Era of Breakdown

Chapter 27 Transfer Order

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"With Shadow Blade's reputation, it's easy to attract a few experienced Valkyries." Yazhongji looked at the densely packed Valkyries ahead, and said, "After this time, I don't know how many Valkyries will retire."

"The recruits will gradually take their place." Aretha saw it clearly, and analyzed: "According to the expansion plan of Destiny, the number of Valkyries required will only continue to increase, and the number of recruits has been increasing over the years. , Even the military area has doubled."

"Like the Valkyrie, there is an endless stream of Honkai Beasts. Who knows what it will look like in the end."

"Captain." Yachongji asked, "How about the trap this time? Have you wiped out the beast horde?"

Aretha shook her head, "It's not easy to exterminate a beast horde of this scale. At best, it's just annihilating part of it, supporting its footsteps, and disrupting the plans of the rebels."

"Others who fled to the Eastern General Military Region can't help it. We have tried our best. There are still some who remain on the front line of Mena, and we will hand them over to Mena to deal with."

Yachongji nodded slightly as he recalled the aura of the animal tide covering the sky and covering the sun. This is similar to what he imagined. If the Mena Military Region can eat up this wave of beasts in one fell swoop, it will shock people's attention.

"Take a good rest today, and tomorrow we will return to the Eastern Command. Yumi's illness can't be delayed any longer."


Yaeji didn't know what he would encounter when he returned to the Eastern General Military Region. The military merits produced by a war of this scale were huge, but the danger also increased accordingly.

When he first came to the military region, he planned to create his own Valkyrie team. It can be seen that in this form, a team of Valkyries with little experience is formed... that is to deliver food to the Houkai Beast!

Even if he wants to build it, he has to wait until the beast turmoil has passed. At that time...he could almost get a level A Valkyrie. After working for two years, he handed over the position of captain to the adjutant, and he jumped to the military management to develop...

This is Yaeji's vision for himself.

At night, it was time to compete with the model pig again. After earning the Gemini ether shards, Yaeji fell asleep peacefully.

Waking up early in the morning, Aretha took the badges of the whole team to the intelligence department to settle military merits, while Miyou went to the logistics department to apply for a carriage.

Yazhongji took La Xieer, who was still in a weak state, to the cafeteria to eat and drink.

When the sun was shining brightly, the Shadow Blade team, who had taken care of everything, gathered next to the logistics department of the Mena Military Region.

Miyou carried Youmi into the carriage, and by the way, put Laxie'er's two big swords on it.

"La Xieer!" Mi You shouted, "Go in and take care of You Mi."

La Xieer, who was pulling the rein of the horse, blinked, handed the rein to Yazhongji, and jumped onto the carriage by himself.

Yaeji smiled and got on his horse. From the observation just now, Mi You who was hit had almost recovered and was able to accurately analyze the status of everyone in the team.

La Xieer, who just participated in the battle yesterday, was so exhausted that he still hasn't recovered. "Going into the carriage to take care of Yumi" was just an excuse, but in fact, he wanted this "little girl" to take a rest.

In fact, La Xieer's Shadow Blade, should be only a little younger than Captain Aretha...but her figure and appearance are too deceptive.

Aretha recovered well, carrying the milky white knight's long sword on her back, wearing a half body armor, her long brown hair extending to her waist, and slightly pulling the reins with her palm, looking heroic.

Yaeji still looked the same. Ever since he played a friendly match with Model Pig every night, his faint dark circles hadn't disappeared, and his mental aspect...was justified.

Aretha was in front, and Yazhongji followed the carriage on guard. At this point, the Shadow Blade team embarked on the return journey.


Eastern Command.

Lamy, who had just finished training, quickly handled the logistics of the Shadow Blade team, glanced at Youmi's empty trouser legs from time to time, and wondered what was going on in his mind.

Yachongji chatted with Lamy for a few words, and after learning the general trend of the general military area, he left with Aretha and the others.

As usual, go to the military doctor first.

It’s no different from the Mena Military Region, and all the prescriptions are prescribed to strengthen the foundation and nourish the vitality. After all, in this era, it is simply a fantasy to detoxify the amputated right leg and then stitch it to heal it.

Miyou talked with Yaeji and the others, and planned to go through the retirement procedures today.

Aretha didn't say anything, but just patted Miyou on the shoulder.

Mi You went to apply first, and after another officer came to check, the discharge procedures were quickly completed.

After retiring, Miyou enjoys the treatment of A-level Valkyrie, while You Mi enjoys the treatment of A-level Valkyrie. Mi You didn't stop, she went to the logistics department to find another job, and the day passed in such a hurry.

Taking advantage of this time, Yaeji went to the logistics department to get the armor and knives he forged earlier.

The so-called armor is nothing more than the silver armor extending from the palm to the forearm, and the same is true for the feet. The long sword forged from the fusion of silver pyrite and red gold ore is several times better than the stone concentrate ore tachi.

On the upper part of the silver long knife, there are two gold lines running through it, extending from the sword frame to the tip of the knife.

Yaeji didn't know what kind of forging technique this was, he could only tell whether a knife was good or bad by its feel and strength.

It is naturally incomparable with Sakura Fubuki, but it is more expensive in normal use.

Much better than Shi Jing Tai Dao.

After thanking the blacksmith, Yaeji went to the tailor shop to get your elite "Valkyrie Uniform" that he specially made.

Everyone was busy with their own affairs, and it was not until the sky was dark that everyone in the Shadow Blade team reunited.

Mi You and You Mi are absent, with paralyzed faces, discussing a better life after retirement these days, fully unfolding the blueprint in their hearts. The two sisters are very happy without stress.

Yaeji was very envious.

Evening, Locke Town.

After the party, Yaeji was lying on the bed alone.

The house is cold, and his mind is full of the smiles of Sakura and Rin.

"I don't know if they have received my letter." Ya Chongji silently thought that he really wanted to meet his sisters.

Thinking about it, Yazhongji gradually fell asleep.

Early in the morning, the meeting place changed from Captain Aretha's home to the home of the two sisters Youmi.

Aretha was very happy and kept talking about what to do after retiring.

La Xie'er seemed to have something on his mind, and was far less lively than before. Ya Chongji would add a sentence or two from time to time, and the atmosphere was still quite harmonious.

"Captain, this is the list I compiled yesterday." Miyou handed over some papers and said, "There are recruits with potential and experienced veterans. Their characteristic is that... they all lost their teammates. .”

"Some people want to re-establish the squad, and some people are waiting for the dispatch of the military region."

Aretha took the list, smiled and joked: "Mi You is still so capable, even after retiring, she still can't get enough of it."

Mi You also smiled and said: "I met an old friend in the intelligence department yesterday, and I asked her to come here. I think these will help you, captain. It can be regarded as my last effort for the Shadow Blade team. "

Aretha looked through the list with a smile, and said: "You two sisters can be at ease, but it's hard for the three of us. This time Shadow Blade can be regarded as a big change. If we leave another old team member, we Shadow Blade may be in danger. It was annexed by other teams."

"Bang bang bang~"

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Someone shouted: "Aresa and Yaeji from the Shadow Blade team are here?"


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