanced at the title and let out an exclamation.

"What is written on it?" Luo Yuan's voice came from behind.

"Come and take a look." Chen Xinjie quickly handed over the newspaper with a shocked expression on her face.

After Luo Yuan took it, he glanced at it: "The controllable nuclear fusion laboratory exploded recently."

"On December 5, 2015, the controllable nuclear fusion laboratory located on the outskirts of Xinjing exploded due to improper operation. Three academicians and more than a dozen senior researchers were killed in the explosion. The total number of deaths including management personnel exceeded Hundreds of people, because a large amount of data is destroyed at the same time, the research on controlled nuclear fusion will be interrupted, and the reconstruction work will be indefinitely.

It is reported that……"

Luo Yuan turned over a few more pages, almost all of which were talking about this incident, details of various investigations, various accountability, and various inferences about the explosion.

Because he already knew about this incident, he managed to maintain his composure. He was not as shocked as Chen Xinjie. As he looked at it carefully, he became more and more puzzled. This was not the style of newspapers in the reconstruction area at all.

Since the last days, human beings have struggled to survive, and wars with mutant beasts have occurred almost every moment. Even the civilians in the rear have to undertake unimaginably heavy work. The anxiety and depression in their hearts have been accumulated in their hearts. In order to motivate the people , to boost morale, newspapers, as today's propaganda center, have always reported good news but not bad news. Even for such a major event, with a consistent style, it is natural to block information, and then use another news to re-inspire people, so that its heat naturally cools down until Over time, people will gradually ignore it.

It's really strange to have such a different style nowadays.

But after thinking about it for a while, Luo Yuan already had the answer.

"Could it be that this incident was really done by an extraterrestrial civilization, in order to confuse people's attention, that's why this newspaper with a very different style, it seems that what was found at the explosion site in the reconstruction area?

There should be more than one copy of such important technical information on controllable nuclear fusion. Everything is for extraterrestrial civilizations to show their weakness, and then transfer the research to a safer position and develop it secretly again. "

He felt relieved, but he didn't know whether such a strategy would be effective, but he thought that extraterrestrial civilizations were not gods, so it was impossible to know everything.


When it was noon, the staff notified the two that they could go back, which further strengthened Luo Yuan's judgment. Apparently, the reconstruction area had actually believed his report.

Somehow the house arrest is finally over, and Luo Yuan doesn't want to stay in this oppressive Xinjing for a day.

At four o'clock in the afternoon that day, the two got off from the train station and returned to Hope City.

After bidding farewell to Chen Xinjie, Luo Yuan didn't go to the sword department, but returned home directly. The home that had become cold after Luo Yuan left suddenly became lively again. These days, Luo Yuan called home every day. The woman was not worried because of his sudden departure, but it was always inevitable to worry about her.

Looking at the undisguised joy on their faces, Luo Yuan felt a little ashamed. Except for the usual phone calls these days, he basically never thought of them, and he did the thing of stealing money behind their backs. Not a lot.


In the middle of the night, feeling tired, Huang Jiahui had already fallen into a deep sleep. Luo Yuan opened his eyes, opened the attribute panel, and added the attribute points left over from the last upgrade to agility. The number 15 next to agility was blurred. became sixteen.

Accompanied by a rush of usual heat, a familiar sense of alienation from the world reappeared, Huang Jiahui's breathing became slow and long, and the ticking of the clock on the wall seemed to slow down.

He lifted the quilt lightly, time seemed to slow down, and it took a long time before the horns of the back slowly fell under the gravitational force.

Afterwards, he stood on the ground with both feet, and he didn't dare to use any force, lest he could not control the force due to his original habits and cause Huang Jiahui's accidental injury. He walked slowly, feeling that his body seemed to become as light as nothing, as long as he exerted a little force, can fly.

Of course, this is just an illusion. Unless you use your will, you can't break free from the gravity of the earth no matter how powerful you are with your physical strength alone.

He closed the bedroom and walked out of the house quietly. With the lesson from last time, he dare not try here.

Although it is still late at night, the ground of Hope City is still very noisy, and the factories are brightly lit. Most of the factories on the ground are heavy industries with serious pollution. Some heavy machine tools weighing dozens or even hundreds of tons roar. It was deafening in the middle of the night.

However, this sound, to Luo Yuan's ears, was extremely weird, like a tape recorder, which sounded a little distorted.

The agility at 16 o'clock is already 11.4 times that of ordinary people. For ordinary people, one second can be divided into 11.4 seconds in his eyes.

If necessary, he can brush his teeth in five seconds and wash his face in one second. It may take longer to eat a meal, but it doesn't take thirty seconds.

There is a huge time gap, compared with ordinary people, it is almost like a life in a different time dimension, but he still lives in the world of ordinary people, and he can only try to adapt to the slow rhythm of ordinary people. Once stronger, this adaptation also began to become more and more difficult and painful.

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