In addition, if they just give up without saying a few words, how will people think of them in the future?

He Yuliang smiled: "Oh, there are still some who are not convinced, don't be afraid if you are not convinced, you can come to me when you come out.

You're welcome to single-on-one or group-based challenges, whoever is a coward will be your grandson! I will never bully you with this outfit!

Remember, I am Nanluo He Yuliang! Keep the knife and don't look for trouble! "

Seeing what He Yuliang said, Director Zhang didn't catch him and his face turned a little dark: "Let me entertain them well!

Yuliang, you too, why did you still report your number? This group of people, if they get entangled with them, the toads will crawl on their feet, which is disgusting if they don't bite. "

"Director Zhang, it doesn't matter, they don't dare! When I dealt with them nine years ago, they didn't even dare to fart!

Oh, by the way, Suo Zhang, this is a kidnapper. I heard from the police officer under Team Guo that he also knew a den.

He tried desperately to escape, and even stabbed Captain Guo, fearing that someone might be killed. He also knew a den, and there should be many people inside, so it would be better to take him back and interrogate him as soon as possible. "

"Then what are you waiting for? Take him back quickly and interrogate him as soon as possible! No, I will interrogate him myself!"

Nanluo He Yuliang? Why does it sound familiar? Let’s find out what kind of immortal this is!

The police have seen a lot of people, but they have never seen anyone dare to call in someone after they dealt with two groups of people!

Doesn't he know that we will make trouble for him just to find a face? Anyone who dares to do this must be either heartless or confident. This police officer doesn’t look like he’s heartless, so we need to get to know his background in this matter!

Soon, this group of people was taken to the police station, the injured were thrown into the hospital, and the innocent ones were locked up.

It's easy for them to say that there is no need for a trial. If they gather a crowd to fight, they will be caught and do it immediately, and they will just wait for the sentence!

Just stay in jail, you are all very "judgmental"!

The tough one is this kidnapper! He still has something to explain!

Chapter 70 Apply what you learn

He Yuliang is helping the police officers register the information of those two groups of people. Those who should notify their families should notify their families, and those who should notify their work units~

Well, after registering for so long, it seems that I haven’t met anyone with an employer yet.

Yes, if you have an employer, who would do this?


The door opened, and Director Zhang came out of the interrogation room. He wiped his sweat, picked up the water on the table, and started drinking.

"What's wrong? Director Zhang? The interrogation didn't go well?" He Yuliang put down the notebook in his hand and filled Director Zhang with a thermos.

Director Zhang shook his head. When he saw the police officer from Team Guo returning, he quickly asked: "How is Xiao Guo's situation?"

"Report to the director, Captain Guo..."

"How's it going? Tell me!"

"The stab wound to Captain Guo's stomach was fine, but the stab wound to his leg damaged a nerve. The doctor said it might affect his ability to walk in the future."

"What? What a bastard! I..." Director Zhang immediately became furious!

He Yuliang grabbed Director Zhang and said, "Director Zhang, calm down! Calm down! If there is someone alive on him, even if you beat him to death, he won't say anything.

Why don't I try it with someone else and see if it works. "

"Are you going to try?" Director Zhang looked at He Yuliang with some distrust.

He Yuliang smiled: "I also learned some in the army, maybe I will be able to do it."

"Okay, you go and try it!" Director Zhang also saw the prisoner's determination. He was so determined to support the prisoner that he couldn't ask any questions at all.

He Yuliang did not go in, but looked at the information first~

There is very little information, only a few lines on one page, and most of it is Captain Guo's analysis, such as: analyzing the location of his hometown based on his accent, and guessing the approximate place where he may live based on the supply and marketing cooperative he visited...

He Yuliang studied for a while, calculated in his mind, and the map of Kyoto came to mind...

"No! He can't be from Xisi. According to the exposure effect, when people are in danger, they will always choose to run to places they are familiar with~

If they were on the West Fourth side, he wouldn't have gone to Dongdaqiao when he escaped! "

He Yuliang drew a line in his mind, since it was not in Xisi, then...

He Yuliang entered the interrogation room with confidence.

The kidnapper had his hands behind his back and was handcuffed to the iron ring on the north wall, with his head hanging down. It looked like he had been beaten a lot!

After He Yuliang came in, he said: "Cuff him to a chair!"


"drink water?"

He Yuliang poured a glass of water and asked the kidnapper.

The kidnapper raised his head and glanced at He Yuliang with some surprise in his eyes. He Yuliang handed the water to his mouth.

The kidnapper hesitated for a moment, but he was not polite at all. He looked like he had smashed the jar and started drinking it!

After drinking the water, He Yuliang asked: "Do you want to drink more?"

The man shook his head.

"Do you smoke? It looks like you smoke."

He Yuliang lit a cigarette for him. He Yuliang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Guaizi seemed to relax a little because of smoking.

Although I followed the instructions in the book, I still feel a sense of accomplishment when I see the results are good.

He Yuliang leaned on the table: "I know there must be a murder case on you, and the place where you hide people may be the key to exposing your murder case, so you stopped talking after you knew you couldn't escape.

Do you think you can escape this way? impossible! Even if you don't say anything, I know your hiding place! "

It was obvious that the kidnapper showed contempt.

"First tell me where your den is, south? North? West? East?"

When He Yuliang mentioned Dong, Guaizi took a bite of his cigarette!

He Yuliang nodded: "It looks like it's the east!"

The kidnapper swallowed.

"If it's on the east side, it must be a single-family house, otherwise it would be difficult for you to hide!"

The corner of the kidnapper's eyes moved.

"It seems I was right again, the corners of my eyes moved!"

The kidnapper immediately widened his eyes and stiffened his facial expression.

He Yuliang smiled secretly in his heart, the more you act like this, the harder it is to hide!

"There are only a few single-family alleys in the east, Xiaowei Alley? Yanle Alley? Goldfish Alley?"

When talking about Jinyu Alley, Guaizi's Adam's apple moved.

"Goldfish Alley! Got it! Goldfish Alley is more than 500 meters long, and there are only a few families. Just wait, they will be caught soon!"

Oh, by the way, someone in your line of work must have a gun, right? How many people are guarding it? "

When He Yuliang said Jinyu Hutong, Guaizi was completely broken through his psychological defense and sat slumped on the chair.

He heard He Yuliang ask him, do they have guns? How many guards are there? He nodded subconsciously, and then said: "Three..."

The kidnapper suddenly woke up! He looked at He Yuliang as if he had seen a ghost.

Not to mention the kidnappers, even the person in charge of recording was dumbfounded!

In just such a short time, everything was explained? From the beginning to the end, the kidnapper just said "three".


He Yuliang smiled: "Lock them in! Let's go and arrest them! Three of them have guns. They are in Goldfish Alley and have a private courtyard. It shouldn't be difficult to find them!"

Director Zhang is still dizzy now, why did he ask so easily? So what have I been doing for so long?

"Director, there is Goldfish Alley ahead. I will lead the team in in a moment. Director, you lead people to block both ends of the alley to prevent anyone from escaping."

"Are you leading the team?" Director Zhang looked at He Yuliang, who came to invite him, and glanced at him.

"Director, you see Captain Guo is not here. I am not bragging about my marksmanship. We are not only ranked first in our institute, but we are also among the best. They have guns..."

"Okay, pay attention to safety. If they resist, they are allowed to be shot!"

Director Zhang issued an order, which could be regarded as giving He Yuliang the right to fire freely.

"Yes! Director!"

He Yuliang saluted, finally took out his pistol and turned on the safety...


The people from the criminal investigation team behind also imitated He Yuliang's actions, holding the gun with both hands, pointing the muzzle toward the ground, leaning forward and groping inside...

It is a single-family house with a large locust tree in the yard. Although it is a bit dilapidated, from the crack in the door, there are still traces of human activity in the yard.

This should be it!

He Yuliang gave the order, and everyone quietly climbed over the wall and entered. The windows on both sides were filled with wind, and the door was full of dust. No one must be living there. Although the main room had no lights on, but from the sounds of the noise inside, it must be here. .

"It's so late, why hasn't the fourth child come back? Is something going to happen?"

said a voice inside.

"No way, it's been so many days, how could something happen? Hey, it's all the fault of the third child, you said you can even climb the wrong train!

There are too many police officers in this place. Fortunately, the Fourth Brother and his friends are locals. Otherwise, we would be doomed this time! "

"Friend? Haha, it's bad luck to be the fourth friend! Now his friend is probably frozen to death..."

"Stop arguing, let's leave as soon as possible after the fourth child understands the train situation..."

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