Two bottles of wine were put on the counter.

Carrying the wine, I went inside first. Two Pegasus for six yuan! Two yuan off for cigarette coupons!

Two catties of sugar, two catties off for sugar coupons, one yuan and eighteen yuan off for money.

Fortunately, peach cakes don't need coupons, which made He Yuliang feel relieved. If peach cake coupons were made, He Yuliang would be crazy!

I have to spend these coupons sparingly. I will study Bing Xixi when I have time to see if I can save some!

Carrying the things back to the car, Ershun's uncle complained repeatedly: "This is the right thing, you kid, really!"

This thing is obviously bought for Ershun's family. Saying that it is bought for the old company commander is just an excuse!

"Platoon leader, what are you doing..."

"Oh, stop it! How can I go to your house empty-handed for the first time? Uncle, let's go!"

Ershun's house is not far from the station, and it didn't take long to reach Ershun's house.

"Sibaozi! Is Sibaozi at home? I've brought your Erdan back for you!"

Chapter 4 Favors

"Second brother? Uncle, my father hasn't come back from work yet, come sit in uncle's room?"

"San Ya, your father isn't home? I won't sit, go call your father back, besides your brother, your brother's platoon leader is here! Tell your father, I'll ask your aunt to come and help cook later!"

The accountant uncle left, and the group of children who had just chased the donkey cart, poked their heads out of Ershun's house and looked at Ershun and He Yuliang.

They chattered and didn't know what they were talking about, and when they saw He Yuliang looking over, they all hid again.

He Yuliang looked at the small yard, the fence wall made of sorghum stalks, the gate made of a few bare wood poles, and four old hens clucking in the yard. A big rooster flapped its wings and called at He Yuliang.

Two rows of green onions, a bed of leeks, some cucumbers, and beans all over the fence.

It can be seen that this small yard is well maintained and is occupied by a family that is living a normal life!

The four mud houses are a bit low, with mottled wooden doors and gray window paper. I guess the lighting is not very good!

Although this place is not far from Kyoto, most of the windows in the countryside are still made of paper.

Glass? That is a rare thing. Only public houses like those in village offices have glass.

"Second brother, you are back!"

"Yes! I am back! This is my sister, Luo Xiaoying, and this is our platoon leader, He Yuliang. Go and call my parents, I will greet the platoon leader."

Luo Ershun invited He Yuliang into the house: "It's a little dark, platoon leader, please sit for a while, I will boil some water."

"Don't bother! I am at home now, don't treat me as an outsider! Come, sit down! I have never known what is going on in your family, tell me!"

"What is going on, it's just home..."

Speaking of which, Ershun should have been a rural hukou, and after demobilization, he was also a village militia training instructor or village police.

But the Luo family still has some connections in the village. Before joining the army, they gave Ershun a town hukou, and when he came back, he was assigned to the security department of the chemical fiber factory!

It can't be said to be scheming, but it can be regarded as a risk. After all, if you fail to be a soldier, or if you don't perform well as a soldier, you will be demobilized and retired, and you will become a farmer without land when you come back!

He Yuliang was not so shrewd about these things, and did not know the ins and outs of them. He just thought that Luo Ershun's father was quite smart, but he did not understand the hardships and risks involved.

Not long after, Ershun's father came back. His old face was less than fifty years old, but he looked as vicissitudes as a sixty-year-old in the future.

He Yuliang stood up quickly, and Ershun introduced himself to He Yuliang. He Yuliang quickly handed him a cigarette and greeted him.

Ershun's father was a little embarrassed and complained to Ershun: "You fool, you didn't even say hello before inviting guests, and there is no one at home.

Platoon Leader He, right? This family is not prepared. I am not entertaining you well, I am not entertaining you well..."

"Uncle, you can call me Xiao He or Yuliang! Don't call me platoon leader. I have retired and there is no platoon leader anymore.

This is just a temporary decision, don't blame me for being abrupt."

"Don't be abrupt! Don't be abrupt! My wife, kill the chicken and clean up the west room!"

"Don't bother! Don't bother! A home-cooked meal will do..."


Looking at the steaming stewed chicken on the table, He Yuliang still couldn't stop the Luo family from killing the chicken.

White flour buns, a pot of stewed chicken, fried bacon, and two vegetarian dishes. The white flour and bacon were brought by the accountant uncle.

Ershun, Ershun's father and the accountant uncle accompanied him, and the women sat at another table in the kitchen.

The wine was loose wine. He Yuliang in the later life usually didn't drink white wine much. Apart from the spicy taste, he didn't know whether it was good or bad...


The next day, He Yuliang's biological clock woke him up early, and Luo Ershun also woke up.

Outside, he could hear that the Luo family was preparing breakfast!

In the countryside, people get up very early!

"Ershun, are you going to apply for demobilization today?"

"Yes! The earlier you go, the earlier you can eat commercial grain!" It can be seen that Ershun is very persistent about eating commercial grain.

He Yuliang didn't feel anything about this. He had never been hungry, whether in the courtyard, in the later life, or in the army!

He didn't know the taste of hunger, and of course he didn't know the meaning of eating commercial grain.

"Okay, let's go together! When I see the old squad leader, I won't come back. After hearing what you said, I have to hurry up too!

The earlier you settle, the earlier you can earn commercial grain."

"Hehehe..." Ershun smiled honestly.

I had Erhe noodles for breakfast. I mixed the noodles with yesterday’s chicken soup, put some vegetables on top, and put two spoonfuls of chili noodles on top...

"Uncle, I'm leaving now. If you have a chance to go to Kyoto in the future, you will definitely come to my house! I've left the address..."

"Oops! Are you so anxious? Can't you stay for two more days?"

"I can't stay any longer! I can't stay any longer! Just like Er Shun, I have to change jobs when I go back. It won't be good if it takes too long!"

After declining the Luo family's offer to stay, He Yuliang got on the donkey cart to Baoding. The driver this time was Ershun. In order to change jobs, Ershun went to the production team to borrow the donkey cart specifically to see He Yuliang off.

Soon, when they arrived in the city, He Yuliang patted Er Shun and said, "Er Shun, go and change your job. After that, go to the train station and wait for me. I will go there after I finish my work."

He Yuliang put his luggage and bags on the donkey cart and jumped off without waiting for the cart to stop.

The old company commander was He Yuliang's old company commander, and he was not familiar with Luo Ershun. Moreover, He Yuliang was not sure whether the old company commander could recognize He Yuliang!

After all, there were more than 120 people, and He Yuliang didn't think that the old company commander could remember him for so many years.

Walking to a deserted place, He Yuliang closed his eyes, connected the golden finger and searched for milk powder.

A wide variety of milk powders appear below the list, ranging from high, high to low-end~

"Holy shit! What's going on?" When He Yuliang wanted to click to buy, he found that he couldn't click on it at all.

"Why can't I buy this? Don't you have enough money? Enough! Now I have bound my bank card to Xixi, which costs more than 200,000 yuan!"

After a few clicks, He Yuliang found a line of small words below: The technology is beyond this point, cannot be produced, and cannot be purchased.

He Yuliang...

All right! List available for purchase!


The list is empty~Russian milk powder, in a five-pound tin can, priced at fifty-four dollars!

Red Star milk powder comes in a two-pound iron can, priced at 19.9 yuan per unit.

Well, there are only two of them!

Two cans of Red Star were thrown into the shopping cart!

Continue searching for malted milk…

Two cans of milk powder and two cans of malted milk, these were carefully prepared by He Yuliang. These two things cannot be bought even if you have money!

Tickets are hard to get!

He Yuliang didn't fight an unprepared battle. He had already inquired about it. The old company commander had a son two days ago, so he could use this thing.

Chapter 5 Why are you here?

He Yuliang had been standing at the door of the police station for a while. If he hadn't been wearing a military uniform, the people standing guard at the door might have arrested him.

"Comrade, are you looking for someone?" The man standing guard at the door couldn't stand He Yuliang looking around, so he took the initiative to say hello to him.

He Yuliang handed the cigarette with a smile: "Oh, that's what happened. I came back from changing jobs and came to Baoding to do some errands and take a look at our old company commander!

I haven’t contacted you for a long time. I knew he was at your police station, but I didn’t know..."

The guard took the cigarette and said, "Hey, it's still Waiyan! Not bad!"

"What was seized from Asan's side are all trophies."

"Defend the family and the country! Awesome! Awesome! You're talking about the old company commander. I don't know here. It's hard to say what official position you held before you changed careers. What's your name?"

"Our old company commander's surname is Li, Li Dazhi!"

"Director Li! You told me earlier. Director Li hasn't come yet today. Let's go to the post and take a rest! Judging by the time, it's probably going to be fast! Huh? You said Cao Cao Cao Cao is here! Isn't that what he is here?"

"Hello, company commander!" He Yuliang saluted with "Pa!"

"He Yuliang? Brat, why are you here?" Li Dazhi got off the bicycle and patted He Yuliang's arm.

"Hey! Company commander, isn't this a job change? I got off the car and came to see you on the way!"

"Don't be so playful, how did you change your career? Come on, let's go in and talk!"

Li Dazhi pushed his bicycle and walked toward the office with He Yuliang.

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