Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 436 Solving Difficulties

Looking at the description of the system, the weight of this piece of skin is only 300KG, but it gives Luo Yuan the feeling that it is far more than that.

When moving this piece of skin before, it gave Luo Yuan the feeling that it was at least about ten tons, and the system never made such low-level mistakes, so the remaining 9.7 tons is obviously the power of space anchoring.

This kind of power is like an awl firmly nailed to the space. If the power is a little bit smaller, it will never be able to move. To be honest, even if Luo Yuan already has a considerable understanding of space, this is the first time he has this ability. See.

A gleam of joy flashed across Luo Yuan's face, because this ability is quite useful, as long as he wears equipment made of this material, it is completely equivalent to gaining weight, which can greatly reduce the effect of being knocked into the air during battle.

Before the end of the world, human beings were still small and medium-sized creatures. Except for a few species, there were very few creatures larger than humans on land. However, after the end of the world, humans can only be regarded as small creatures. Can completely crush humans physically.

Just like the giant space beast he met just now, before Luo Yuan got close to its body, he was easily bounced away by the defensive force field on its surface like a fly. In fact, human beings are too light in weight, no matter how strong he is It didn't work either.

Similarly, this ability to anchor in space during battle can also allow him to fully display his strength, and he is no longer unable to do what he wants.

Now Luo Yuan's strength is definitely not small. With this kind of weight, he exerted such amazing strength, which has already broken the human biological cognition. However, in combat, it is not how much strength you have that you can exert. According to the three laws of cattle, the effects of force are mutual. How much strength you exert, how much recoil your body will bear. , this recoil force will be unloaded to the ground again.

When the power is small, the impact is not too great, and the ground can bear it completely, but now that Luo Yuan hits with all his strength, the kinetic energy generated is fully equivalent to 0.2 equivalent of TNT, which seems inconspicuous. The cruise missile is only about 0.1 equivalent of TNT. It can be imagined that the recoil force that Luo Yuan suffered when he attacked was terrible.

Ordinary ground, even if it is paved with steel plates, cannot withstand such an impact at all.

In fact, standing on the ground is not bad, Luo Yuan can rely on his subtle control of the body, layer by layer of perfect unloading, and barely guide all the strength into the ground. Although the ground will blow up a big hole, it can be done unloading force.

If you are in the air, it will be a complete disaster, because when you swing your fist, your body will fly out of the sky at high speed like a meteor, and you will not be able to exert all your strength at all.

Of course, this material is not without disadvantages, such as its spatial anchoring strength is too great. If he wears equipment made of this material, his will-flying will be completely useless.

The flight of will seems to be extremely fast, but in fact the driving force is not that great. With his current willpower of 19 points, it is only about 300 kilograms. The reason why it is so fast is the result of the air resistance weakened by the ghost-faced horse's mane. .

However, this point can be solved through "refinement" of will, just like his saber, he can easily control the release and shutdown of the space cutting ability, but it only takes a while.


He roughly wiped away the imprint of will on the epidermis, and did not stay here. Lifting up the epidermis, he started the curvature flight and flew towards the earth.

Fortunately, the space anchoring ability of the epidermis has no slight influence on the curvature flight, after all, the curvature flight is the overall movement of the space bubble, and the space anchoring of the epidermis is located inside it, and has nothing to do with each other.

After about an hour, Luo Yuan returned to Hope City from the moon.

Today's Hope City is in full swing, countless workers are working day and night, construction scenes are everywhere, and heavy trucks are constantly flowing on the streets, like a never-ending long dragon. In just a few days, the mountainous ruins of Hope City have been destroyed. Cleared up, construction of the factory has begun.

Some factories have even started construction while they are under construction.

Every time Luo Yuan passed by, he felt sincerely shocked. This is the struggle of human beings in the last days to survive in this cruel world.

Before entering the house, Luo Yuan heard the voice of a stranger inside.

He opened the door with some doubts and walked into the living room. Everyone stood up immediately. Huang Jiahui and the others were a little surprised to see Luo Yuan coming in with a large black thing on his back.

The other two were in complete awe.

Looking at the energetic spirit of the man and the woman, obviously they are government employees, Luo Yuan thought for a while, then put this huge skin in a corner, followed the skin into the room, A sense of depression quickly spread.

Although the spiritual imprint on the skin has been dispelled, how can the breath be completely dissipated? Even if it is just a trace of the coercion of this terrifying space life, it makes everyone feel as if a huge rock is pressing on their hearts, making people feel breathless. Come feel.

Fortunately, Luo Yuan's voice broke this nightmare-like mental coercion: "Who are you two?"

A few people woke up like a dream, and immediately came back to their senses, and finally took a careful look at this mysterious substance suspended in the air, hiding the shock in their hearts.

"Hello, Minister Luo, let me introduce you. This is Comrade Bi Jianping, Executive Deputy Mayor of Hope City, and I am Ni Xue, Director of the Municipal Office!" A young woman in her thirties or forties introduced her nervously. It was as if Luo Yuan was a man-eating monster.

"Luo Yuan, the two city leaders have been waiting for you for a long time. Let's chat. I'll go and see the kitchen." Huang Jiahui stood up with a smile and said, calmly pulled Wang Shishi who seemed to want to continue sitting, and quickly left with Zhao Yali living room.

Only the mutant was still squatting next to Luo Yuan, looking left and right ignorantly, but no one cared.

Luo Yuan nodded to Huang Jiahui, looked at the two of them, shook hands one by one, and said with a smile: "Hello! Hello! I don't know what you can do to find me in your busy schedule?"

He knew that Hope City has been very busy recently. He heard from Wang Xiaguang that the city government has been working almost day and night these days, and even if they take a break, they just take a nap.

"Minister Luo is too polite. We are here to disturb you this time, on behalf of Hope City, to thank you, Minister Luo." Mayor Bi looked at Luo Yuan carefully, and smiled stiffly. Judging from the analysis report, he knew clearly This one is more talkative, compared to the office director, although he is still a little trembling in his heart, he can barely maintain his composure.

"It's all for the reconstruction of the district, so there's no need to talk about thanks. I don't think anyone who encounters this kind of thing will stand by." Luo Yuan said with a smile.

Looking at the stiff expressions on the faces of the two leaders of Hope City, Luo Yuan couldn't help frowning slightly. From point to face, he could fully imagine how uneasy the higher-ups had reached for him.

"That's Minister Luo, you have a high awareness, but Hope City can't turn a blind eye. Before I came out this time, the mayor specifically told me to solemnly thank Minister Luo for his great contribution to Hope City. As long as there are any difficulties in life, Hope City We will try our best to solve it. If Hope City is not busy with post-disaster reconstruction work these days and cannot leave for a while, he would have come here in person." Mayor Bi continued.

"I appreciate Hope City's kindness, but I really don't need it. Do you think I'm in trouble?" Luo Yuan immediately understood what the other party meant, and refused.

That's really hard to see, Mayor Bi secretly thought, not only is there no difficulty, but by today's standards, it is completely extravagant. Look at the decoration here, look at the complete range of electrical appliances here, and even the living room alone is He was older than his family, and he had heard about the special treatment of the sword department, but he was still shocked when he saw it with his own eyes.

However, his task must be completed. This incident is so big that it almost broke the sky. Not only Hope City is studying and discussing, but Xinjing is also in a state of desperation. As far as he vaguely knows, the General Staff even specially assigned a intelligence office.

Even this mission was not decided by Hope City at all, but from a higher will.

With his political awareness, he also vaguely understands that there is no way for an evolutionary to advance to this level, and above that is the real leader of the country, which is extremely taboo in itself, but the above face this The second time can't really turn a blind eye to it. If this person really has a grudge, or even holds a grudge, I'm afraid the entire reconstruction area will undergo drastic changes.

No one dares to take this risk, it can be said that he is afraid of beating a wolf with a stick!

Since you can't be promoted, you can only get material rewards, and you can't personally come forward, you can only let Hope City do it for you to reduce the impact this time. It can be said that this is completely a political task. Pick out the difficulties in his life.

"I think Minister Luo has a lot of people in your family, and your house is a bit small. You don't even have support staff. This is really a dereliction of duty of Hope City!" Mayor Bi said while pinching his nose, feeling awkward for a while.


Although Luo Yuan refused in every possible way, he couldn't bear the other party's firm attitude in the end, and finally had to accept it.

Originally, he planned to go to the field in the afternoon to see if the Wisdom Tree had been upgraded, but was delayed by this incident.

What Hope City presented as a gift was a manor villa covering an area of ​​over 1,000 square meters. One could tell at a glance that this villa had just been built not long ago, and even started construction in the past few days, and there were traces of hasty work in some places.

After the apocalypse, most of the houses are made of wood structure. The mutated wood is dense and hard. There is no need for cement room difference, and the construction is easy and fast. Paint is rarely used, but it does not affect the use at all.

The decoration inside is extremely luxurious even if it is the standard before the end of the world. The bath is paved with white jade, the floor is made of six-grade material, the wall is carved with landscape paintings, and there is a rockery fountain directly in front of the hall.

Originally, in addition to the house, there were also a dedicated driver, a medical team, and a logistics team. There were a total of 18 people in total, and they fully enjoyed the treatment of senior leaders.

However, except for one of the doctors, who was kept by Chen Jiayi who was still in a coma because of the need to take care of these logistics, Luo Yuan black-faced the others and rejected them.

Almost all of Gein's supporting packages are for women, not to mention all of them are charming, and most of them have the temperament of a young woman. Luo Yuan really doesn't know, in the eyes of the superiors, could he be so lustful? ?

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