Era of Breakdown

Chapter 32 Gifts

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Bones, nerves, muscles... grow forward a little bit, like a schematic diagram for medical use, and it will produce an alternative beauty after a long time.

Yazhongji didn't put his eyes on the miracle of "flesh and white bones". At this time, he was staring at Youmi who opened He eyes as if he was facing a big enemy.

Ghouls will infinitely magnify their desires when they are hungry, and no matter how determined their willpower is, they will be eaten away by their primitive desire to eat.

Of course, this refers to the situation of extreme hunger.

In Yaeji's vision, Yumi, who was transferred from the intelligence department to the Valkyrie elite team and has been on the battlefield for so long, should have much stronger willpower and should be able to restrain her hunger.

Yumi obviously noticed this too.

Xiao Ji's voice was circling back and forth in her mind before, which made her truly understand the meaning of "fragrance".

A pair of terrifying eyes turned to the growing right calf, Yumi forcibly suppressed the desire to eat, and let herself stare at the growing leg.

The surging granulation looked a little disgusting, but Youmi was overjoyed in her heart.

At the beginning, if she had a little doubt about what Xiao Ji brought out, now she is completely relieved.

The rc cells in Youmi's body frantically flocked to the severed limb, showing the amazing resilience of the ghoul. This also caused the number of rc cells in You Mi's body to decrease continuously, her stomach became more and more hungry, and the lovely Xiao Ji in front of her became more and more fragrant...

The bones have extended to the bones of the feet, followed by muscles and nerves, and the skin from the knees has also begun to show, wrapping various tissues exposed to the air, and pushing forward little by little.

You Mi's nose kept twitching, that unique scent was simply the most alluring scent she had ever smelled in her life.

I really want to...take a bite.

The mouth naturally secreted a lot of saliva, Yumi swallowed the saliva from time to time, which made Yaeji more and more nervous.

He has experienced the hunger of ghouls, but that is only normal consumption, he has never experienced the restorative consumption of rc cells like Youmi.

God knows if Youmi can hold on!

All he could do was to reduce his sense of existence as much as possible before Yumi finished repairing her injury.

Yaeji glanced at the syringe in his hand, feeling a burst of regret in his heart. He knew that he should have given the zero dose to Youmi in advance, so that she could inject it herself when she couldn't hold on.

If he comes forward later...


You Mi's panting became heavier and heavier, her face became unhealthy rosy, and her scarlet eyes were staring at the progress of the regeneration of the skin on her legs.

When the pearly toes were all in length, and the last piece of skin covered them, Youmi felt nothing in her stomach, and her throat was itchy unbearably.


Yumi who was sitting on the bed suddenly raised her head! The scarlet He eyes firmly bit Yaeji's sight.

The figure is slightly bent forward, like a female leopard ready to go. Yaeji's body also tensed up, Yumi's state is not right...

Suddenly, You Mi relaxed again, but the black hair was soaked with sweat oozing from her forehead.


A slightly hoarse voice pierced Yaeji's ears, and the pink-haired boy with a syringe stepped forward.

One step, two steps.


You Mi's panting sound became rapid again, as if wantonly inhaling a different fragrance in the air.

Yaeji plunged the syringe into Youmi's neck decisively, and the black short-haired beauty also hugged his waist and buried her face in it, as if wanting to feel something.

With the pushing of the zeroing dose, Yumi gradually calmed down, and the itching on the shoulder blades on her back also disappeared.

Even the seductive sweet scent from Xiao Ji's body has changed into that light cherry blossom scent again.

Taking another two deep breaths, Yumi felt that she was alive, but her body was weak.

Yaeji pulled out the syringe, finally breathed a sigh of relief, and ordered: "Press the wound, this time it won't stop the bleeding."

You Mi let go of her arms that hugged Yachongji's waist, the blush on her pretty face gradually recovered, she glanced at her regrown right calf, and fell silent for a moment.


"Why are you being polite to me?" Yaeji felt relieved as the guilt towards Yumi dissipated in his heart, he threw the syringe into the box and sealed it up again, and covered it with a black cloth, "Don't tell anyone what happened, not even your sister .”

"Ok, I know!"

Yumi clenched her fist again, but the explosive power before had disappeared. What Yaeji injected her with was probably not as simple as he said.

Thinking of this, You Mi felt a little regretful, what she said in the living room were all sincere words. If it weren't for the Shadow Blade Squad, it might have been disbanded...

Anyway, since she can't go to the front line, it's better to leave this kind of life-saving item to Xiao Ji.

In the future, Xiaoji will go to the headquarters of Tianming, if she wants to repay the other party... if Yumi knows that Yaeji still has 996 pieces, I don't know how she will feel.

"How do you feel now?" Asked Yaeji who had packed her things.

You Mi moved her toes, the newly grown right leg was really the same as before except that the skin was very smooth and tender.

Stretching her ankle again, Yumi thought for a while and asked, "Can I stand up now?"

"Of course, the rest is up to you." Yaeji shrugged his shoulders, he thought Yumi would say that he was very hungry.

Chiguo stepped on the blanket on the ground with her feet, and Youmi stepped on it, excited like a little girl.

Yazhongji on the side nodded secretly, turned around and picked up the cloth bag.

"Little Ji!"


Yaeji turned around, suddenly felt the left side of his face heat up, and when he came back to his senses, he found Youmi was already standing in front of him and smiling at him.

"If I were a few years younger, you would definitely not be able to get rid of me."

Yaeji touched his face, to be honest, he didn't feel anything. Seeing You Mi, who was once cold and paralyzed, smiling so brightly in front of him, his mood also improved a lot.

After a few seconds, Yazhongji asked, "Aren't you hungry?"


You Mi regained her health, and the Shadow Blade team had a small celebration first.

Miyou, Yazhongji, Aretha, and Laxieer watched Youmi eating and drinking. The blond fake loli who was hugged by Aretha kept swallowing her saliva, staring straight at Yumi who was eating.

The notification from the military region came quickly, and it was delivered to Aretha and Yaeji in the afternoon. Among them, Aretha had an extra copy, asking her if she would accept the army dispatch.

Now Aretha doesn't want to take care of these shitty things, anyway, her adjutant will be back.

Not long after receiving the notice, Mi You went to the military area to go through the formalities again, and stopped by Instructor Aishi to pick up Lamy, the logistics officer of the team.

While Yaeji still had time, she went to the tailor to buy some new clothes suitable for Sakura and Rin.

When he was about to leave, he thought of Yumi again, and bought a few more long skirts that could cover his legs.

Yazhongji wandered around Locke Town, thinking in his mind: "Should I also bring a gift back to Kallen and Otto?"


small theater:

Ned: "What about me? What about me? You heartless man! Big villain qaq woo woo woo~(*"へ"*)" (not included in the paid word count)

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