Era of Breakdown

Chapter 18 Corrosion Herrscher

Remember in a second [Wanben Station] Mobile phone users enter the address:

The handwriting on the metal plate is very scattered, and it can be seen what the mood of the engraver was at that time.

Yaeji tried every means to piece together the broken metal plates, but there were still many places missing.

"The Herrscher is the weapon that Honkai destroys civilization, and Honkai will become stronger as civilization grows. The only one that may pose a real threat to us is the Herrscher..."

"Is there something wrong with the little girls who were selected as the Herrscher? Even the experts who study Houkai activities in Flaming Moths can't give a definite answer."

"...We need to kill the Herrschers first, and then obtain the powers they were given by the Houkai..."

"But have you ever thought that since the Honkai can be given to them, they can also be taken back! I don't know how desperate it is, and I don't want to know."

"But at the current stage, the only thing that can deal with Honkai is Honkai!"

"My suggestion is to use the 'Black Abyss White Flower' created by the core of the Sixth Herrscher to destroy the Corrosion Herrscher...Haha, what's the use of me saying this?"

"...The bomb has been lifted into the air, all I can do is stay here and wait to die."

"It's true that you want to use the core of the Herrscher to make a weapon, but it takes more than half of the civilized population to make a weapon that will appear at some point. It's better to destroy her directly and completely!"

"...Where is the fusion fighter who controls the black abyss and white flowers?!"

The handwriting on the back is even more erratic, and it can be seen that the mood swings in this person's heart are extremely violent.

Yaeji caressed the stone slab with his hands. From the above information combined with the description he read in the manuscript book, he already roughly understood the meaning of terms such as "Bengkai", "Rersher", and "God's Key" .

Honkai is born with civilization, and the stronger the civilization, the stronger Honkai will be. Honkai exists for the purpose of destroying civilization, which is simply an unsolvable situation.

If this is the case, the collapse he sees now is only the initial stage, after that...

At least for now, no Herrscher has been born in the actual sense, and perhaps there is still a very long time span before the birth of the first Herrscher.

According to Yaeji's understanding, the technological height of the last civilization far exceeds the modern society in the copy of Tokyo Ghoul.

If it is really calculated according to normal development... it will take at least five or six hundred years before Honkai will appear on a large scale, thus giving birth to the so-called Herrscher.

"Hehe." Yazhongji smiled indifferently, five or six hundred years? He might have died long ago. How can I manage so much?

Make plans for future human beings? He's not that noble.

Now Yaeji just wants to sit on the high position of destiny and give her sisters a good living environment.

If he can decipher the mystery of longevity from the "mobile phone", he may fight against the collapse.

If it didn't work, he might as well take his sisters and run away.

If it doesn't work... It should be enough to live for more than a hundred years.

From Yaeji's point of view, the Honkai kind of "be strong when you meet the strong", "never-ending", and things that don't know the upper limit is really troublesome.

Who the hell knows how to beat these things?

What's the matter with him?

However, he is still very interested in Heiyuan Baihua, the God's Key.

The God's Keys are all made of the core of the Herrscher, Yaeji couldn't stop laughing when he saw this.

Using Honkai to fight Honkai, this man is a fucking genius!

Even the power of the Herrscher is selected and bestowed, so doesn't "Hengkai" take it back whenever he wants?

There is no solution at all.

Unless "Hangkai" is a program that has no emotions and only knows how to run according to instructions. But who is the "program" creator?

And what the hell was the "mobile phone" that went through his brain after the explosion?

Yaeji didn't want to think too much, sometimes knowing too much, the sooner he died. Sometimes it is really smart to pretend to be confused when you pretend to understand, although he doesn't understand it very well.

What's the matter with him?

When he has time to come to "my fate is up to me", he doesn't know if he can successfully resist, he might as well live with his sisters honestly.

Honkai and Herrscher or something, ha ha.

Relying on his own curiosity, Yaeji still got to know a little bit about Erode Herrscher.

The ultimate virus that can erode all things, whether it is a bird or a beast or an information network, she can erode and control it.

Yachongji: "Cow, bull, bull."

Can the Erosion Herrscher erode the white flowers from the black abyss? Or can Heiyuan Baihua decompose the Herrscher?

This is a question of spear and shield, right?

Theoretically speaking, the Herrscher who appears later will be stronger, and the Herrscher of Erosion should be stronger than the Herrscher of Death.

The Corrosion God's Key...

The more Yaeji thought about it, the more he felt a headache. He had seen from the manuscript that the last civilization survived the Herrscher, and it can only be said that the Herrscher was too lost.

With such a strong power, why didn't the last civilization be wiped out?

Yazhongji blew out the wax paper, thinking about the problem of spear and shield, and gradually fell asleep.

Headaches about collapsed things? That's not something he should think about, he sleeps better than anyone else.

In the dream level, Yae Ji is not the one who only uses physical fists

Tie Hanhan, holding the upgraded Sakura Fubuki, resolved the battle neatly.

Yazhongji didn't get up from the bed until noon the next day.

After washing up, he went to the cafeteria to eat, and along the way, many warrior girls greeted him, and Yaeji responded to them one by one with a smile.

After eating, Yaeji returned to the dormitory non-stop, and fed all the hoarded ether fragments, soul fragments, etc. to Sakura Fubuki to devour.

It went on like this for two days.

The Shadowblade squad set out for the front again.

This time, before they entered the front line, they were notified by the Valkyrie at the outpost that they had to return to the Mena Military Region in one day.

Because... the beast horde running over from Hein is about to arrive.


"Yazhongji, tsk tsk." In a conference room in the Mena Military District, someone was holding a file, his eyes full of appreciation.

"I'm only thirteen or fourteen years old, so I have such strength. The resistance to Houkai has reached the strength of being able to touch it directly. The speed and explosion are good, so let's be selected for the time being." A Valkyrie put Yazhongji's file on On the other side, and the top file over there is Yumi...

"Captain, you let Yaeji enter the list, how can we explain it to the envoy of the Apocalypse family?" Another Valkyrie couldn't help but say something after seeing Yaeji's file classification.

The Valkyrie known as 'Captain' raised her head and said: "The Valkyrie army is Kaslana's back garden, and this mission is not dangerous, as long as it is fast, and the choice is still with him." hands."

"But over there in Apocalypse..."

"Don't you understand what I mean?" The captain said coldly: "The commander of the legion said that there is no background in my place, and no one is treated equally! We only choose Valkyries who are fast, explosive, and resistant to carry out tasks !"

"But, but his stamina doesn't seem to be very good..."


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