Era of Breakdown

Chapter 2 Destiny Begins (4K)

Remember in a second [Wanben Station] Mobile phone users enter the address:

There was nothing displayed on the task panel, and he didn't "swoosh" to the copy of Tokyo Ghoul.

Before he went to bed, he had already changed into the shorts and jacket made in the tailor shop. This outfit, even if he went to the world of technology, would not look so obtrusive.'s a cold winter.

Yaeji dug out the terms again to study them carefully, and asked again: "Are you sure the flow rate of time is 1:3650? I have spent ten years there, and the time here will only go up to one day?"

"Tokyo Ghoul's copy world, the time flow rate is 1:3650."

Yaeji breathed a sigh of relief when a short sentence appeared on the mission panel.

After scrolling down and looking at the terms of lifespan again, Yaeji finally felt relieved.

In the novice reward dungeon—Tokyo Ghoul’s world, his lifespan will be recalculated to a certain point in time, and when he completes the mission and returns, his own lifespan will not change in any way.

At the same time, in the novice bonus dungeon, his skill points will be temporarily frozen and cannot be recovered by the passage of time.

"That's it, calm down Yachongji." Yachongji said to himself: "Just treat it as if you are going to play a game of life."

"Let's start the mission." Yazhongji said.

"Reward dungeon for beginners—Tokyo Ghoul World, is it open?"

Looking at the characters that appeared on the panel, Yaeji replied: "Open!"


"Hit him! Hit him! Wave your fist! How can you be so weak, shark! Where's your fist?!"

"Oh! Damn it! Labor and management's money!"

"Stupid! If I buy you a penny in the future, I will die!"

"Come on! If you really can't do it, bite him!"


The ears were filled with noisy voices, and the drowsy Yaeji raised his head slightly, narrowed his eyes, and looked at this place.

The environment is dark, and the air is full of choking smoke and other inexplicable smells.

The only bright spot was the arena surrounded by barbed wire in the middle of the field.

Two strong men with naked upper torso were throwing punches frantically, not caring about their injuries at all, as if they were crazy.

"Boom" punch!

The bald man who was hit in the temple fell straight to the ground, while the other blond man roared wildly, as if celebrating his victory.

Some people in the auditorium made discouraged sounds, while others shouted excitedly.

The nostrils were full of stale air, and Yae Ji leaned on the chair, he didn't like this kind of place.

After sorting out his muddled mind, he realized that he had already been inserted into an identity.

What he was wearing was not his specially made shorts and jacket, but rather fancy beach clothes.

And... his body... seems to be his own, but not his own...

He stretched out his palm and looked at it. It was slender and slender, not like the palm of a thirteen-year-old child at all.

Yaeji concentrated, and the task panel in front of him automatically appeared.

Name: Beiying Kaslana (Yae Ji)

Sex: Male

Age: 18 (13)

Country: United States of America (Shinano)

Power: None (Mandate of Heaven)

Combat power evaluation: b+ (Valkyrie)

Empowerment: language proficiency, efficient learning

Mission: Human Supremacy (try to destroy all ghouls, minimum 1000)

"...Kaslana? This is really bad taste." Yaeji thought, judging from the inserted identity, the parents of this body had just passed away due to a plane crash. After a large inheritance tax, he was also kicked out of the board of directors of his parents' former company.

In the future, he can only get dividends and cannot participate in any decision-making in the company.

The original owner who gave up on himself took a lot of money and spent a lot of money... He chose to drop out of college when he was in college...

In pursuit of excitement, he found an underground black boxing arena...

The memory stopped abruptly backwards.

"This is really the beginning of destiny." Ya Chongji thought.

Taking another look at the ring that was preparing for the next fight, Yaeji stood up, looking like he was not interested, then turned and left.

Walking into the car following the inserted memory, Yaeji touched the steering wheel, feeling a little excited in his heart, he had only seen this thing in dreams, although the inserted memory had pictures of driving, but he had never touched it before, You can only draw pictures of cats and tigers.

Yaeji, who maintained his excitement, drove back home all the way. Although the inheritance left by his parents was not much, it was enough for him to squander. Not to mention the company's dividends every year, which made the original owner extravagant.

Yaeji turned on the computer and began to search for the information he needed, and sure enough, he found information about ghouls in it!

"Active in Southeast Asia and Yingzhou? The United States has already eliminated the ghoul crisis? It is the only three in the world to eliminate the ghoul hazard..."

Yaeji was a little dazed, and only then did he recall the bottom danger judgment when the mission was announced.

No wonder he came to the ghoul world with his strength, and the risk assessment was only "weak". It turned out that he did not come to Yingzhou!

Yaeji muttered in his mouth: "As expected of Tokyo Ghoul, Tokyo Tokyo, the center of the world's ghouls?"

With his strength, it is the most stupid way to go to Yingzhou with a knife and kill 1000 ghouls, and then choose to return.

Maybe he hadn't killed a few ghouls before he became their food. Going to Yingzhou Tokyo and killing ghouls with a white blade will undoubtedly increase his risk factor.

Yaeji leaned on the chair, analyzing all useful information in his mind.

According to the mission, the highest achievement is to completely eliminate the ghouls. That would mean that he has a chance to completely wipe out the ghouls.

Because he had seen in the terms of the dungeon that he would never issue tasks that could not be completed.

He raised his head and looked at the lampshade hanging from the ceiling.

Yaeji recalled the post he saw on the dream forum.

"What would you do if you traveled to the world of ghouls?"

Bugu Bird: At the beginning of the plot, from the mobile phones used by the protagonist, supporting characters, and passers-by, it corresponds to the stage of modern times from 2008 to 2010, and then...

The other party spewed hundreds of words, some agreed, some denied, and some disagreed...

Yaeji rushed to the computer and searched for the time.



Seeing these two strings of numbers, Yaeji smiled, he knew what he should do.


Yaeji has longed for it ever since he came into contact with the different world in the dream.

At night, Yaeji went out and tried to eat a fast food. Something called a hamburger made him frown, and the only thing that conquered him was the dark-looking but numb-tasting Coke.

After eating, he walked on the street, looking at the streets with people coming and going, Yae Ji was smiling. Whether in Shinano or Tianming, he has never seen such a scene.

The surrounding high-rise buildings, the bustling crowds, the busy streets... can all make Yaeji's body excited.

On the big screen hanging on the building, Yaeji even watched the advertisements played on it with relish.

It's one thing to experience it in a dream, it's another thing to experience it yourself in reality.

The only thing Yaeji was dissatisfied with was the poor air quality here.

"Now insert a piece of news." The picture on the big screen changed suddenly. Before Yaeji could figure out the situation, the host said: "According to the first-line news, there is a ghoul smuggled from Tokyo on the xxxx flight. Currently. .....Finally, I would like to warn everyone that it is best not to travel to Yingzhou..."

"Yingzhou is really troublesome." The young woman standing in front of Yachongji said: "What kind of ghouls, just wipe them out? Does Yingzhou still want to keep them for biological observation experiments?"

"Hehe~" The man next to him smiled and said, "It's normal to want to do experiments, except for the need to eat people, who wouldn't want to obtain a perverted physical fitness like a ghoul? I don't know if the military has conducted experiments, but Yingzhou keeps ghouls , can be regarded as a kind of political correctness."

The woman was puzzled and asked, "Why is that?"

"Because the United States is its father." The man replied with a smile.

The woman nodded thoughtfully at first, and then asked: "Isn't there a CCG similar to destroying ghouls in Yingzhou?"

"Huh~" the man suppressed a smile, "Do you know what CCG does?"

"Get rid of the ghouls?"

"Yes, the introduction on their official website: 'The only agency that conducts investigations to solve ghoul-related incidents around the world...'. Do you think it's funny?"

"Pfft hahaha~ They have the most ghouls in Yingzhou and Tokyo, and they still solve the whole world?"

There were good-natured laughter from people around, and at this moment, the green light turned on, and Yazhongji, who was following behind everyone, also had a hint of a smile.

According to the information he inquired, Yingzhou's ghoul countermeasure department was the earliest official organization established in the world to deal with ghouls. But in recent years, big powers such as Eagle Sauce, Rabbit, and Maoxiong have used thunderous means to eliminate all hidden dangers in the country as much as possible.

Even ghouls that cannot be eliminated immediately will take expulsion methods.

Now it seems that most of those expelled ghouls have gone to Yingzhou.

CCG has been exterminating for so many years, but more and more ghouls have been exterminated, and incidents of attacking people have occurred more frequently. The whole of Tokyo looks more like a giant captive farm.

For ghouls, there is no country that is not tempted. As long as the key point of cannibalism can be broken, everyone wants to study the abnormal physical fitness of ghouls.

Obviously, no matter what Yingzhou thinks, Tokyo is still an area where ghouls are rampant.

Can't completely kill the ghouls? How is it possible, it's just that someone wants to study it thoroughly.

Huge benefits are in front of the eyes, no one will not be tempted.

Listening to the opinions of the couple along the way, and their contempt for Yingzhou, Yaeji absorbed everyone's views on various aspects from the crowd.

In fact, the people of the United States least believe in the government and the military, and conspiracy theories have always existed. For example, using ghouls as an experiment, the story will be told for three days and three nights without repeating the same.

Movies about ghouls are even more popular, and it deserves to be called the country with the most free people on Blue Star.

Back home, Yaeji changed into looser clothes and stood in front of the mirror.

In this world a little abrupt pink hair,

With a slender figure, it doesn't look like a European or American skeleton at all. The appearance has changed slightly, and it is not as "pretty" as before. At least when wearing men's clothing, people will not be mistaken for women at a glance.

The most unique thing is that pair of bewitching eyes, which resemble the color of the crystals of Houkai, enough to make anyone staring at him fall into a momentary confusion.

Turning on the small lights in the courtyard, Yaeji first jumped to move his body. In fact, until now, he has not adapted to this body.

For example, height.

The height of 178 made him a little uncomfortable, and his own strength failed to increase a little.

This also created another predicament for Yachongji.

Strength, explosion, all belong to the original appearance. But the original him was slightly shorter, lighter in weight, able to explode faster and punch more swiftly.

But now... thanks to this adult body, the weight of his body will slow down his speed. In terms of combat power, it can be said that it has dropped a notch in all aspects, and it will take some time to adapt.

Fortunately, he didn't have to go to Tokyo with a knife to kill ghouls, otherwise he would have died.

After experiencing it for a while, Yaeji went to the bathroom to take a shower, played in front of the computer for a while, and then fell into a deep sleep.

In the dream, Yaeji opened the skill panel, and the skill points on it had turned gray and could not be increased.

Yaeji glanced at the lit skills, and brought up the mission panel again.

Finally, Yaeji came to another world again to inquire about financial knowledge.

All this was told to him by a netizen named 'Bugu Bird'.

In this technological world, to some extent. If you have money, you have most of the resources. If you deny it, it can only be said that your accumulation of wealth has not reached that level...

Ghoul? The United States can study it, but private individuals cannot study it for no reason.

It's actually not that difficult to wipe out the ghouls in one fell swoop...

Now the time period of the copy world of "Tokyo Ghoul" is June 30, 2007, and the plot should start for a while.

However, Yae Ji doesn't care about the so-called plot, or the struggle history of the hero Kaneki Ken, so what does that have to do with him?

The only thing he has to do is to use the resources of the technological world to completely wipe out the ghouls and complete the mission!

Tomorrow is July 1st, a brand new day.

In one month's time, the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States will be fully revealed. In the next year, it will be the best time for him to collect his wealth.

With wealth and taking advantage of the economic crisis, he can continue to grow himself and find all kinds of biological talents to serve him.

No one has trouble with money.

Where there is money and talent, research will begin. A ghoul is just a creature, and a weapon to deal with ghouls has been developed in the plot, and what he has to do is to add strength to it.

Insufficient research? What doesn't exist is just that the money is not in place.

Yaeji began to frantically search for information about the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States in another world.

Flower bank? stock? Bitcoin? real estate?

Countless ways to collect wealth appeared in front of him.

Relying on the talent of "efficient learning" endowed by the task, Yae Ji frantically absorbed financial knowledge.

When he woke up in the morning, Yaeji, who was in high spirits, first practiced kendo and physical fitness, and finally took a shower.

Pick up the phone and call the "uncle" who kicked himself out of the board.

"Hello? I want to sell my stock."


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