Era of Breakdown

Chapter 43 Engagement

Remember in a second [Wanben Station] Mobile phone users enter the address:

"Eightfold Ji."

Palmer frowned, feeling that things were far from that simple.

The Holy See of Destiny has expanded rapidly in recent years, and the Valkyrie troops have also expanded rapidly. Draining talents from other regions is no longer a matter of a day or two.

Long before he came to the Citi Valkyrie alternate training to nourish the elderly, a confident girl came out here.

But the name Yaeji... he is still very familiar with it.

The pink-haired man who looked more delicate than a girl appeared in his memory.

As early as when Yazhongji was verified by him and instructor Bonnie in the office, Palmer knew that this kid was far from being so simple.

How long has it been? Priest Palmer's frown that became the word "Chuan" has never been let go. From the time point of view, the Holy See asked a kid about 13 or 14 years old to be the inspector of the West District?

Are you kidding me? If it is true, it is not that the Holy See is crazy, it is that he is crazy! Even if the child has a bright future, he can't be so impatient!

"Who sent it?" asked Reverend Palmer.

"It's Lord Vavid." The young knowledgeable priest immediately said respectfully.

Palmer was thoughtful, and muttered: "Then the old boy didn't come to fool me, did he?"

The trainee priest lowered his head on the side, expressing that he had heard nothing and knew nothing.

"Help me make an appointment with Vawid." Palmer made up his mind.


In the evening, in a restaurant in the City District.

Palmer slapped the document on the table, and scolded with a smile: "Don't make those devious things for me, just say whether this thing is real or not!"

The old-faced Wawid glanced at it, took a sip of tea and said, "How do the priests who can work in the 'Siti Pension Camp' come here?"

Palmer stared at Vawid closely. He was polite to the old man a few months ago when he first took office.

He himself fell from the upper floors of the City District, Navawid... Palmer's eyes lit up, and he tentatively asked: "It's really him? It's not the same name, or is it in the Are you kidding me?"

"Hmph!" Vavid blew his beard and stared, "Who else could there be if it wasn't him? How many people can come from Shinano all the year round? How many people with the surname 'Yae' can there be? They also happen to have the same name, so why are there so many?" Coincidence? What am I doing to make fun of you? I really think I have nothing to do all day, right?"

Palmer's brain was running extremely fast, with a smile on his face, but he was cursing secretly in his heart: "You old man is retired, why are there so many messes all day long!"

I couldn't hide my excitement in my heart, if it was really Yaeji, then he would have more things to do.

In order to ensure that there were no accidents, Palmer tried again: "It was rumored that the new inspector is an A-rank Valkyrie who retired from the Valkyrie army. Yae Ji, he obviously does not meet this requirement, right?"

"You still know it's a rumor!" Waweed glared at him again, his face gradually softened, "This thing was given to me by an old man who worked in the Holy See, but I, a retired old bone, can't handle it anymore. , for the sake of our friendship, I simply leave it to you to operate."

Palmer fell silent.

The previous intrigue was completely useless in the Valkyrie alternate training camp, so he often went to Vavid when he was bored.

The Xidi District is extremely prosperous, and the interests inside are also intricate. There are many high-ranking officials of the Holy See here to support people in order to better collect wealth.

For this kind of area, there are very few local girls that can be accepted in the Valkyrie alternate training camp.

Everyone can eat and dress warmly, and still have two small coins in their pockets. How many people will send their daughters to the front line to fight against the Houkai Beast?

In addition to a very small number of local poor families, there are also some children of the rich and powerful. Those dignitaries often hooked up with the upper class, sent their children to the Valkyrie army, found an easy job with limited danger, and saw if they could get any benefits from it.

After all, everyone has seen the expansion momentum of the Valkyries in recent years. This is the general trend, and everyone wants to take a fast train.

What if you can't recruit enough girls every year? We can only pull people from other areas, so the children from Shinano often choose Siti after they disembark.

Palmer's mind was running at high speed, no matter what he thought, he couldn't imagine how Yaeji could sit in the position of inspector in such a short period of time.

If you don't understand, you don't want to.

Palmer raised his head and asked, "What are the conditions of this information?"

Vaved grinned, showing an expression that everyone understood: "Several children in my family want to go in. When you return to your original position, take care of them."

"That's easy to say." Palmer also laughed and said, "As long as you can guarantee that he is really Yazhongji."

"Of course." Waweed took out another document from his pocket, "I'm afraid you can't do it alone. Finding a way to pull Instructor Bonnie over is the right thing to do."


Yaeji didn't know about the undercurrent in the Xidi area, and he didn't even know where Xidi was at the beginning.

If Ned hadn't explained to him excitedly, Yazhongji would still be in a state of bewilderment.

"Wait! Are you saying that the city where I took office is actually the place where I used to test and train?"

"That's right!" Ned said with a bright smile, "That area is full of people.

China? This is the place I've been fighting for for a long time to get you. "

"Then I really want to thank you." Yazhongji raised his eyebrows, Ned didn't have the energy, and the last sentence could be regarded as putting gold on his face.

"That's not it!" Ned didn't hear the meaning of Yazhongji's words, and the smile on his face was still bright: "The Xidi District is very close to the headquarters of the Holy See. You can visit your family anytime when you are free."

"Come and see anytime?" Yazhongji grasped the point, and the expression on his face became half a smile: "Since it's so close, why don't I just take them to live there? It's troublesome to run back and forth between the two places." .”

"Of course." Ned said with an expression that he had expected you to say this a long time ago, "You see, you are not young anymore, it is time to pay attention to the issue of marriage, our Apocalypse family has found a place for you A wonderful lady."

"The direct line of the family." Ned pointed to himself and added: "You should believe in the blood of the Apocalypse family. They are absolutely beautiful and can indirectly help you solve many problems."

"Uh..." Yazhongji showed some hesitation on his face, "Should we take it easy? If there is no emotional basis..."

Ned slammed his mouth shut, and said directly: "You are going to the economically prosperous Xidi District, where various interests are intricate, and if you are a little careless... When the news of your engagement spreads, Those people will not have long eyes to trouble you."

Yazhongji didn't answer, but instead leaned on the chair, his ears moved, he knew who was coming.

"No! I object!"


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