Era of Breakdown

Chapter 48 Take office (two in one)

Remember in a second [Wanben Station] Mobile phone users enter the address:

Francis sat down, ate a lunch, and left, taking four or five rice balls by the way. Sakura was quite happy, but Kallen was a little dissatisfied.

The mysterious Arthur who wore a black robe and a raven mask all day remained.

It was already clear that Karen was going to live in the City District, and Arthur became the lady's personal butler.

Yaeji is looking forward to meeting Ned next time. I don't know what the expression on his face will be after hearing the news.

It didn't take long for the gossip about the marriage between the eldest daughter of the Kaslana family and Yaeji to spread throughout the entire Yisi area.

As for the source of the news, frankly speaking, Yaeji doesn't know either.

He is now sandwiched between the Apocalypse family and the Kaslana family. With Karen's protection and Apocalypse's ambiguous attitude, Yaeji is still very confident about securing the position of inspector of the Xidi District. .

Now the Holy See is focusing most of its energy on the game between the beast tide and other countries. His "little things"...

Another two days passed.

Arthur routinely avoided every morning, because Yaeji had to teach the eldest lady and her friends, and he didn't think he was suitable there.

In the past few days, his perception of Yazhongji has changed a lot, and the only thing he regrets is that the other party is not a child of the Kaslana family.

After two days of observation, Arthur was surprised that, except for the last sister with poor physique, both Yae Ji and Yae Sakura had invincible fighting abilities at the same age.

You know, even the master who is called the "God of Destiny" has not been able to behave so against the sky at this age.

Yae Rin, who was weak, was excluded by Arthur, but Yae Sakura, who had good swordsmanship, made Arthur's eyes shine.

If this little lady could be dragged onto the warship of the Kaslana family, it is estimated that Yazhongji would not be able to escape.

The game involving the two families may also be a direct member of the Apocalypse family marrying the young lady.

This also maintains a balance...

Arthur's thoughts are only known to him. If Yaeji knows that this person who can do everything for his sisters, what consequences will it bring if he uses a killing agent... .


Ned, with a somewhat decadent temperament, came over. Who knows what happened to him in the past few days.

Yaeji noticed that Ned's gaze on his younger sister Sakura was obviously more, which made him very upset.

"Yae, the appointment is coming soon, accompany me to the Holy See to get the appointment letter tomorrow morning, and get to know a few more people by the way, it will be good for you in the future."

Early the next morning.

As usual, Yaeji, who ate a rice ball, followed Ned to the Holy See.

Towering towers, pointed arches, reliefs engraved with stories of Destiny, and slender pillars standing one by one... This is Yaeji's second visit to Destiny Cathedral.

Even after the baptism of the modern world of Tokyo Ghoul, when I see the Cathedral of Destiny again, I will still sigh in my heart.

With Ned leading him, it was easy to get the letter of appointment, and he became familiar with several Apocalypse priests.

These big priests who know some secrets are very polite to Yaeji. If the people outside see that these high priests who control power are so serious about a "child", they will definitely be surprised.

Yaeji didn't show too much maturity, but made her temperament closer to the retired Valkyrie.

To learn the temperament of Valkyrie, his captain 'Arisa' was definitely a representative of it.

When the priests talked about government affairs and other countries, Yaeji kept silent, and he would only talk about things like rebels, Valkyrie troops, and beast hordes.

This made Ned feel relieved. In his opinion, Yae Ji, who is still relatively young, must be easy to shape his character. Just let him unknowingly favor the Apocalypse family.

The one arranged before will definitely not be able to meet with Yaeji, and now the eldest daughter of the Kaslana family is sticking to Yaeji, if one of them is not careful... it may cause the two families of Destiny friction.

Regardless of the fact that the two families are often married, they are friendly on the surface, but in fact they have never stopped wrestling secretly, and they have used trivial matters to fight more than once.

What's more, as the eldest daughter of the Kaslana family and the daughter of Francis, the God of War, Karen's marriage is by no means a trivial matter.

Even Francis, who has never cared about the administration of the Holy See, has gone. Isn't this affirmative in disguise? If he was trying to die... he would undoubtedly become a victim of this background.

Fortunately, Yaeji's age is easy to control, Ned carefully calculated in his heart.

Everyone had different thoughts, but Ya Chongji didn't think so much, he was still thinking about his father-in-law's property in the future...

Just as everyone was about to go down the second floor of the Holy See, Ya Chongji saw two familiar figures!


"Auntie, let me tell you that it's definitely not our turn to do this kind of good deed!" Leaning against the wall, the girl dressed as a Valkyrie gave up on herself and said, "People are dying everywhere now, and finances are tight everywhere. The old guy saw this in advance, so he kicked the ball to us."

"That's all right, I've been here for a few days, and I have signed a lot of documents, but the money has not been approved.

Come! If you ask me, there are a lot of pressures in the Holy See! How dare a little priest embarrass us! "

Colleen gritted her teeth: "If they have the ability, they go to the front line to fight against Houkai Beast! Sitting in the church all day is comfortable enough!"

"Okay, Colleen." The woman standing next to the girl said, with an unconcealable tiredness in her eyes.

They had nothing to do with the army leader not here. At first, these people were very polite to them, but then...

"Auntie, why don't we write a letter to the head of the legion? If she comes forward, those people will definitely not dare to fart!"

Daria's ears moved, and she signaled her little niece to shut up with her eyes.

Yaeji, who was about to go downstairs, casually took a look inside...


As soon as Yazhongji stopped, Ned also stopped. Seeing Ned stop, the great priests also stopped and looked in the direction Yazhongji was looking at.

"Acquaintance?" Ned asked.

"Yeah." Yazhongji nodded, "I'm from the Eastern General Military Region. I took their carriage when I came here. I thought they had already left."

"I'll go and have a look first, or you..."

Yaeji turned his head, and a big priest saw the sign hanging in the corridor, his eyes lit up, and he said, "Let's go together."

Others joined in.

So Yaeji and the others walked in the direction where Darya was.

Colleen was disdainful in her heart, and her small face was turned aside, as if she didn't want to see those priests who made her feel bad.

Something was wrong in Daria's heart. Could it be that they heard the voice of the little niece just now?

When Valkyrie kills the enemy on the battlefield, it is a life-and-death fight, and life and death can be seen at a glance. And this group of high priests who stay in the church all day to deal with the affairs of the Holy See, they all kill without blood! No one can match them in playing with their minds!

But...why does the leader look so familiar? !

The iconic pink hair, could it be... Daria's eyes shine!

"Daria, Colleen, long time no see." Yaeji who came to the two of them greeted with a smile.

Because of the letter of appointment, Ned specially asked Yazhongji to wear it more formally, and the elegant custom-made priest robe changed Yazhongji's temperament.

"Eight heavy?"

Hearing her aunt's voice, Colleen also turned her head and saw Yachongji and the priests behind her.

Colleen seized the opportunity and told all the things that happened to her these days.

A high priest received a hint from Ned's eyes and asked gently: "The Valkyrie's pension is indeed a big problem. You only represent the Eastern General Military Region, excluding Hein and Mena?"

"Well! We only represent the Eastern General Military Region. We have submitted all the applications that should be done in the past few days, but there is still no movement. Moreover, the priest who handles the affairs has a bad attitude. He always makes us wait and is very impatient to ask a question."

Daria hurriedly motioned to Colleen to talk less, but the more Colleen talked, the more she became addicted, as if she wanted to tell all the grievances she had suffered in the past few days.

The great priest was thoughtful, "This attitude should be changed. Now that the finances of all the legions are tight, it is certain that they cannot all be approved. In this way, take half of it for emergency, and wait for the Holy See to finish dealing with the matter for a while. Slow appropriation."

Daria and Colleen looked at each other and could only nod their heads. They were already very satisfied with the result.

Unexpectedly, the door next to him suddenly opened, and a man wearing a novice priest's robe leaned out, and said with an extremely impatient expression: "I told you not to make noise at the door! Are you bothering you! You still won't let anyone. ...Goooo~"

The trainee priest's sleepy eyes gradually opened, his voice became weaker and weaker, and finally he swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva.

"Big, my lord."

The high priest who helped Darya make suggestions at the beginning frowned, and said in an unquestionable tone: "Call your boss over here!"

"Yes, yes!" The trainee priest shuddered and hurried into the room.

Seeing Yazhongji say a few more words to those great priests, the young man with blond hair and green eyes even reprimanded him.

Colleen and Darya were shocked. Could it be that the young man with blond hair and green eyes is... a member of the Apocalypse family?

At the beginning, they thought Yaeji's identity was extremely high, such as the child of a powerful priest in the Holy See, or the son of a legion commander stationed in a country. They never expected...she could actually be with Apocalypse. The members of the Si family got mixed up.

The young man from the Apocalypse family seemed to care about Yae's thoughts. Could it be that they... Wait, why is Yae wearing a men's priest robe? !


After the incident is over, the corrupt system in the Holy See should indeed be rectified. As for how effective it will be, who knows.

After thanking Daria and Colleen repeatedly, they left with half of the funds they received first.

Yaeji's mind started to become active again. It is so difficult for the Valkyrie to get a pension, so can he do something there to win people's hearts?

Yachongji, who had many plans in mind, returned home and began to pack his things. Early tomorrow morning, he will go to Xidi District to serve as a police officer.

Sakura and Rin are very excited, they will have their own home soon!

The small manor they lived in was Ned's property after all. Even though they had lived there for two months, there was still nothing.

To have that sense of belonging.

Rin has long been able to walk on the ground by herself, and is learning how to make rice balls from her sister, trying her best to do what she can.

Of course, when outsiders were around, she was still that delicate girl in a wheelchair. She will never expose unless her brother allows it!

On the day before leaving, Sakura and Rin watched silently under the three cherry blossom trees they planted.

The cherry blossoms haven't sprouted yet, only the bare branches are left. With the cuteness of Sakura and Rin, this beauty is firmly supported.

Put the important things into the backpack, and leave all the other less important things to the guards to carry. Yae Ji, who was directing the carrying, glanced in the direction of the cherry blossom tree.

He smiled and shouted: "If you like it, just say hello to Ned, and just move away!"

The bodyguard who was carrying the items sank, and couldn't help but feel ashamed when he heard this sentence.

"Can you really move away?"

Sakura and Rin's eyes were full of anticipation, and Yaeji looked at the three cherry trees that hadn't been in the yard for a few days.

One is thicker and the other two are thinner.

Yazhongji waved his small hand, "Dug away!"

Outside the manor, Ned saw three cherry blossom trees dug up, wrapped the soil at the roots with a big cloth bag and transported it to the carriage, his expression on his smiling face froze.

"Is this going to be moved too?"

"People always have nostalgia." Yaeji patted Ned's shoulder pretending to be profound.

"Okay, I'll leave this to you too." Ned waved his hand in the distance, and Otto, who was wearing a lawn-colored top hat, trotted over with Yaeji's puzzled expression.


In the carriage.

Originally, there were only him and his sisters in the carriage, but Otto was pushed in.

After accidentally seeing Otto being stuffed in, Karen, who was sitting in another carriage with Arthur, forcibly got into Yaeji's place again, leaving Arthur alone in the other carriage, sighing.

Looking at Karen who was messing with Sakura, Yae Ji was expressionless.

Otto was a little timid, carefully holding the top hat that Yazhongji gave him in his arms, not daring to play around with Karen and the others, and not daring to meet Yazhongji's eyes.

About two or three minutes later, Otto licked his lips and said: "The doctor said that my body has improved a lot recently, maybe it's because the teacher has trained me well. My brother asked me to continue exercising with the teacher, and the family also agreed. so......"

"I won't trouble the teacher!" Otto said hastily: "The residence that my brother has arranged for me should be next to the residence of the teacher's inspector..."

Yachongji covered his face.

He didn't even want to take Kallen if it wasn't necessary.

Karen is going to the City District, so she must come to play with her sister Sakura all day long. As for that Rin... still can't stand up and move around freely.

Now add another Otto, God knows what the Apocalypse family thinks! Do you want Otto to combine with Sakura or Rin? Yaeji looked at Otto with alert eyes immediately.

Otto's talent for inventing things is nice, but... wait!

Yaeji suddenly thought that Otto was also a direct member of the Apocalypse family, the youngest son of the Archbishop of Destiny.

That means... Otto also has the right to inherit the Archbishop?

Yazhongji smiled and said: "Wait until the day after tomorrow, everything will be as usual on the day after tomorrow, remember to come to my house to exercise in the morning."

Otto let go of the little hand holding the top hat, and the tension in his heart disappeared. Seeing Yaeji's expression just now, he thought that the "teacher" would not agree.

After all, he can't do anything except thinking about gadgets.

it's good now! He can still be like before!

Otto's face was full of surprises, and he replied: "Yes!"


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