Era of Breakdown

Chapter 19 The Stockholm Effect (1/3) Subscribe

Remember in a second [Wanben Station] Mobile phone users enter the address:

United States, New York, Destiny Holdings Building, Kaslana Laboratory.

For a little girl like the Anjiu sisters who has no sense of defense in a confused period, naturally there is no need to expend as much energy as Kirishima Touka.

Fortunately, it seems that Jiana has not yet found a good ghoul donor, and has not yet started experimenting on the two sisters.

In the name of a physical examination, he had already obtained the blood samples of the Anjiu sisters and Jin Muyan.

For future experiments, Yaeji dropped the two sisters out of CCG Academy and sent them to an institution of higher learning in the United States for training.

He doesn't need to worry about the rest of the matter, the people under him will help him arrange everything.

In the laboratory, Yaeji, who has repeatedly observed the genes of these four, still has no way to understand the secret of how the ghoul rc cells match with human beings.

Yaeji had no choice but to send the samples to the major biological laboratories and let them assist.

After packing up everything, Yaeji came to the laboratory again, glanced at the data displayed on the screen, and opened the nutrition cabin after confirming that it was within the safe value range.

Yaeji didn't need to say anything more, Jindai Lishi climbed out of the nutrition cabin directly, and shook the long purple hair soaked in the diluted inhibitor.

I don't know if it was because of the frequent injections of rc and inhibitors, but the purple hair of Shendai Lishi grew rapidly, from the original position of the shawl to the buttocks.

Yae Ji glanced at it, and then turned his attention to the instrument screen.

Kamitori Rise came to him, leaning his upper body slightly forward, with a hint of coquettishness in his tone: "What~ I haven't come to see me for so long, I thought I was abandoned by you~"

"Sure enough, every book of Mr. Gao Yuquan is a classic, perfectly releasing the ugly side of your human males...Study through the body of others, just..."

"Shut up!"

Kamdai Rishi smiled, and sat briskly on the special operating table, his two slender legs as white as jade swayed back and forth, but his eyes were always on the human male.

"Where are you going to study this time? You've almost picked all the viscera that can be picked, and you've also studied all the scorpions behind me, right?"

Yae Ji, who was observing the data in front of the screen, frowned, turned to look at Kamdai Toshi, and said, "Are you out of your mind?"

"Oh?" Godai Lishi tilted his head halfway, his expression didn't change, his eyes were full of expectation: "Are you going to study the brain this time? Remember to give me an extra rc at the end, or I will recover very slowly of."

Yaeji turned around and left, came to the edge of the laboratory, and took out a container from the big box there. There is a bloody khaki in the container.

Yaeji put on gloves and took out the bag from the container. Looking up at Shendai Lishi, he found that the other party was looking at him curiously.

"Come here and eat this thing."

Jindai Lishi stepped off the operating table, staring at the purse in Yaeji's hand, and she has always kept a respectful distance from those similar things.

Because... that stuff is really unpalatable!

"I'll throw up if I eat this." Shendai Lishi replied truthfully.

Yazhongji glanced up at her, and with the other hand, he took out a seasoning bottle out of nowhere, and sprinkled what looked like chili powder on the bag.

"It's fine now, don't make excuses." Yazhongji threw He Bao directly at Shendai Lishi, "This is taken from other S-level ghouls."

Shen Dai Li Shiliu raised her eyebrows slightly, and her small nose moved slightly, as if she smelled a seductive fragrance from a similar purse.

The corner of his mouth raised a slight arc, and the big ghoul who hadn't eaten for many days didn't wait to devour it, but looked at Yaeji again, and asked with a smile: "I used to pick out those ghouls, wouldn't they feed other ghouls?" right?"

"You are worth more than them." Yaeji said coldly.

Jindai Lishi slowly brought the purse in his hand to his mouth, his rosy lips parted slightly, and then stopped suddenly.

Curiously: "Aren't you afraid that I will restore the rc cells after devouring the Hebao, and release the Hezi directly to kill you?"

"Great to try."

Shendai Lishi stopped talking, opened his mouth and began to devour Hebao.

The hebao is not very big, and for the god Dai Lishi who was once known as the "big scorpion", it can be swallowed up in a few mouthfuls.

A lot of blood was splashed on the pretty face and palms, and the purple eyes of Shen Dai Lishi naturally turned into scarlet eyes.

Jin Dai Lishi stretched out his small tongue to lick the blood on his index finger, and then showed Yaeji a rather horrifying smile.

"You're still the first person of the opposite sex to watch me eat~"

Yae Ji: "Please don't confuse me with ghouls, we are two types."

Jindai Lishi narrowed his eyes, walked slowly in front of Yazhongji, raised his head slightly, and looked into those strange eyes.

Hezi behind him unfolded...

"Do you think I'm so beautiful? Or in human form?" Da Kui's eyes seemed to be smiling.

"It's not very good. From the perspective of perception, the human form is better."


The outstretched Hezi disappeared quickly, and even the scarlet He eyes faded to the original light purple in the blink of an eye.

Yaeji was calculating rapidly in his mind, and stretched out his hand

Pressing Godai Lishi's shoulder, he pushed her back completely.

"There is an inhibitor on the second floor of the operating table, go and apply it yourself."

Kamdai Rishi nodded, and came to the operating table very naturally, took out a syringe from a familiar position, and stabbed the needle tube mixed with xrc towards his neck very deftly.

An inhibitor quickly penetrated into the body, and the dangerous aura that Yaeji sensed from Godai Rishi also dropped rapidly.

Yaeji threw He Bao's blood-stained glove into the trash can, and took out paper and pen from the box next to it.

"Kindai, fill up this questionnaire according to what you think in your heart."

Shendai Lishi was a little doubtful, but he still followed Yaeji's instructions.

Watching Jindai Lishi put the questionnaire on the operating table, leaning over to write and draw, Yaeji said again: "Someone will ask you questions remotely later, tell me everything honestly."


"Just sit here and don't move anywhere."

Shendai Lishi turned around and asked doubtfully, "What about you? Aren't you here to accompany me?"


In the office, Yaeji leaned on a chair and took out the analysis report.

"Suspected Stockholm Syndrome? Heh~ I just don't know if it's real or just pretending."

Yaeji threw the analysis report on the table, picked up the phone, and called Alexi's lab.

"Are you ready for what I want?"


Stockholm syndrome, also known as Stockholm syndrome. It refers to a plot in which the victim has feelings for the perpetrator, and even helps the perpetrator in turn.

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