
After a while, He Yuliang also came back and ran into Ran Qiuye coming out of Qin Huairu's house.

"Hey, Teacher Ran! Are you here for a home visit? Zhuzi said two days ago that he hadn't seen you for a long time! He should be back, right?"

"Oh, Comrade He Yuzhu is back. I just ran into him!"

"Are you in a hurry? If you have time, go over and chat?"


Qin Huairu looked at the situation in front of her and felt a sense of crisis! No! Something is wrong! This situation is wrong!

But with He Yuliang here, I'm afraid I have nowhere to use my energy!

"Ran, brother?!" He Yuzhu looked at Ran Qiuye coming in, his face was happy, and he was a little surprised to see He Yuliang behind him~

Isn't this my blind date? Brother, what do you mean?

"Okay, sit down! Today we're meeting you two, you can guess what it means, I won't say much!

I don't know the specific process of blind dating, let alone what to say. I was born in the military, so I'm a little stiff in doing things, so I'll just say it!

Zhu Zi, let me talk about you first: Teacher Ran Qiuye's parents are returned overseas Chinese, and the education is different from ours in Kyoto.

She can't treat you like the sky like the daughter-in-law in Kyoto. Moreover, because of the problem of education, she may not know how to sew or cook.

In addition, people You are well-educated and smart. I think you should listen to Teacher Ran on some matters.

Also, you also said that Teacher Ran's parents only have this one daughter. If it works out, you have to take care of her in her old age. Can you accept it? If you can accept these, then continue to talk! "

He Yuzhu nodded: "This is just one daughter. Isn't it right to take care of her in her old age?

What's wrong with that?"

He Yuliang nodded: "Okay, then you guys chat! I'm leaving first! There are still a few buttons that your sister-in-law hasn't bought yet!"

He Yuliang got up and left!


Ran Qiuye blushed and saw him off. Originally, she came today just to have some good feelings for He Yuzhu and wanted to chat. If they get along well, she would go back and tell her parents and let them check it out.

But after He Yuliang said that, this contact directly turned into a blind date, which made Ran Qiuye feel a little too fast!

But what He Yuliang said ~ Teacher Ran's parents only have this one child, you have to take care of her in the future...

This sentence touched Ran Qiuye's heart!

In this day and age, there are people who provide for uncles and aunts, and parents-in-law, except for live-in sons-in-law!

Who would be a live-in son-in-law unless his family can't make ends meet or he really can't find a wife!

In Ran Qiuye's situation, don't even think about a live-in son-in-law! It's not that he can't get one, but the best one he can get is the kind with a weak will and a weak body.

That's it, let alone Ran Qiuye, even Ran Qiuye's parents can't get through it! Just thinking about it makes me sick!

It was this phrase of providing for the elderly and seeing them off that made Ran Qiuye want to have a good chat with He Yuzhu.

"Comrade He Yuzhu, your elder brother is quite straightforward!"

He Yuzhu nodded: "Oh, he has been a soldier for nine years, maybe all soldiers are like this! After getting a sister-in-law, his temper has changed a lot, but he is still like this when doing things, sometimes it makes people feel embarrassed!

Teacher Ran, sit down! Have tea, have tea!"

Ran Qiuye took a sip of tea to hide his panic.




After a silence, the two of them actually spoke at the same time, and the awkward atmosphere dissipated a lot.

"You go first!"

"Okay! I'll go first!" He Yuzhu thought for a while and said, "Let me introduce myself first. I'm He Yuzhu, 26 this year. I look a little anxious, but I'm really 26.

I'm the team leader of the second canteen of the steel rolling mill. My salary is 43, plus the position allowance of the team leader is 45!

My family has inherited the skills of Tan's cuisine, and I have also apprenticed to a Sichuan cuisine master. His education level is not high, and he didn't even finish elementary school!

When I was 17 years old, my father ran away to Baoding with a woman with two children!

My brother, you know him! He Yuliang is the instructor and criminal investigation team leader of our Red Star Police Station!

I also have a younger sister, He Yushui, who works in the cotton mill. She got married on the sixth day of February. Her brother-in-law is a public security officer under my brother, named Wang Xinmin.

Basically, that's all I have!"

When He Yuzhu said this, Ran Qiuye was surprised~this condition is not bad! There is nothing wrong with it, how come...

I don't know if it was He Yuliang who inspired it, or what He Yuzhu said just now, which made Ran Qiuye speak with a little bit of recklessness!

"Comrade He Yuzhu, I do have a question, I wonder if I can ask it!"

"Ask it! Today I am reckless, no matter what you ask, I will absolutely not hold back."

"According to what you said, your conditions are not bad, how come..."

"Oh, that's the case, that's it, I have been living with my sister since I was seventeen, my father ran away, my brother is in the army, and my eldest brother was still in the south and fought with Ah San!

As for whether it is dangerous or not~ Let's put it this way, there are several military medals alone! Not to mention taking care of, even letters are rarely seen.

At that time, my sister was studying, and I was afraid that after getting married, my sister's studies would be delayed. In addition, I didn't make much money at that time, so I was delayed..."

Ran Qiuye nodded, and He Yuzhu passed the test.

This was the reason He Yuzhu had thought about for a long time, and unexpectedly, it actually worked!

"Teacher Ran, you see I have said so much, I just learned about your story from others, can I ask you a question?"

Ran Qiuye nodded.

"I know, I am not well educated. To put it bluntly, the students you teach now are better educated than me.

You are not good looking. If we stand together, everyone will think you are tolerant! But I just...

Hey, I just want to ask, can you agree!"

Chapter 116 Believe it or not, I will slap you

Ran Qiuye actually agreed with He Yuzhu in her heart at this time, but it was a little difficult to say it out loud!

She is not a straightforward silly girl like Qin Jingru, who says whatever is in her mind!

Ran Qiuye took a sip of water: "This is the case..."

"Oh! Teacher Ran is still here?" Qin Huairu pushed the door open with a basin in her hand and said with a smile on her face when she saw Ran Qiuye.

"Hey, Jia Geng's mother, what are you doing..."

"Oh, that's right, I'm washing clothes over there, let's see if Sha Zhu has anything to wash.

I've been busy recently and don't have time to wash for him. I don't know how much he has accumulated. You guys chat, you guys chat, I'll be there in a while..."

Ran Qiuye's face changed, his brows furrowed, and he was about to get up and leave...

"Liangzi's wife, what are you doing..." When Qin Huairu walked to the door, she saw Lin Shuyun, who looked murderous, blocking her way.

Qin Huairu went east, trying to bypass Lin Shuyun, Lin Shuyun took a step east, Qin Huairu went west, Lin Shuyun took a step west, and blocked her way again!

There was no other way. Qin Huairu smiled awkwardly and asked Lin Shuyun...

"Widow Qin, you should have a conscience! What do you mean? When my family's Yuliang came back, Zhuzi's house was built like a pigsty. You didn't clean it up for more than nine years. Zhuzi was here for a blind date, and you, a widow, came to wash clothes for a bachelor!

For so many years, Zhuzi saw that your family was living a miserable life. You must have eaten a lot of the food brought from the factory, right?

You also borrowed a lot of wages, but you never paid them back!

Do you know why? Do you think Zhuzi fell in love with you, a widow? Bah! You are full of resentment!

Zhuzi didn't eat that year. , your Jia Dongxu borrowed eight and a half catties of corn flour from Zhuzi, Zhuzi remembered the favor, so he helped you!

Just for this eight and a half catties of corn flour, your mother-in-law asked for ten catties, and asked for it twice!

Helping you is for the sake of the dead! Widow Qin, do you understand?

Now, put the clothes back and get out of here immediately! The He family and your Jia family are no longer related! I said it! "


"What do you mean by me? I'm still polite. Do you believe I will slap you in the face? Otherwise, I will hold a meeting of the whole courtyard to let everyone see how you, Widow Qin, show off?"

"Woo woo woo..."

Qin Huairu ran away!

"Here's the basin for you! Unlucky!"

Lin Shuyun threw the basin out directly!

"I'm so angry! She really did what Yuliang said! Qiuye, don't pay attention to her, just think of it as a bug you ate while eating melon seeds!

Come, eat the candy! This is Yuliang and I's wedding candy, you can't leave without eating it, right?"

Ran Qiuye was shocked to see Lin Shuyun like this, this couple is really one more decisive than the other.

"What's going on?" Lin Shuyun took a candy, peeled it, and handed it to Ran Qiuye with the candy wrapper.

"Thank you, Comrade Lin Shuyun..."

"Why Comrade Lin Shuyun? Sister Lin!"

"Sister Lin, what's going on?"

Lin Shuyun glanced at He Yuzhu: "What else can it be? A little kindness, a big rice, a grudge!

Zhuzi remembered Jia Dongxu's kindness, and the Jia family was also in financial difficulty. Zhuzi helped her a lot with money and food!

The widow Qin was wrong, and Zhuzi was a person who didn't like to explain, so she thought it was true!

The widow Qin was afraid that Zhuzi would stop helping her after marriage, so she spared no effort to destroy Zhuzi's marriage.

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