Era of Breakdown

Chapter 14 Between Sakura and Rin (3/3) Subscription

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"I just want to give you a hug." Shendai Lishi stopped and said quite innocently.

"Hold me?" Yazhongji put the newly picked bag in the container, sealed it and turned around, as if you were teasing me.

"Do you think I will believe your nonsense?"

"You human men are really ruthless. You obviously took me home and did such inhumane things to me. Now even if I want to hug you regardless of the past..."

"Okay, dear actress, can you go into the nutrition cabin honestly like the previous few times? Or do you need to be like the first time, I pulled your hair, choked your neck, Beat you like a dead dog, so you can honestly go back to your den?"

"I really just want to hug you, feel your inside, feel your heartbeat..."

"Then use your slender arms to help me open my intestines, tear out the intestines and eat them?" Yaeji added after taking off his mask.

"I found out that I really like you~ Ji~" Kamdai Toshiyo held his pretty face with both hands, and there was some kind of intoxication after the lingering rhyme in his eyes.

"You've probably said this to every man who died in your hands. Okay, can you go back now? Or do you want me to hurt you first, and then stuff you headfirst into the nutrition cabin Inside?"

Yaeji threw the blood-soaked glove into the trash can, and walked slowly towards Shendai Lishi.

Kamitori Toshi tilted his head slightly, and said puzzledly: "I think this body is still very attractive to human males, and I've also heard that... um!"

Yaeji pinched Shendai Lishi's neck with his hands, and glanced up and down.

"Beautiful, with a good figure and elegant temperament. Most men are indeed attracted to you. But when I think of you as a man-eating monster, I feel sick from the bottom of my heart from the inside out."

Yaeji walked to the nutrition cabin, and violently stuffed Godai Rishi into the nutrition cabin.

"Cough~cough cough cough~"

God Dai Lishi covered his neck with his hands, he looked very helpless, exuding a pitiful aura everywhere.

"Born like this! If you don't eat people, you will die! What do you want me to do?!"

"That's your problem." Yaeji closed the hatch, "I'm a human being, so I naturally consider it from a human perspective."

After controlling the instrument, Yaeji left with the suitcase containing the bag.

In the nutrition cabin, Godai Rishi, who was submerged in the dilution inhibitor, stared at Yaeji's departure direction.


Time continues to move backwards.

Under the banner of Destiny, in the Hines biological laboratory.

The person in charge of the project has a huge population, boasting about this invention amazingly, and comparing it with military experiments many times, so that the big boss in front of him can allocate more funds to support the project of Heins Lab.

"Simulate the substances produced by rc cells, sprinkle them in the food of animals and plants, and after a period of time, they can be eaten by ghouls?" Yaeji simplified and asked.

"Yes, Boss. We have done a lot of experiments in our laboratory, both A-level and B-level ghouls participated, and there is no adverse reaction after eating food. It will not feel difficult to swallow, and the stomach can be normal Digestion provides the body with a certain amount of nutrition, and excretion is also very normal."

"Because it is a simulation, to deceive the taste buds of the ghouls, it will only supplement the daily energy required by the ghouls, and cannot increase the rc cells in the ghouls' body. After long-term consumption, it may cause physical weakness. But we are working on this direction. I believe it will not be long before the experimental samples will be produced."

"What about humans?" Yazhongji asked.

"It's no different from normal food, except that the food cost will increase a lot. And we found that the simulated rc will become an excellent seasoning agent. Whether it's meat or grains, if you sprinkle the simulated rc growth, it will become more delicious." The person in charge After finishing speaking, he worried again: "There are no s-level or above ghouls in the laboratory, and we have no way of knowing what kind of reaction the higher-level beings among those ghouls will have after eating these things."

"Well. This experimental project is divided into two parts, one for the purpose of quietly weakening the rc in the ghoul's body, and the other for the purpose of the ghoul's normal eating."

"This...boss," said the project leader, with a look of embarrassment on his face, "the second one has always been a difficult project, but the first really difficult, and we can't get it through food. Manipulating the nerve centers of ghouls, allowing them to make their own 'powerful' judgments when they are weak... Moreover, we have no experimental reports on ghouls above S rank..."


A week later, a restaurant named Sakura Rinza opened all over the states of the United States, and used the media to create hype. Coupled with good reputation and delicious food, Sakura Rinza became popular all of a sudden.

Ten days later, Yingzhou's first Ying Linjian opened. At this time, people began to pay attention to the backside of this newly emerging catering giant...

"Oh~ Dong Xiangjiang, hurry up, we won't be able to line up later."

A girl with chestnut-colored short hair and wearing the uniform of Kiyomi High School urged her friends beside her with an eager look.

The girl called "Dong Xiangjiang" was the clerk Yaeji met at the 'Antique' coffee shop that day!

At this moment, Touka Kirishima looked absent-minded,

Kind of like, she really can't get used to human food.

But as a ghoul, she pretends to live in the human world, so she must be highly vigilant to prevent herself from revealing her secrets, so as to be noticed by CCG.

Today, her closest friend in the human world insisted on dragging her to taste the delicacy known as 'God's Delicacy'.

In this regard, Kirishima Touka wished that the popular restaurant was overcrowded, so that he could not serve new customers.

"Hurry up, Dong Xiangjiang, I managed to get two invitations. You see you are so thin, you must make up more!"

The girl with short chestnut hair took Dong Xiang's little hand and trotted down the street.

Touka Kirishima looked hopeless.

Five minutes later, the panting little Ban Yizi rested her hands on her knees, panting slightly, looked up at Touka Kirishima, and said enviously: "Dong Xiangjiang's physical strength is really good, it's a pity not to participate in sports."

Kirishima Touka was startled, and hurriedly said: "I was dragged by you all the way, and I'm not too tired. Aren't I going to eat? Let's go quickly."

Hearing "eating", Xiaoban Yizi's eyes lit up, and she dragged Dong Xiang to a restaurant called "Sakura Rin Room".

"Wow! There are too many people, let's hurry up!"

Kirishima Touka looked not far away, there was a restaurant with dozens of people lined up outside the door. The corner of the mouth twitched unconsciously, isn't that too much?

When queuing up, Kirishima Touka's eyes were attracted by the "trademark" between Sakura Rin, and the two Q-version pink-haired little girls were smiling.

One of them was a cute girl who seemed to have rabbit ears on her head, which made Touka Kirishima feel a little fond of her.


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