Era of Breakdown

Chapter 30 Eating

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Yaeji asked.

You Mi choked, and was asked by Ya Chongji directly, she really didn't know how to answer.

After a pause, You Mi said: "Xiao Ji, you have infinite potential, and that thing is equivalent to an extra life by your side. In the future, you will become a high-ranking member of the Holy See of Heaven, and we still want to follow you to gain some glory."

"That thing is so precious, but it can't be made public. Even if my leg recovers, I can't continue to fight on the front line, and I can't even appear in front of other people casually."

"It's quite uncomfortable. It's true that I'm disabled. At most, it will affect my daily life. For you..."

"It was you who saved me." Yaeji interrupted Yumi's long speech, and cut directly to the topic: "If you hadn't pushed me away in time, I might have been seriously injured, and then used the things given to me by the high-level Holy See to save my life .”

"The result is that you pushed me away, I was fine, but you became disabled and ruined the career of the Valkyrie. From another perspective, if that thing is used on you, it is used on me, which can be regarded as offsetting my guilt. "

You Mi stared at Yae Ji, and the eyes of the two met.

In You Mi's opinion, the color of Xiao Ji's bewitching eyes is the most beautiful hair color she has ever seen.

You Mi turned to look at her sister again, and Mi You shook her head slightly, expressing that she could not help her.

It's better to let Youmi, the person involved, decide this matter, and they "outsiders" should try not to get involved.

"You don't need to secretly change the concept." You Mi said: "That thing is useless, it is useless. You don't want to disturb my leisurely life after retirement, but I..."

Yazhongji stepped forward two more steps, stood directly in front of the seat where You Mi was sitting, and leaned forward with his upper body.

You Mi held her breath for an instant, and La Xie'er, who was sitting by the side, immediately covered her big eyes with a pair of small hands, but the slits in the palms of her hands were tantamount to deception.

Miyou raised her eyebrows, but Aretha looked straight at her. They never thought that Xiao Ji, who was always easy-going, would have such a side.

Yaeji is also having a headache, if he had known that he wouldn't make up that thing so mysterious, otherwise Youmi would have agreed to use it long ago.

"Do you think that my life is not as valuable as that thing?" Yazhongji put his hands on the armrests on both sides of Youmi's chair, staring at each other word by word.

"Theoretically speaking, if that thing really exists, it can be equated with a life." Youmi who reacted did not show any weakness, raised her head slightly, and looked at the immature Yae Ji.

Yazhongji was helpless, turned to look at the others, and asked, "What do you think?"

La Xieer looked at Aretha subconsciously, and Aretha looked at Miyou.

Miyou glanced at her and said, "No matter what choice Youmi makes, I will support her. If Youmi's leg can really be cured without affecting daily activities, I may continue to serve in the Shadow Blade Squad for a while." time."

Aretha and La Xieer's eyes lit up, but they didn't look at Youmi to put pressure on her.

In Miyou's heart, she still hopes to see a healthy and intact younger sister. She doesn't help her sister make a choice directly, but she still wants to influence it indirectly, which can be regarded as...a little selfishness of hers.

Yazhongji put his eyes on Youmi again, and said with a smile, "I'm not in the mood to leave the Eastern General Military Region if I don't pay back this favor."

You Mi lowered her head slightly, her black bangs covered her face, making it difficult for people to see her expression clearly.



With the efforts of Yaeji, Yumi finally accepted this plan.

Yazhongji looked out the window, roughly judged the time, and asked Youmi: "Are you hungry now?"

You Mi was a little confused, and didn't understand what this had to do with the treatment of disabilities, but she replied honestly: "I just had breakfast, and I'm not very hungry, what's the matter? Do you have to be full to proceed?"

"Of course not." Yazhongji smiled and said, "During the treatment, you can't eat too much, or you will feel nauseated, but you can't be on an empty stomach, and the consequences will be more serious."

The others were thoughtful, and various guesses popped up in their minds.

Yaeji thought for a while, and continued: "Miyou, help me prepare a quiet room, and no one else will disturb me during the treatment."

"Okay." Mi You nodded, "The bedroom can be vacated."

"Well. Also, you need to prepare a lot of high-calorie food, and you can start after a while. After the treatment, you need a lot of energy to replenish."

"Okay." Miyou nodded.

Ya Chongji looked at La Xie'er who was drooling, and said: "Be sure to keep an eye on La Xie'er to prevent her from stealing food."


La Xieer was taken aback for a moment, and then raised her fist in protest: "I won't steal it! I can still tell the difference in this kind of occasion!"

Aretha silently glanced at La Xieer, and the little girl immediately let out a ball, not daring to raise the slightest resistance.

"Leave this to me." Aretha said, and grabbed Laxie'er by the back collar, holding her tightly in her arms.

La Xie'er's face became even worse, and she yelled: "I really won't steal it, I just had breakfast, how could I be hungry..."

Yaeji didn't care about her, and just wanted to do all the acting, so he ordered: "You can start preparing now, I'll go back first

Go home and get that thing. "

Miyou immediately stood up from the chair, as a Valkyrie who puts efficiency first, she will definitely arrange everything properly.


Miyou went to prepare meals, but Aretha and La Xieer watched Yazhongji bring a big black cloth bag from home.

Of course, this was just pretending, Yaeji just went home and took a big cloth bag, and by the way, took out the matching killing agent from the backpack and put it in it.

When the two saw Yachongji walking into the bedroom carrying a big black cloth bag, La Xieer, who was sitting in Aretha's arms, smacked his mouth and muttered, "I thought it would be a carry-on item for such an important thing." carried."

"How is it possible, don't guess!" Aretha gave Laxie'er a headache, "Didn't you see that thing is so big? Where can it be stuffed?"

"Put it under the skirt." La Xie'er said it as a matter of course.

In the bedroom.

Yazhongji was not in the mood to care about what strange things La Xieer was thinking, he glanced at You Mi who was lying on the bed nervously, and then put the big black cloth bag on the table.

"Relax, it will be quick. At most, it will sting a bit, and you will be fine if you see some blood." Ya Chongji comforted: "You have been on the battlefield for so many years, are you still afraid of this?"

"People will feel curiosity and fear of unknown things." Yumi said.

"Heh~" Yazhong Ji smiled.

He quickly unwrapped the black cloth, revealing a suitcase with a sense of technology inside that completely contradicts the current style of painting.

You Mi watched Yae Ji take out two strange things from that strange box.

Then use a prop to suck the crimson liquid in the jar.

You Mi felt that Yae Ji at this moment seemed to be a completely changed person.


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