Era of Breakdown

Chapter 35: Make an escape plan in advance

Remember in a second [Wanben Station] Mobile phone users enter the address:

"Yae." Priest Pablo, who was sitting opposite Yaeji, smiled. As the "commissioner" of the Holy See, he should know some secrets.

For example, the person in front of me who is more beautiful than ordinary girls is actually a boy who is extremely resistant to Houkai.

And not from the Kaslana family.

This alone is enough to make people think.

Priest Pablo didn't know how Yaeji performed in the Valkyrie army, but judging from the ambiguous attitude of the Apocalypse family, this person is definitely worth making friends with.

It's a pity that he has to go to other military regions to handle errands, otherwise he has to go back to the headquarters with Yazhongji! Chatting and chatting along the way... Pablo still doesn't believe that he can't grasp the mind of a child.

Yae Ji nodded slightly, with the "innocence" that this age should have in his smile, coupled with his delicate appearance, it can bring great favor to people.

"Priest Pablo, tell me."

The smile on the curly-haired priest's face deepened, so that the crow's feet around his eyes became more obvious.

"The order given by the Holy See, I have to go to Hein, Mena and other military regions to deal with some things, I'm afraid I won't be able to go with you."

Yaeji didn't reply, but there was just the right amount of regret on her small face.

"You don't have to worry, I helped you arrange a team of horse-drawn carriages to go to the headquarters yesterday. It happens to belong to the Eastern General Military Region of the Valkyrie, and also belongs to the Valkyrie sequence. I think you will have a good chat along the way."


Actually, Yae Ji was not happy.

The carriage arranged by Pablo was indeed going to the headquarters of the Mandate of Heaven, and indeed belonged to the Eastern General Military Region. The people inside... could also be counted as Valkyries.

But none of them are Valkyries fighting against Honkai on the front line, but military officers who manage finances.

A younger Valkyrie kept complaining, and the other older one just nodded at him when Yaeji came up, without any intention of communicating at all.

Yaeji is also happy to be at leisure, it would be better if there is no girl's chattering words in her ears.

"Auntie, you just said something! They are really serious. They actually sent us to the Holy See to ask for money. I don't want to deal with those priests."

"Usually they eat less and drink less, and their finances are not so tight. Even the death pension of our Valkyrie can hardly support..."

"Okay, Colleen." The older woman didn't seem to want to listen to the girl's chatter, and said, "This time there is a wave of beasts ahead, it will be easy to go to the Holy See to apply for funds."

"Easy? Auntie, don't lie to me!" The girl named Colleen was still sullen, "If it's really so good, why don't you hold a meeting again? And throw the quota around like a plague? If not ..."

Colleen glanced at Yachongji with her eyes closed and rested, and stopped talking.

"Auntie, I heard that other large military regions encountered beast hordes, and the frontline combat team members died one after another. According to the previous death compensation, their finances can't support them, so they can only ask the Holy See for money."

"The Holy See has expanded so much over the years, how much money do we have in hand? Sigh~ how could we share this job."

Yachongji, who was resting with his eyes closed, was moved a little. He was not because of the financial matters of the military region, but because of the sentence that the military regions...

Was his guess right?

The nobles of other countries can't help but unite, and at the same time remotely control the rebel army to lure the beast tide to attack the destiny?

Will the final wave of beasts reach the headquarters of Destiny? Should he also wait and see the situation, and run away with Sakura and Rin if he can't?

"By the way, what's your name?"

Yaeji opened his eyes and noticed Colleen's gaze.

He smiled and said, "Eightfold, Eightfold Ji."

"Yae? It's really rare." Ke Lin thought for a while, then gave up, and introduced: "My name is Ke Lin, and this is my aunt."

The middle-aged woman sitting next to Colleen smiled and said, "Daria."

Colleen quickly took over the topic, and asked impatiently, "Which department are you from? What's the matter at the Holy See headquarters?"

"Korin!" Daria's voice was raised slightly, as if warning her niece not to pry into her privacy at will.

Yaeji smiled nonchalantly, "I used to be a member of the Shadow Blade Squad, but now I have been temporarily transferred to the Holy See headquarters. I don't know what to do."

"Shadow Blade?" Colleen was taken aback for a moment, and even Darya looked at her.

They were a little surprised that the cute girl they temporarily "carpooled" with was from Shadowblade.

"Aretha?" Colleen gave a name.

"Well, I am the captain, but unfortunately I am not now."

"Oh~" Colleen thought of many things in an instant.

Shadow Blade at such a young age? Not a logistics officer, but still a regular team member?

And it is intriguing to be transferred to the headquarters when the war is urgent. Sitting across from them, the lovely pink-haired girl probably has some background. I originally wanted to "plate gold" on the shadow blade, and pull it back whenever there is danger...

For "deserters", people will subconsciously feel repulsed, but Colleen guessed that there is a background behind Yachongji, and she started to talk again.

After all, she is not a Valkyrie in the battle sequence, but an officer in the financial department.

The strength is far worse than those elite Valkyries who have been on the battlefield, and naturally, they don't have those too strong feelings of comrades in arms.

"I heard that the twin stars of your Shadow Blade have all chosen to retire?" Daria asked.

Gemini? Ya Chongji instantly thought of the two sisters Miyou and Youmi, and opened his mouth to reply: "Youmi retired, and Miyou is still in the team."

"Oh~" Daria and the two continued to communicate with Yaeji.

Yaeji was noncommittal about the attitude of the two of them.

He served in the Valkyrie Force for less than a month in total, most of which was still in the Mena Military District.

It is also in Mena that some "earth-shattering" things are done. It is normal for the General Military Region to not know. Who will always pay attention to an elite team?

Putting it in the Mena Military Region, mentioning Yaeji's name, probably most of the Valkyries know about it, so it's in the General Military Region...

The carriage continued to move, and encountered a small herd of beasts on the way. Several B-rank Valkyrie guards were in a hurry, planning to abandon the car and flee with Ke Lin and the others.

When the cherry-colored sword light suddenly appeared in the sky, Colleen and Daria felt that their positioning of Yazhongji was ridiculously wrong!

Yazhongji also wondered, it seems that these two really offended someone, otherwise why don't they even have a B+ rank Valkyrie guard?

Anyway, you are also representing the Eastern General Military Region. Not to mention a-, b+ guards should be standard equipment, right?

In this way, people with different thoughts came all the way to the area where the headquarters of Destiny is located.

Destiny Headquarters.

"If I have money, I will definitely buy a property in Haicang District after I retire. It can be said that this is the safest place in the entire Destiny!" Colleen looked out through the car window, as if feeling emotional.

"Work hard, get into the top ranks of the Holy See, wouldn't it be better to live in the Issy area near the church?" Daria laughed.

"How is it possible? I guess it will be impossible in my life."

Yaeji saw those familiar scenes again, and her heartbeat accelerated slightly. The thought of seeing his sisters soon puts him in a particularly comfortable mood.

'I don't know if Sakura and Rin will be shocked? This time Rin will be able to fully recover! ’ Ya Chongji’s eyes were burning hot.

‘I don’t know if Kallen will like the purple irises he brought? I don't know if Otto will like that cute green top hat? '

Yaeji was thinking about it when his name suddenly sounded in his ear.

"Yae, where are you going, we will see you off first."

"Uh..." Yaeji looked out after regaining his senses, and said, "Just put me down when you get close to the church."


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