Era of Breakdown

Chapter 55: Sakura's Strength

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Gold, white, pink.

The three ball-shaped heads were in the shape of an arhat, all sticking out of the wall, watching Francis' performance without blinking.

Behind the wall, Otto bent the most, and he couldn't bear it.

On top of the golden hair is the white-haired dumpling. Kallen just bowed slightly, not caring about Otto below at all. A pair of big azure blue eyes were fixed on his father, watching his father deal with the Honkai Beast neatly. The color is full of longing.

Not only did Sakura at the top not bend down, but she had to stand on her tiptoes to get over Karen's little head. It's just that the stupid hair on the top of Kallen's head always attracts her attention, so she has to concentrate on watching the battle of the "God of Destiny".

Francis's battle is relaxed and freehand, with the gun pointed and the streamer passing by. The seemingly indestructible white carapace of the Houkai Beast will be shattered.

Yae Sakura repeatedly compared in her mind, she still felt that her brother was a little stronger. In her heart, brother is always the most powerful!

On the roof of a certain house, Yaeji has already drawn Chihui's long saber, holding the hilt with his palm upside down, as long as the advance-level Honkai beast flies forward, Chihui's sharp edge will pass through its head!


The ears of Yae Sakura at the end of the trio moved, followed by Karen's ears.

Yae Sakura put her small hand on Sakura Fubuki's sword hilt.

As soon as the footsteps were crushed, the waist and limbs drove the strength of the half body, making Sakura Chuxue get out of the sheath instantly!

In the blink of an eye, the cherry-colored sword waves slashed in front of the advanced Honkai beast!

Instant burst!

Sakura's figure came in front of the Honkai Beast in the blink of an eye, and Luo Ying slashed like a flowing cloud, pressing down on the advance-level Honkai Beast, preventing it from flying higher.

Karen turned around, folded her hands on her chest, watching Sakura-chan's swordplay with special interest.

Otto was stunned, he still hadn't figured out what happened!

Yaeji, who was standing on the roof, did not take back Chihui, and still maintained a posture of about to throw, to prevent sister sauce from making a sudden mistake.

After finishing a set of Luoying Zhan, Yazhongji couldn't help but nod.

This sword technique of Luo Ying Zhan is still more suitable for women to perform, and it looks more feminine and elegant.

Yaeji squinted his eyes slightly, he could sense that the Houkai Beast had already marked Feiying, as long as...


It's a pity that before the Honkai Beast had time to cast Sakura's Blade Return, it had already been slashed by Sakura Fuyuki until its whole body was broken, and it fell to the ground to die.

The Yae Sakura in the arena looked like a little swordsman, and the blade was sheathed indifferently while turning.

His eyes suddenly swept towards Yachongji's direction!

Yaeji waved his hand.

Sakura tilted her head, thinking that it was sent by her brother to protect them... But why does that person look so familiar?


Francis's angry voice came, and two streams of light pierced through the two Honkai Beasts, ignoring the collapsed building behind them, those eyes similar to Karen's could not help but look at Yae Sakura.

"Being able to control that kind of weapon is indeed better than Kallen."

Yae Sakura stood up straight, pressed the handle of the knife with one hand, and bowed slightly.

Such a well-behaved and lovely person made Francis even happier.

Karen ran up to Francis and shook his big hand vigorously.


"Okay, okay!" Francis glared at Karen, "I haven't settled with you for sneaking out! And the one about Apocalypse..."

"Uh..." Francis raised his eyebrows and pulled the trigger casually. The streamer passed through a Honkai beast again, as if trying to hide his embarrassment. "In short, you must not do this next time!"

Karen nodded aggrievedly, Yae Sakura's expression remained unchanged, and Otto... still had that longing expression.

‘A character like God of War must be able to save this crumbling world, right? ’ thought Otto.

"Yae! Don't you come down and help me clean up the Houkai Beast? Clean it up early and go home!" Francis yelled at the building that hadn't collapsed yet.

Yae Sakura quickly turned her head to the previous place, but found nothing.

His eyes shifted slightly, and he found the familiar figure on the roof next to him.

Yaeji sighed secretly, took off the raven mask, stuffed it into the black robe, and the mask was automatically put into the backpack.

Reaching out and pulling off the hood, a head of iconic pink hair emerges from it.

With a slight step, the whole person easily jumped from the roof to the ground.

Although business takes up some time these days, he will not let go of his cultivation.

Strength is the foundation of oneself.

"elder brother!"

Yae Sakura's small face couldn't hold back anymore, she took two steps forward, hugging the familiar figure happily.

She just knew it! My brother is absolutely worried about letting him come here, and sending someone to follow behind secretly, it's all fake!

Yaeji's expression turned serious, and he lowered his head and said to his sister, "Taking advantage of this time, I'll take the exam. If you fail, you will be punished!"

"Yes!" Yae Sakura's voice was more excited. As early as in the shrine, she had the idea of ​​becoming a witch and fighting side by side with her brother to kill monsters. This wish...seems to be coming true?

Kallen vomited next to Francis

The little tongue whispered in a voice that only he could hear: "*Sister*Control."

"What did you say?" Francis asked.

"Nothing nothing!"

Otto looked left and right, with an embarrassed smile on his face.

Yaeji's expression changed, and he said, "Otto, come here."

"Is it possible?" Otto's green eyes shone slightly.

"Didn't you always call me teacher?" Ya Chongji asked back.

"Okay, teacher!" Otto ran over on his short legs.

Karen glanced at Francis, then at Yae Sakura.

"Go." Francis patted his daughter's shoulder with a complicated look, then raised his head and said to Yae Ji: "Don't go to the depths of the town, I will keep a few Houkai beasts for you to let them practice. "

Yazhongji nodded and said, "Don't worry."

"Gather in the direction where the carriage stopped!" Francis ordered again, turned around and jumped a few times, and disappeared in front of everyone.

From a long distance, one could see the streamers ejected from the Heavenly Fire Sacred Tribunal.

Yaeji vaguely saw the shadow of the former witch from Francis.

They used to guard a village, but Kaslana guarded the Holy See of Heaven.

Glancing at Karen who was staying beside her younger sister Jiang, Yaeji subconsciously thought of the humans in the area ruled by the Holy See of Heaven.

I don't know what to think.

half an hour.

Wait until the gunfire goes away.

Yaeji threw the Chihui long knife on her waist to Yae Sakura.

"Use this to fight Honkai Beast, with me by your side, practice more, don't rely on weapons so much."

Yae Sakura nodded, and handed Sakura Fukixue back to her brother.

Yaeji took off his armguard and threw it to Kallen.

"It's a little big, it's barely enough to get used to it."

"Yeah!" Kallen quickly armed.

"What about me?!"

Yaeji looked at the excited Otto, with some hesitation in his expression.


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