Era of Breakdown

Chapter 50 Rights and Benefits

Remember in a second [Wanben Station] Mobile phone users enter the address:

Palmer and Vawid explained their intentions. Among them, Palmer was the main one. He first celebrated Yaeji's appointment as the inspector of the Xidi District, and then cryptically raised matters about his official career.

Yaeji agreed, and Palmer's former opponent, Boggs, was just a trivial matter for him now. If there are more people of our own in Xidi District, it will be easier to do things.

After getting Yaeji's permission, Palmer brought up the matter of the banquet again, Yaeji nodded and agreed, and handed it over to Palmer to do it.

Then Palmer and Vawid left happily. When they left, they deeply forgot to take a look at Bonnie, who was chatting happily with Yazhongji, thinking about how to make friends with this envoy in the future. The Reds.

Yaeji really enjoyed the chat. Compared to someone with impure goals like Palmer, it was interesting to chat with the former Instructor Bonnie about the Valkyrie Troop.

On the other hand, he is indeed a scout envoy from the Valkyries of Destiny.

From the mouth of Instructor Bonnie, Yaeji learned that their team also found a good seedling from the alternate training camp, and now their team is mainly responsible for dealing with the sudden Honkai incidents around the city.

There are a total of five similar Valkyrie teams in the City District. The work of maintaining order in the city is mostly carried out by the knight squad.

Occasionally, when the Honkai event is weak, those knight squads also want to get a share of it.

All in all, Bonnie was content with her life. The number of Honkai incidents around the City District is limited, and the level of Honkai is relatively low. A Valkyrie team will hardly encounter any danger.

In this way until she retires, she will almost be able to retire safely in Xidi District.

Bonnie wants to continue working as an instructor in the Valkyrie alternate training camp after she retires...

Time flies, and Otto today is very grateful to the big sister who has the same hair color as himself. If it weren't for that big sister, he might have to be carried home by the guards again.

Yaeji invites Bonnie to lunch, and Bonnie goes on to talk about the intricate interests of City District.

Of course, those are just what she knows.

As early as in the Destiny Headquarters, Yaeji had won the support of five great priests, and Yaeji would guarantee the interests of their spokespersons in the Xidi District. At the same time, those people will try their best to obey him and help him solve some secret troubles.

Some people give face to the Apocalypse family and the Kaslana family on the surface, but it is still unknown what is going on behind the scenes.

Yazhongji knows the truth that "the king of hell is easy to see, but the imp is hard to deal with".


Priest Palmer couldn't get away, and Vawid led them to the place of the banquet.

The carriage left behind by the inspectors of the previous generation happened to be the means of transportation for Yaeji and his family.

At the same time, Palmer was proudly standing at the door of the banquet venue, personally receiving the big shots he had invited.

Even if Palmer had some power in the City District, he couldn't invite so many big names. Of course, he pulled the tiger skin of the new inspector, so that the group of people put down their posture and made friends with him one by one.

Some people's intestines are green with regret! Judging from intelligence, Palmer and Vavid were the first to come to congratulate the new inspector's manor, and the new inspector never saw anyone again.

If they knew this earlier, they would have to queue up in the early morning?

Some people also speculated that Palmer knew the new inspector in the first place, or else...

Now that the matter had come to an end, they could only smile and talk to the priest Palmer whom they were not very familiar with, hoping to get some useful information from him.

Palmer, who was talking with a certain nobleman, his eyes lit up, and he left after pleading guilty, with a strange expression on his face.

"Yo~ Isn't this the new administrator, Your Excellency Boggs? Why are you free to come to the banquet of the new Inspector-General today?"

The middle-aged man with a bald head and a big beard snorted coldly, looking at Palmer with disgust in his eyes.

It seemed to be threatening: "Palmer, don't forget that lord."

"That lord?" The expression on Palmer's face showed just the right surprise, and then he mocked: "Are you talking about the Apocalypse family, or the Kaslana family?"



Palmer's obnoxious face was reflected on the retina, and Boggs already had a rough idea of ​​it.

From the analysis of Palmer's words, it seems that apart from the members of the Apocalypse family and the Kaslana family, no one seems to be able to restrain the newly appointed Lord Inspector.

Perhaps the previous rumors were true.

For him, this is not good news.

"My lord is very fond of ports and ships, I hope you can understand what I mean." Palmer said with a half-smile.

Quickly brushing past his old rivals, Palmer went to greet other celebrities and dignitaries in the West District.

After a while, a well-known carriage stopped at the entrance of the banquet venue.

Led by Reverend Palmer, everyone went out to greet him.

Vavid, who drove the carriage himself, got out of the car and opened the door.

A blond woman dressed as a Valkyrie stepped down from it. Before everyone could see clearly, she turned around and stretched out her hands towards the inside of the carriage, as if she was receiving something.

There were whispers.

"The rumored new

The envoy is a retired A-level Valkyrie from the Valkyrie Army, is this the one? "


"Do you know what a Valkyrie likes?"

"What can a woman like? Aromatherapy, rouge, luxury goods?"

"You treat Valkyrie as an ordinary woman?"

"Why not?"

While someone was arguing softly, Bonnie lifted the wheelchair out and took Yae Rin out of it. It was the first time for the cute pink-haired girl to appear in front of everyone, and Rin's face was slightly red, a little unsuited to such an occasion.

"Who is that? The family of the Disciplinary Envoy?" Someone asked in a low voice.

"It doesn't look doesn't look like it."

Then, Yae Ji stepped down from the carriage, followed by Yae Sakura.

Palmer hurriedly stepped forward to greet him, bowed his body, and explained the situation in Yazhongji's ear.

And Bonnie, who was previously identified as the new inspector, is pushing a wheelchair...

What's happening here? !

Except for a few dignitaries who had known the news for a long time, their expressions remained unchanged, and the faces of the others were more or less surprised.

Palmer's old rival, Administrator Boggs, showed a disdainful smile, and then disappeared instantly.

That child is the newly appointed inspector?

Boggs was thinking, the last time he was able to throw Palmer to training camp, this time...

The bearded man smiled, and when he was about to step forward, another carriage galloped from the direction just now.

The family crest of the Kaslana family above indicated the identity of the visitor.

Arthur, who was dressed in a black robe that had never changed for thousands of years and wore a raven mask, stepped out of the carriage first.

Many sharp-eyed people knew the identity of the mysterious person.

The scene also fell silent.


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