Sometimes, I would visit the neighbors and stroll around the bamboo forest of Qin Gan's house. I lived a leisurely life.

However, after more than ten days, He Yuliang decided to go back. He called his parents and told them that it would take at least a month for him to come back. He would wait until the weather turned cooler before he could talk about it.

The old couple rented a private house. Every day, they drove the landlord's small electric tricycle to play at the beach or go to the dock to wait for the newly unloaded seafood~

The old couple was very comfortable every day, and the last time they called, their mother had already given a death order: If you are not meeting your daughter-in-law, don't call!

There are only two chopsticks, and you are single. Do you have the nerve to call?

He Yuliang felt that he had been hurt by tons.

But He Yuliang had seen the purest love, and he couldn't stand the little princess and Puxin Jurchen now.

Well, let's take it one step at a time!


Back in his newly bought house, He Yuliang threw himself on the bed. It was boring! It would be better to travel through time and fight wits and courage.

"Ding! The host has passed through three worlds. The next world is a reward world. The host can specify his own state." He Yuliang sat up all of a sudden: "Is there such a good thing? Well, I want to be rich and powerful, I want countless subordinates, I want to be invincible, I want..." "Host, calm down! Calm down! This is not a wish system. You have to lower your requirements. If you want this, you can only go to the West to find the Buddha." He Yuliang... "Well, I can't ask for invulnerability, right? In addition, didn't you say? This is a reward. If the reward is not casual, then it doesn't mean there is no reward at all?" He Yuliang argued. He has made sufficient preparations this time. He Yuliang is confident that he can make a good living without the things in Bingxixi. System...

I think you are a little bit too proud~

"Well, forget about being invulnerable. There is no way to be invincible. You are rich, have countless subordinates, and have no father. Go!"


He Yuliang got up from the table in the tavern. His head was a little dizzy. After shaking it, he was still dizzy.

After waking up, He Yuliang...

I think you are kidding me!

You have seen what I prepared. It can be said that He Yuliang is absolutely well prepared this time.

Not only the stock market trend, economic analysis of various countries, the specific time of several wool-pulling, and even some legendary oil fields, ownerless gold mines, and the rise of giant crocodiles abroad...

He Yuliang has detailed records, and he has also secretly collected a lot of legendary experiences of beautiful sisters.

Of course, they are all for appreciation. Appreciation, there is no other meaning!

(He Yuliang solemnly pushed the non-existent glasses on his nose.)

He Yuliang sat beside the table with a pot of wine and a few dishes on it, thinking about the three questions of the wise man in his mind~

Who am I? Where am I? Where will I go?

After sorting out his thoughts, He Yuliang had an urge to hit his head against the wall and die.

Now he has a new name~Huo Buwei!

Very rich and powerful! Yes! With the current wealth and status, he can lie down and eat a full banquet every day, and his great-grandson can get married and have children.

He has countless subordinates, yes, let’s put it this way, now Huo Buwei has more than 300 taverns of all sizes, all of which are Huo Buwei’s subordinates.

By the way, there is also a large transport team traveling north and south~all of them are his subordinates.

By the way, he has no father~Indeed, let alone a father, even among his brothers and sisters, only one younger brother is still alive.

Don’t even think about being invulnerable to swords and guns, the system said, if you are invulnerable to swords and guns one moment, and you have appendicitis the next moment, are you dead or alive?

He Yuliang didn't dare to gamble. With He Yuliang's understanding of the system, the system might arrange invulnerability one moment and appendicitis the next.

So invulnerability was cancelled!

As for the invincibility of the world, even He Yuliang didn't care, let alone the system. It was just a casual remark, how could it be taken seriously?

These He Yuliang~oh no, Huo Buwei can ignore, but~can you tell me where Hua County is?

Can you tell me what the reign title of Emperor Wen's 24th year is?

Emperors with the surname Wen, from ancient times to the present, have there been emperors with the surname Wen?

"System, you are cheating me! Even if you give me three or seven years, I will accept it, maybe I can still have fun!

But what do you mean by sending me here?"

Emperor Wen~In ancient times, those stock information, gold mines, oil, mineral deposits, celebrities, beauties...

These are all like jokes.

The most important thing is that Huo Buwei can't even use his historical knowledge now, because this is a fictional drama.

The system saw Huo Buwei rubbing his forehead and said in time: "Beep beep invites you to watch ~ Starry Sky!"

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome, but I want to remind you that the rebels will soon attack Hua County, you'd better be prepared!"

Fuck you! Others are starting with a great start, but I'm holding a handful of cannon cards!

"Old Wu! Old Wu!"

"Second Young Master!"

"Let all the guards prepare their armor and prepare for battle! Oh, by the way, how many people do we have?"

"Second Young Master, you said that the Third Young Master is nearby, so send everyone out to secretly protect the Third Young Master.

We only have four people left now!" Old Wu replied.

Old Wu is the person in charge of this tavern. He is usually responsible for gathering intelligence, and the waiters are also good at it.

"Four! Hey! Take me to the warehouse!"

Huo Buwei came to the warehouse, put on his armor and mask, and then put some jars with fuses in the warehouse.

Hey, I'm afraid only these peak black powders can help me. Unexpectedly, the most useless reward turned out to be the most useful help.

"Old Wu, is there any way to get on the city wall?"

"Second Young Master, why are you going to the city wall? The magistrate of Hua County is named Cheng. He loves his people like his own son, so he is pretty good..."

"Yes, that's why I want to save his life!"

There was a burst of noise and shouts from outside: "The rebels are attacking the city. Everyone, hurry up and help the old county magistrate defend the city!"

Huo Buwei came outside wearing armor, holding a strong bow and carrying a spear, and went straight to the city wall!

Old Wu followed, and soon came to the city wall. Old Wu stepped forward to negotiate, and Huo Buwei climbed up the city wall with a spear.

"Kneel down!"

"People inside, listen to me. Have you seen these people? These are your close relatives! If the county magistrate doesn't surrender..."

When Huo Buwei reached the city wall, a man in armor was shouting with a knife outside.

He just wants Magistrate Cheng to open the door and surrender, otherwise he will kill the people.

Chapter 746 The moment of social death

Seeing this, Huo Buwei turned on Xixi directly, pulled out a hand-held loudspeaker from it, and turned on the loudspeaker~

"Collect rags, collect second-hand..."

Huo Buwei...

Huo Buwei hurriedly pressed the button on the loudspeaker and blew twice: "Hoo hoo! Is that fool below Fan Chang?"

Dogs can guess what you want to do. Don't say it so righteously. If you open the door, won't you kill someone?

Who believes it! You just want to take the opportunity to ambush the Holy Spirit on his way to the west, so as to start an army and cause chaos.

If you even want to ambush the Holy One, who are we ordinary people?

Fan Chang, if you dare to kill people, I will definitely make you regret it! If you want to ambush the Holy Lord, you have to hide.

You should also know that although Hua County is not big, the houses are made of fine wood. If you dare to kill people, I will set fire to the county town!

Set fire at night, smoke during the day, and burn down his thirty-fifty house in one day. It will definitely be visible to people hundreds of miles away. Then I will see how you can ambush someone!

Now, I will give you two options. The first one is to let the people go to Wengcheng in Beicheng. I will open the door and let the people in. Let's fight with real swords and guns!

If you win, you can take it from Hua County. If you lose, go back to where you came from! You also know that the city wall in Hua County is only so high, and the city defenders and civilians are only five hundred!

You, General Fan, have thousands of troops and are proficient in attacking cities and territories. Wouldn't it be easy to defeat an old-fashioned Magistrate Cheng who is still a civil servant?

You did this business..."

Mr. Cheng, the magistrate of Hua County, is ready to fight to the death. He wants to take everyone in the Cheng family to lure away the rebels...

At this time, he suddenly heard someone shouting at the top of the city. Mr. Cheng was startled, and then asked: "Who is shouting at the top of the city?"

"I don't know, I'll ask right now!"

"No need! Let people prepare firewood and pile it up around the old man's house. If the house is set on fire to report the news, the old man's mansion will be set on fire first.

The old man went to the city in person to see this righteous man! "

County Magistrate Cheng is also at a loss! Now there are less than 200 people available in the city. Although there are many people who volunteer to help defend the city, the city wall of Hua County is low in the south and high in the north. There is not even an urn in the south. It is not easy to hold it, let alone There are still so many people in their hands.

County magistrate Cheng Lao is a Confucian scholar. If he is allowed to govern the world with herdsmen, he will be good at defending the city and fighting.

He only has one trick - to sacrifice his life for justice.

As for those soldiers, forget it, they might as well be government officials. They are more than enough to catch bandits and so on. But facing so many bandit soldiers, they still want to rebel. Bandit soldiers with rich combat experience~

To put it bluntly, even if Hua County soldiers and horses use the thirty-six strategies, it will be absolutely useless!

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