Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 569 Difficult

This may be the largest torrential rain since the birth of life on the earth. It is estimated that only the heavy rain after the original earth cooled for the first time billions of years ago can surpass it.

On the earth, a daily rainfall of more than 100 millimeters is a heavy rainstorm, and a daily precipitation of more than 250 millimeters is a heavy rainstorm. At this time, the amount of precipitation on the earth is more than ten times that. The pouring rain is like pouring down from the sky. There was a muffled sound from the smashing ice, and with the passage of time, the intensity of the rainfall not only did not weaken, but intensified, showing no sign of stopping.

The atmosphere in the cave is a bit depressing. Some people are talking in low voices, some people are lying in bed in a daze, some people are huddled in the corner and leaning their ears against the wall, listening carefully to the strange movements outside.

The terrifying aura before made everyone feel uneasy.

Ling Zhongan was half leaning against the mud wall and kept silent. The dim yellow grease lamp swayed slightly, and the erratic flame made his figure appear to flicker.

"Why do I smell steam?" A woman sitting near the stairs suddenly sniffed and said a little strangely.

"I seem to have smelled it too. Was it strange to me just now?" said an evolutionary next to him.

At the beginning, their conversation didn't attract much attention, and no one cared about it. Everyone was thinking about their own thoughts, but gradually the water vapor here became thicker and thicker, and there was even water flowing down the steps.

The crowd couldn't stand any longer and stood up one after another.

"It won't rain, right?" An evolutionary said in a daze, looking at the sewage flowing into the entrance of the cave.

A group of people looked at each other in disbelief. Since the earth was frozen, it has never rained again. Not to mention rain, even hail and snow are pitifully rare. It happens a few times a year at most. The second longest is half an hour, and the shortest is a few minutes. As for the rain, it only exists in everyone's memory.

"Probably not, maybe a hot spring erupted nearby?"

Everyone secretly agreed in their hearts. Compared with the rain, this explanation is more reliable.

However, in just a few words, more and more water flowed into the cave, and the amount of water flowing down became larger and larger, and it seemed that there was a tendency to backflow.

Ling Zhongan stood up, stared blankly for a while, and shouted as if waking up from a dream: "I can't stay here anymore, everyone, go!"

Before he finished speaking, he quickly rushed to the bed, rolled up a thick pile of animal skins on top, and then took the meat hanging above his head to dry in the shade. The rest of the people also reacted one after another, and hurriedly packed their luggage, and the scene was chaotic.

The accumulated water on the ground gradually passed over the feet, and the huge water flow almost poured down the steps, but everyone was desperately packing their luggage regardless of their care.

The so-called broken house is worth ten thousand yuan, even if it is just a few animal skins and a few dry tubers that can feed their hunger, they are the guarantee for them to live and work. Not a day.

The amount of water entering the cave is getting bigger and bigger, and it is almost becoming a flood outlet. The water level inside is rising rapidly. Fortunately, everyone is an evolutionary. Even the weakest, the physical fitness is beyond the limit of ordinary people. Even the cave If it is filled with water, it will choke on a few mouthfuls of sewage at most, which is not life-threatening.

In fact, it is true. Most of the steps in the cave are made of ice, which is extremely smooth. If it is normal, it will not affect walking. However, now that the flood is pouring back, under the huge impact of the water flow, the feet cannot bear the force at all. Big is useless.

A group of people were washed away by the current several times, until the water level filled the cave, and a group of people struggled to surface while holding their breath.

Ling Zhongan, who was in the lead, struggled to stand up, and just about to swear, when he saw the scene in front of him, he opened his mouth and immediately showed disbelief.

The original gray-black ice layer has turned into a vast ocean,

He stood in the rain in a daze, the pouring rain was pouring down from the sky crazily, and he was in a trance.

"Do you feel it? The rain is so hot." An evolutionary said suddenly.

It was only then that everyone noticed that the rain was indeed a little abnormal. In fact, it was not too hot. The rain at around ten degrees Celsius was still a bit cool for people who are normally in midsummer.

But for the survivors who have been in the extremely cold environment all the year round, even in caves, they have maintained a low temperature of three to four degrees all the year round, the temperature of this rainwater is really abnormally hot.

But no one thought much about it. Since the end of the world, there have been many strange things on the earth, and they have gradually become accustomed to them. What's more, even if someone has a sudden whim, the idea of ​​​​skeptical that nuclear winter has actually disappeared, which breaks through common sense. It is too much to test everyone's imagination.

Ling Zhongan came back to his senses, wiped off the rain, feeling dazed, the rain was not only abnormally heavy, but also the temperature was abnormal, the chill in the air seemed to have disappeared, and there was a warm feeling in the heavy rain, If it weren't for the cold and smooth texture of the ice under his feet, he would have doubted whether he had traveled to another world, and the entrance of the cave was turned into a gate of time and space by some force.

"Fortunately, this is still the earth." He distinguished the surrounding environment, looked at a few familiar dead trees, and the slopes in the distance, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He looked at the meat and a pack of thick animal skins in his hand again, and felt a sense of security in his heart. However, when he thought of the current situation, his heart sank, and his face was as solemn as water: "This cave may I can only give up, once the rain stops, the place will be completely frozen."

As soon as the voice fell, the atmosphere suddenly became extremely quiet, and everyone's faces were ugly.

An evolutionary broke down emotionally and cried loudly: "What should we do, this is driving us to a dead end!"

"Where can we go for a while? How can we spend the night?"

An evolutionary sits in the water in despair, and hits the surface of the water to vent his anger. His ferocious and sad face is filled with indescribable despair and resentment: "God damn it, just don't make it easy for us."

Even if the rest of the people kept silent, their faces were as if mourning must be tested, and the grief in their hearts was so strong that they couldn't get rid of it.

It's already afternoon, and it's not long before the extremely cold night. Even if you rush to the nearest slope that is not flooded now, and then use your strength to dig a new cave, tonight will be the same. Just spend time in the ice cave. In addition, in this rainy weather, the dead branches have already absorbed water, so lighting a fire for warmth is only a luxury. They can only stay up through the cold night wrapped in wet animal skins.

"Let's go!" Ling Zhongan looked at the worn-out mechanical watch in his hand, which he regarded as a treasure, and waved his hand feebly: "Time is running out."

"Is life always this difficult?" A female evolutionary asked with a deep sadness that couldn't be restrained.

Ling Zhongan was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously blurted out: "It's always like this!"

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