"Second brother!"

"Second brother! You are finally back!"

"Hello, second uncle." Zhiyong also greeted Qiao Erqiang.

Zhiyong's names are very strange. He is called Ma Suqin most of the time as mom, sometimes as second aunt, and as second uncle Qiao Erqiang. As for the rest of the Qiao family, uncles, uncles, and aunts, they all call him smoothly.

"Okay! Qiao Simei, I heard that you did well in the exam recently?"

"It's okay, second brother, what you said..." Qiao Simei circled around Qiao Erqiang.

Qiao Erqiang took the trolley case, which surprised Qiao Simei again.

"Look! Jinghua Chunmeng, signed by the two leading actors, and also written to wish Qiao Simei good luck in her studies.

It's exclusive to you. Think about how to win this poster from me. "

Qiao Erqiang opened the poster and talked to Qiao Simei.

"Wow! Wow! Second brother, you already said, this is mine, just give it to me!" Qiao Simei said flatteringly.

"That won't work. This is to encourage you to study, not to be given to you unconditionally." Qiao Erqiang skillfully rolled up the poster, then tied it with a monkey rubber band and put it in the wooden box on the top of the cabinet. This one was not It has to be discussed.

Qiao Simei sees that Qiao Erqiang has no chance here, so she can only go back and study hard!

Chapter 669 Qiao Zuwang is laid off

Qiao Simei encouraged herself while going to study: "I want to study, I love studying, studying makes my second brother happy, my second brother is happy, and our whole family is happy..."

Qiao Erqiang...

Ma Suqin...


Qiao Erqiang took out a few more books from his bag: "Qiqi, didn't we tell you to learn painting?

Look, this is a book that teaches people how to draw comics. There are Chinese translations and Japanese versions.

In terms of comics, it is relatively developed there and has formed a mature industrial chain. If Qiqi wants to develop in this area, it is always beneficial to learn something.

Zhiyong, I didn’t buy you anything, I just bought some toys. When you tell your second uncle what you want, he will buy them for you.

Oh, by the way, Zhiyong, how are you studying now? Can you still keep up? "

"Zhiyong is good at studying. If you work hard, you can be like the third sister." Qiao Qiqi sorted out the books and interjected.

Qiao Erqiang touched Zhiyong's head: "A manly man, don't be too shy. If you have anything to say, say it yourself. Be more masculine.

Okay, since you study well, I will cook tonight and make delicious food for you! What to eat? "

"Potato tofu!" Zhiyong said.

"You! You know..."

This was the first time Qiao Erqiang cooked it for him, and he always thought it was the most delicious thing.

"Second Qiang, eldest brother should be back in a few days. Sanli sent a letter two days ago saying that something happened to eldest brother."

"What can happen to him? Don't worry, he won't have time to think about anything else in a month at most."

"Second Qiang, you've been away for more than two months, and you asked Suqin to help you carry it. You tell me, this is too..."

After Qiao Yicheng came back, he gave Qiao Erqiang a lecture.

Qiao Erqiang kept smiling, admitting his mistake, and then casually gave the gift in his hand to Qiao Sanli~

A Walkman for listening to English tapes.

Two watches, Qiao Erqiang bought them specially from a specialty store on Hong Kong Island.

One piece was given to Qiao Sanli, and the other piece belonged to Qiao Yicheng.

"I have a watch, and I also buy watches. I have money but nowhere to spend it..."

"Forget it for you. You are about to graduate, so you need to pack it up properly. Oh, by the way, I also bought you a suit, tie and leather shoes!

The internship is about to begin. These days, you should respect Luo Yi first and then others. This is not a waste of money.

Oh, right! Take these two suitcases when you and Sanli go back, Hong Kong Island's latest brand ~ Migratory Bird..."

Qiao Zuwang had gray hair and was basking in the sun in the yard. Qiao Erqiang looked unwelcome. Ma Suqin washed some fruits and asked Zhiyong to deliver them.

Days always slipped away inadvertently. Qiao Yicheng was recruited by Kyoto TV Station with excellent results.

After going round and round, he finally became a journalist and graduated from Kyoto Renmin University with a degree in journalism.

Qiao Sanli also got her wish and was admitted to Wudaokou College in Kyoto. At that time, Qiao's firecrackers were set off for a full hour.

Even Qiao Erqiang's smiling face did not change when he saw Qiao Zuwang, which made Qiao Yicheng exclaimed that it was amazing.

Qi Weiyi of the Qi family did not come, but the rest of the family came. Qi Xiaoya envied Qiao Sanli very much. I don't know when the Qi family would need to envy the Qiao family's life.

Maybe it was after Qi Zhiqiang had surgery.

Now, when Wei Shufang thinks of the Qiao family every day, she no longer has any thoughts of comparison, and at most she just makes a few sour remarks.

In comparison, only Qiao Simei and Qiao Qiqi are a little unsatisfactory.

As for Qiao Erqiang, Wei Shufang had long since stopped thinking about competing with him.

Qiao Erqiang is not much different from Qi Weiyi. Qi Weiyi has been working for several years, but he doesn't pay much money to his family.

When I first started working as an apprentice, I didn't have much money. Now I'm a regular worker. Not only do I have no money, but I'm also often invisible.

What do you mean by striving to be the first? Bullshit! I just don't want to go home.

Qi Weimin, on the other hand, had already started working last year. In Qiao Zuwang's words, he was working as a weaver in that company, and his salary was quite good.

The money Qi Weimin paid to his family in one year was more than what Qi Weiyi had paid to his family in so many years, which made Wei Shufang very sad.

Wei Shufang knew that Qiao Erqiang had been supporting the Qiao family for so many years.

Look at Qiao Erqiang, and then look at Qi Weiyi, hey...

Qiao Simei also graduated successfully this year. As for the high school entrance exam, her successful graduation was the result of Qiao Erqiang watching her with a feather duster for two months. She had tried her best.

However, Qiao Erqiang has already thought of a place for her here. Qiao Erqiang plans to take her with him the next time he goes to Hong Kong Island and throw her into a training class to learn from her.

Doesn't she love chasing stars? Isn't she a Yangou? Then let her get up close and personal.

On the contrary, Qiao Qiqi made Qiao Erqiang very worry-free. Although his math scores were still poor, Qiao Qiqi could now read neon comics without any problems.

Moreover, some of the things in the paintings are quite similar, but the only reason is that due to my own experience, the story is a bit immature.

This is Qiao Qiqi's weakness, not Qiao Erqiang's. Now Qiao Erqiang has given Qiao Qiqi an assignment~

Qiao Qiqi can draw a four-frame comic every day as a diary, and she can complete it very well, and is very popular with Zhiyong.

Everything is developing in a beautiful direction, except for one thing~

Qiao Zuwang!

Qiao Zuwang's job was gone. The factory suspended his salary and kept him employed. Qiao was among the first batch of layoffs to be laid off.

After all, considering that Qiao Zu looks like a dog, the first batch of people who didn't lay him off would be a disgrace to his popularity.

He has no job, no income, and there are still a few years before he can receive his pension. In addition, Qiao Zuwang has no concept of saving money. Now Qiao Zuwang is like a weasel warming himself by the fire, with clean hair and clean claws.

Not to mention living, even eating was a problem. He ran to the factory director, tied the rope to the beam, and acted like he was generous, but the factory director was not afraid of him this time.

If you tie me, I will tie you too!

Qiao Zuwang was desperate for his life. He didn't dare to knock over the stool under his feet. Seeing that the factory director was even more rogue than him, he had no idea.

After much deliberation, he ran to Qiao Erqiang in vain, and even Qiao Zuwang thought that as long as he didn't kill him, he would make a living at Qiao Erqiang's place.

What surprised Qiao Zuwang was that Qiao Erqiang was not at home and happened to go to Hong Kong Island to handle things.

By the time Qiao Erqiang came back, Qiao Zuwang had already pretended to be pitiful and bribed Qiao Simei, Qiao Qiqi, Ma Zhiyong and Ma Suqin.

Bribing Ma Suqin here is quite simple. Ma Suqin will be satisfied if she recognizes her daughter-in-law's identity.

No matter how you say it, Qiao Zuwang is still a father. Qiao Erqiang is not sober in this world. Qiao Zuwang just comes here with a face, and Qiao Yicheng will have to suffer.

This matter was arranged as Ma Suqin's daughter-in-law, so there was nothing wrong with it.

Chapter 670 Changes in the Qiao Family

Qiao Erqiang was very angry when he saw Qiao Zuwang leisurely and contentedly there, but with Ma Suqin comforting him, Qiao Erqiang could not get angry easily.

"It's so unreasonable! A person like him actually comes here to provide for his retirement with peace of mind! Hmph!

Suqin, keep your money in a safe place from now on. There are also seven or four cents. You should hide your change.

He can do anything. If you run out of change, don't blame me for not reminding you!

Qiao Zuwang, I don't have any problem with you eating and drinking here, but he wants me to know that you don't do good things, don't tell me to throw you out.

Anyway, I, Qiao Erqiang, have never had a good reputation, and I am not afraid of multiple bad reputations. "

After Qiao Erqiang finished speaking, he went back to the house.

Qiao Zuwang...

He looked back to see that Qiao Erqiang had gone back to the house but didn't come out, and muttered in a low voice~

"You are a fool, you are raised by me, who is the father? How can I be afraid of the back of your head! Hmph!

Zhiyong, come here! come over! Come to grandpa..."

He does know who to build a good relationship with.

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