Era of Breakdown

Chapter 101 The first mission (6/10) please subscribe!

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"Isn't this the badge that symbolizes the Valkyries of the elite team?" Yaeji replied.

Aretha stretched out her index finger and shook it in front of Yaeji, "This is just one of them. Let me first talk about how you were identified as a weirdo."

Yaeji was puzzled, but replied honestly: "When I was in the alternate Valkyrie training camp, I took the physical fitness test and the Houkai resistance test."

"Hmm." Aretha was noncommittal, and then asked, "How did you conduct the physical fitness test?"

Suddenly, Yaeji took out the badge from his pocket, and said in disbelief, "Isn't this thing also dug out from the ground?"

"That's not true." Seeing Yaeji's surprised look, Aretha seemed very happy, "Destiny was still playing around on the land of Britain decades ago. The reason why it has developed so fast in the past ten years is that Relying on those ancient instruments dug out of the ground."

"The intelligence department you mentioned earlier relies on an instrument called 'Honkai Radar' to detect the Honkai reaction in the nearby area, so as to achieve a rapid counterattack."

"Honkai Radar?" Yazhongji muttered a lot, since he wandered around in different worlds all day and night, he naturally knew the function of radar.

Honkai Radar, as the name suggests, is to query the radar that Honkai can respond to.

"Then what about this thing?" Ya Chongji picked up the silver badge and asked impatiently.

"This little thing wasn't dug out, it was made with those instruments. At the beginning, it contained some crystals, saying it could broadcast the images in real time, but later, because there was no other instrument to cooperate, it was nothing. .”

'satellite. '

A noun suddenly popped up in Yaeji's mind.

Before Yaeji could digest it, Aretha played with the badge in her hand, and continued: "I usually wear this thing on my body, it is a symbol of status. When dealing with the Houkai incident, I wear it on my body, and it can record military achievements. You are dead Carry it with you at all times, at least let other Valkyries know who you are."

"Haha~" Hearing such realistic words, Yazhongji laughed dryly and asked, "How does the badge record military achievements?"

"Hmm..." Aretha was silent for a moment, as if recalling.

"I remember communicating with a member of the intelligence department. She said that there is a chip built into the badge? Or something else, I forgot. You carry it on your body, and when you kill the Honkai Beast, as long as the Honkai When the life breath of a bad beast drops to freezing point, it will automatically record. Honkai beasts are also strong and weak, and the recorded military exploits are naturally different."

"After your mission is over, take your badge and go to the intelligence department to swipe it, and you will know how much military merit you can get."

Yazhongji focused his eyes on the badge in his palm, "Captain, you said that the ancient instruments are so powerful, so why did they disappear?"

"have no idea."

All members of the Shadow Blade team shook their heads.

"Hurry up and have a good night's rest. We will go to the subordinate villages of Feilu Town tomorrow." Aretha ordered: "Rami, you go to the logistics department to prepare the rations we need. There is also Laxie'er Dajian, you said you were the logistics officer of the Shadow Blade team, and asked them to send someone to La Xieer's dormitory."

"Remember to tell the logistics that we will go on a mission tomorrow, and we need five good horses, and bring the name of the Shadow Blade Squad, so don't be tricked by others!"

"Yes! Captain! Guaranteed to complete the task!" Lamy said seriously.

"Haha, Xiao Ji, the logistics officer you selected is so cute." Aretha smiled and said, "Rami, after we leave tomorrow, you can tell Instructor Ai Xi to take a day off and not to study forcefully. I will have you tonight." Dealing with logistics."

"Yes!" Lamy sat upright again.

Aretha nodded in satisfaction, her eyes full of smiles.


Early the next morning, Lamy, who hadn't slept all night, led the five horses sent by the logistics with two panda eyes.

The horse is tall and muscular, and it can be seen at a glance that it is a rare good horse.

When she went to raise the horse last night, she also saw the logistics officer of the ordinary team arguing with the logistics team. After arguing for a long time, they didn't give their team any preferential treatment.

When it was her turn, she directly said the name of the Shadow Blade team, without her needing to do it herself, the logistics staff arranged everything for her.

Lamy was very excited. As the saying goes, there is no harm if there is no comparison. Only after this comparison did she know how high she is as the logistics officer of the elite team.

All of this was given to her by Aji! If it wasn't for Ah Ji, she might have to endure it for another year before she could break away from the group of roommates who rejected her and join the ordinary team.

But now... the more I think about it, the more Lamy appreciates Yaeji. Although she felt a little embarrassed and curious about the identity of Yaeji's boy, that's all. She has come through such a great suffering, so why not share the same room with the boy? Anyway, she wasn't going to marry again.

While Lamy was imagining the future, all members of the Shadow Blade team had already begun to assemble.

Yaeji was the first to arrive at the scene, and he went to the tailor yesterday to buy a new suit that would not interfere with the battle.

The gray is slightly black, and the toughness is excellent. To Yaeji's satisfaction, this dress is unisex.

Yaeji had a tachi on his waist, and his slightly long pink hair was tied up with a thin black belt. The whole person looks very energetic.

When he came to Lamy, Yaeji said gently: "When I came, I met Instructor Aixi and said hello to her. You can go back to the dormitory to rest later."

Lamy glanced at Yazhongji, lowered his head, with a blush on his small face, and said in a voice like a mosquito, "Thank you."

How could she not know? Instructor Ai Xi and them live in a different place, and they can't meet each other from this route. Since Aji said so, it can only be that he went to Instructor Ai Xi's place...

"Xiao Ji, you came so early? You're very energetic. Where's your protective gear?"

Yazhongji raised his head and looked not far away. Captain Aretha, who was wearing a half-body silver armor, was carrying a knight's long sword that looked like a spear. The whole body was milky white, and it was unknown what rare ore it was made of.

Her long brown hair hangs directly to her waist, without a trace of the gentleness of a daughter's family, but instead shows the heroic posture of a Valkyrie!

"Good morning Captain! It will take more than half a month to get the protective gear. I am a high-explosive type, and wearing full-body protective gear will erase my speed advantage."

Aretha nodded, looked at the logistics staff waiting on the other side, and asked, "Is it still the supplies for the usual mission?"

"Yes, my lord." A logistics staff said respectfully: "Dried meat and fresh water are all available, and there are six people in total."

Aretha nodded, "Just put it aside, you go back to sleep first."

"Yes!" x2

When Ya Chongji heard that there were six servings of food, he couldn't help but wondered: "Captain, Lamy is not on a mission, how can I get six servings of food?"

Aretha gave him a mysterious smile: "You will understand when you fight."


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