Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 416 Genetic Modification Project

Luo Yuan's order was carried out very well, and everyone in the laboratory put down their work and hurriedly moved all the materials in the archive room to Luo Yuan's office.

Although many researchers were negative and full of dissatisfaction, no one dared to turn a deaf ear to his orders when the new official took office.

What's more, this person is also the deputy director of the sword department, the strongest supernatural creature in the reconstruction area, as a biological laboratory that is likely to arouse the resentment of evolutionists to study superpower genes, no one does not think about it.

Researchers are indeed valuable to the reconstruction area, but they have to be compared with others. Perhaps ordinary evolutionists are just research objects in their eyes, but this does not include the deputy director of the sword department. Although they didn't know much about it, judging from this abnormal executive order, allowing an outsider to take over the national key genetic laboratory and let him mess around, its importance can already be seen.

Luo Yuan's office is not too small, about 50 square meters, but after all the materials have been moved into the office, the office is still tightly blocked, making it almost impossible to settle down.

Luo Yuan thanked lightly, and closed the office door after everyone left.

He doesn't care if these people are secretly dissatisfied. The field of scientific research also has its own circle, which is closed and exclusive.

A layman without any qualifications and achievements leads the entire laboratory through administrative orders. No matter how courteous he is, no one will be satisfied. In this case, it is better to direct high-pressure orders, as long as he does not disturb him.

After pouring himself a cup of tea, next, he began to flip through these mountains of materials.

With a wisdom of up to fifteen points, he can see ten lines at a glance, and his photographic memory makes him extremely efficient.

However, most of the information was useless to Luo Yuan at all, and he was thrown away after a few glances, such as the newly discovered gene cutting method in a certain paper, or a group of genes of a certain virus induced mutations, which made the infection Sex disappears.

Through these materials and papers, Luo Yuan found that the genetic research in the reconstruction area has not made breakthroughs compared with the end of the world. The research direction is still similar to finding a needle in a haystack. Everything depends on luck, and it is impossible to directly edit genes.

For Luo Yuan, who can already directly observe and fine-tune, this method of searching for specific enzymes to cut gene fragments, and then transporting them into recipient cells through circular DNA is really time-consuming, laborious, and pitifully inefficient. , It's almost like entering the stone age.

As long as he wants, he can instantly change any cell or virus gene into something beyond recognition.

Of course, not all the information is useless. The knowledge accumulated in human genetics, as well as the judgment of some genome functions, have been relatively clear. Human beings have a total of 3 billion bases, of which 98% are invalid DNA fragments, and the remaining 2% have a total of about 30,000 genomes, and among these 30,000 genomes, the reconstructed area has now determined the function to occupy 50%. This saved Luo Yuan a lot of time to screen them one by one.

Otherwise, relying on Luo Yuan to work behind closed doors, it would be a huge project even for him to clarify the role of these base pairs.

Of course, these genomes with defined functions are not completely accurate. The backwardness of observation and operation precision, as well as the lack of control experiments, make this judgment seem rather vague, full of uncertainties, and only roughly certain.

And through the data, Luo Yuan found that those 98% invalid DNA fragments are not useless, and some evolutionary gene mutations come from these regions that are invalid for ordinary people, and he needs to verify them one by one.

However, human cloning has already been perfected. Through the formulated nutrient solution rich in active energy, an artificial embryo can grow into a baby within ten days, and grow into a three-year-old in one month. Education and training, the IQ and physique of the cloned human beings are no different from that of ordinary humans. Even because they have been exposed to active energy since childhood, the quality of the cloned human beings faintly exceeds that of a normal fetus in October.

When it was almost noon, Luo Yuan glanced at the last stack of materials, threw it aside, and stood up.

He went out and knocked on the door of Professor Fei's office next to him.

"Call all the staff to the human cloning training area."

Professor Fei didn't dare to neglect, so he hurried over to inform. A few minutes later, more than 200 people from the entire laboratory came to the training area in a mighty manner. Only then did Luo Yuan realize that so many people are really needed here.

The entire training area is extremely huge, with a vast space, covering an area of ​​nearly tens of thousands of square meters. The entire area is densely packed with training cabins, and there are almost more than 30,000 at a glance.

These training cabins are not empty, most of them are floating fetuses, and some are just embryos.

Looking at these floating fetuses, sometimes twitching and wriggling, if it were an ordinary person who came in, I'm afraid the hairs stood on end with fright.

Seeing that Luo Yuan was in a daze, Professor Fei was worried that he might have misunderstood, and quickly explained beside him: "Minister Luo, this is not some experimental material, our researchers have a conscience, even if we want to use it, we don't need so much, right?"

Someone nearby coughed a few times.

Professor Fei laughed dryly: "Don't get me wrong, that's all I said. Biological research is like this. It is both a laboratory and a factory. It's just that this factory produces human beings."

Professor Fei said dryly and humorously, and continued to explain: "You also know that the population in the reconstruction area is decreasing month by month, and natural reproduction is inefficient. Cloning is the best choice to replenish the population. Our laboratory has cloned human beings cultivated every month. Indicators, 250,000 people have been cultivated so far, but don't worry, the genes of these clones are all from the dead population, and will not appear..."

"Okay, no need to explain!" Luo Yuan stopped and said, "How many empty training chambers are there?"

"Professor Guan is in charge of the training area, let him tell you!" Professor Fei is the main person in charge of the laboratory, in charge of the overall situation, so how can he pay attention to these subtle aspects.

"About 5,000, but the next batch will be cultivated soon..." Professor Guan pushed the thick glasses frames and said.

"Cancel it!" Luo Yuan interrupted: "The next clone will leave the warehouse, and there is no need to continue to train it."

"But, indicators..." Professor Guan seemed to want to say something, but he was pulled by Professor Fei before he quickly realized it. He felt resentful, and now he still mentioned any indicators. You can do whatever you want, now you can only hope that he gets tired of playing for a while, and will kindly let this hapless laboratory go.

Seeing Professor Guan's face flushed with anger, Luo Yuan was amused, but he didn't bother to explain.

"Do the clones here have evolutionaries?" After Professor Guan calmed down a little, Luo Yuan continued to ask.

"There are some, but the evolved ones have strong physical fitness, slow cultivation, and consume a lot of nutrient solution. There are only less than a hundred of them, and most of them are ordinary people." Although Professor Guan is still upset, he dare not offend Luo Yuan. Answered honestly.

"How many human genes and egg cells are collected in this laboratory?" Luo Yuan used some hints. Egg cells are necessary carriers for cloning, and their quantity determines the number of clones that can be cloned.

"There are about 100,000 copies, including 5,000 cells collected from evolutionists, and only 30,000 egg cells. However, if they are out of stock, they can be deployed from the hospital. Many people have donated." Facing hints, ordinary people like Professor Guan There was no resistance at all, and he said honestly.

"Who is each cell collected from? Is there any special information, such as photo introduction?"

"This kind of project is too huge. Ordinary people don't have it, but there are some cells from evolutionaries!"

Luo Yuan was a little disappointed. He was not in a hurry to study the evolutionaries. Instead, the genes of ordinary people were the target of his current strategy. Cutting wood was not a mistake to sharpen knives. Comparing the two genes of the patient, how to improve the physical fitness will be solved easily.

However, even if there is no information, it will be a little troublesome and a waste of time at most.

He looked at the more than 30,000 training cabins, and I'm afraid it will be working at full capacity in the future.


These days, apart from going back to Hope City at night, Luo Yuan spends almost every day in the laboratory, not even going to the sword department very often. As time passed day by day, the previously cultivated clones had been released one after another, and all of them were replaced with specific embryos that Luo Yuan had screened.

All embryos come from one recipient.

Only a few of them are used as controls without any changes, and the other part is slightly adjusted for a specific genome. The 30,000 training bins correspond to about 30,000 human genomes one by one.

The genes adjusted by the embryos come from the corresponding genes that can be found in the gene bank of ordinary people. There are 100,000 gene samples of ordinary people, covering almost all common human gene variants. Through a large number of experimental controls, he gradually determined the function represented by each group of genes.

After confirming the function of the genome, he gradually changed the base pairs of the genome. As Luo Yuan made more and more changes to the genome, various deformities inevitably appeared. After analyzing and studying these deformities, he collected various After a large amount of data, the achievements that have not yet fully grown are destroyed humanely. Although it is a bit cruel, this is a hurdle that must be passed on the way forward for science.

During the experiment, a large number of results began to emerge. At the same time, the attitude of the researchers in the laboratory towards Luo Yuan was also changing day by day. From the beginning, they were reluctant and negative. Earth-shaking upheaval.

There is an unspeakable excitement on everyone's face, as the clones are cultivated into babies one by one, as the functions of each gene are determined, and even as the cognition of genes is gradually accurate to every base pair impact of changes.

The mysteries of human genes have been gradually unveiled like them.

As time passed, the achievements here gradually spread and began to attract the attention of the reconstruction area. With the intervention of administrative forces, a large number of scientific researchers joined this project one after another. At the same time, the training area of ​​the laboratory was also With a sudden expansion, all the areas near the laboratory were emptied out and placed in training cabins one by one. The number of training cabins reached 1.5 million in one fell swoop.

But Luo Yuan didn't care at all, the more resources he mobilized, the faster his progress became.

His research progress began to accelerate suddenly.

In just two months, the genetic research and analysis of ordinary people and evolutionaries has ended.

Luo Yuan began to clone himself again. By this time, he had a thorough understanding of genes, the functions of each genome, and even the impact of base pair changes. Luo Yuan's human beings, these cells used for cloning, he also made some genetic fine-tuning, such as skin color, face shape, height, and even gender.

Luo Yuan stood in the aisle of the cultivation area, looking at the rows of millions of cultivation cabins in front of him, and the tiny embryos inside were slowly dividing and growing.

Luo Yuan, who had been in the laboratory for a long time and seemed to be calm, gradually became excited at this time. With the start of cloning himself, the human body transformation project officially started!

In addition to Luo Yuan's own genes, these embryos were transplanted with various superpower genes.

These superpowers are not limited to the more than 5,000 copies of the original laboratory. With the massive investment of resources in the reconstruction area, the number has now reached an astonishing 200,000 copies, which basically covers most of the evolutionaries in the reconstruction area. Luo Yuan discovered in it Xu Zhiqiang, Ling Zhongan, and even his own genes don't know when they were collected.

There are more unknown evolutionaries. Although they are not strong and unknown, they have some abilities that even Luo Yuan is envious of.

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