Era of Breakdown

Chapter 108 The final arrival

Apart from "curiosity", He had no mood swings for a long time, but in front of him, these escaping ants wrapped around the girl he had chosen, and the "unhappy" emotion was brewing in the unknown.

The Honkai energy on the surface of Teleya's planet was pumped away, and in the starry sky, a field formed by tens of thousands of huge suspended lightsabers sealed the space tightly.

The space resonator on the Hyperion made frequent noises, and finally emitted black smoke under the protection mechanism and stopped working.

The jump led by Mei and Xilin was forced to pause. The ripples in the surrounding space were not erased. Instead, it was as if the pause button was pressed, completely freezing the space within a hundred kilometers.

It is strangely like a painting, placed quietly in the cold and empty starry sky.

Talaya Federation, the observatory on the ground has already exploded! Ever since the aliens from the Hyperion visited Tellaya more than ten years ago, the observatory has become a popular place. They are observing the universe and stars every day, trying to find the next friendly visitor, but as time goes by, , no trace of aliens has been found for more than ten years. The original enthusiasm has long since cooled down, and observing the stars has become a daily routine.

However, today they observed that extremely terrifying scene in the outer space of Teleya!

"That spaceship looks like the Hyperion that was spread on the Internet!"

"On a slightly different note, why is it in our outer space? And what is that lightsaber floating above them?"

"They seemed to be traveling through space. When the jump engine was halfway started, it was stopped by unknown energy."

"There is new observational information! Those lightsabers are composed of extremely high concentrations of Honkai energy! It is several times higher than the Honkai power that occurred when the First Herrscher arrived!"

The observation station was in chaos and exploded, and they hurriedly reported the situation to their superiors.

The areas restricted by lightsabers are still expanding, and people in some areas on Teleya can even directly observe the pale golden light shining in space with their naked eyes.

From the first photo uploaded to the Internet, to the observation video of private enthusiasts, when the highest level of the federation, the new Speaker ‘Dias’ received the exact news, it has already been widely circulated on the Internet!

(Is this a photo? Why is the alien spacecraft motionless?)

(Is it synthesized again to deceive clicks? It wasn’t done that way ten years ago. What’s the point of doing it every day?)

(Hey, I also roughly changed the modeling of the Hyperion, which is pretty good, much better than the fake pictures made by those people in the past)

(It’s true! It’s not a picture! It’s a video! I’m in Nastaya State, where you can directly see the pale gold flash in space with your naked eyes! You only need an astronomical telescope to see that weird picture!)

(Why does the Hyperion appear in outer space on our planet?)

(It's stuck on something!)

(Is it possible that it has been observing us?)

(How terrible! The federal government has done nothing and doesn’t know how to negotiate?)

In the past, Mei and Aiyi might have been in the mood to control the trend of public opinion on the Internet of the Talaya Federation, but now, they were in no mood to care about the Hyperion's exposure.

"Sister Mei, all the Honkai energy fuel in the Honkai Furnace engine has stopped operating! The area outside the ship is a binding force!"

"I know." Mei's face darkened. They made many plans to deal with it, including the arrival of Honkai Consciousness. For this reason, they even asked Bianca to travel back to the original world to obtain the White Flower of the Black Abyss.

"Ai Yi, check the space resonator and ask Su to reinstall the space gem on the Qianjie Yiyang! And Xilin, let her be prepared to jump at any time, and wake up Ji to prevent danger. "Mei made a simple arrangement, and the blank key was already attached to Youzhi's figure. When he turned his wrist, he saw that the divine key 'Black Abyss White Flower' had already appeared in his hand.

"Sister Mei, the troubleshooting is complete. Su needs twenty seconds. Xilin is ready. Boss, it will take about half a minute for him to wake up."

"Okay!" Mei spread her consciousness and sensed the invasion of the restraint field. "With a countdown of twenty-five seconds, I will release the withering power of the black abyss at the moment it reaches zero, and strive to jump to the quantum high-dimensional abyss."


The turbulent Honkai Energy surged out of Mei's body, and the withering power of the black abyss white flowers blended with it, forming a pitch-black armor that enveloped Mei's body.

"Twenty seconds countdown!" Ai Yi shouted.

The darkness on Mei's body became more and more intense, suddenly expanding and exploding in all directions! Transformed into black streams of light, avoiding crowds and equipment, and traveling to the edge of the restricted area.

"Ten seconds countdown!" Ai Yi said: "Sister Mei, Su is ready! The Thousand Realms First Vehicle is warming up."

Mei is frantically absorbing Honkai energy from the imaginary space to replenish the withering power of the black abyss.

"Countdown to five seconds! The First Thousand Worlds, the space resonator has been activated! Siren has injected energy!"

"Three seconds!"


Boom buzz——

The dark dots surrounding the edge of the constraint area expanded crazily in an instant! Forming a dark circle surrounding the Hyperion, it expanded again towards the outside world!

The lightsabers that built the constraint field decomposed one after another. Before they were broken and melted, they were swallowed up by the power of darkness and decay, until the jump space was completely enveloped!

"The jump begins!"

The engine of the Hyperion suddenly resumed, and the powerful propulsion made the crew members who were tight in their seats feel a tightness in their chests!

In the laboratory, Yaeji, who had just stepped out of the sleeping cabin, was almost thrown aside by the excessive propulsion force.

Now that he is in charge of two bodies, the sense of division within his soul makes it difficult for him to adapt.


Living Area.

Feeling the shock from the outside world, Siasin's little face turned slightly pale, and the high-energy explosion of the game between the two parties was far beyond the scale when she became the Herrscher, and even reached the level of being able to easily crush her.

"Sister Ji, what's going on outside...what's going on outside?"

"Honkai consciousness has mobilized the Honkai energy on the Teleya star to form a constraint field. In this field, all energy operations will fail, and life will inevitably die if it enters."

"Then let's..."


Boom ~

The loud noise was accompanied by the numbing sound of metal twisting. At this time, his perception had lost its effect. Yaeji looked to the outside world, passing through the restricted area through the withered round curtain that had expanded to the extreme. There was something faint in the space. A giant figure appears.

The figure was smeared with starlight, and every time it moved, the surrounding space seemed to be unable to withstand the pressure and was shattered.

It wasn't until the silhouette expanded to thousands of kilometers that Yaeji could fully see the face of the descendant.

"The end?!"

The hair on his back stood on end, and Yaeji felt his scalp numb. He never dreamed that the Honkai Consciousness would forcefully summon the former Herrscher of Finality to appear outside of Talaya!

"Little Siasin, relax, I want to borrow your 'Wither' power."


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