Era of Breakdown

Chapter Fifty-seventh 1466 (adding more charms to heaven)

Remember in a second [Wanben Station] Mobile phone users enter the address:

"There are two advanced Honkai beasts in front of you. Sakura! You and Kallen have one head. And Kallen, you have to pay attention to dodging flexibly. It's not a good idea to fight against the Honkai beasts blindly."

"Good!" x2

As soon as Yazhongji finished speaking, both the pink and white hairy dumplings flew out, fighting with the two giant mosquito-like Honkai monsters.

Otto kept muttering, as if looking for the weakness of the advanced Honkai beast.

Yaeji smiled slightly, similar to this kind of Houkai beasts that are completely infected with Houkai energy and have already turned white all over, the rear is their weakness.

Other weaknesses are not without it, but they are hard to find.

These Houkai beasts are not like those beasts that have not been fully infected with Houkai energy. Those beasts can feel pain, have certain intelligence, and need to eat and normal physiological activities.

This kind of Honkai beast, collectively referred to as "monster" by Yaejiji, has many weaknesses. What he likes to do most is to use precise blade return + double power to explode the opponent's x flower.

Change to albino Honkai Beasts... Apart from serving Honkai, attacking humans, and destroying civilization, they will not have other thoughts, let alone normal physiological activities.

Since they don't even have physiological activities, they naturally don't need organs like genitalia, and their entire body is protected by that white "carapace", so it's hard to find the weak point.

The assault-level Honkai beast looks like a giant mosquito. It is indeed a good way to cut off its "wings", but the "wings" are also a powerful offensive weapon for the opponent, and its hardness can be imagined.

Yaeji and Otto were thinking about the weakness of the Honkai Beast. Over there, Yae Sakura had already taken the lead in solving the Honkai Beast. This time, they not only used a set of Sakura Slash to suppress it, but also when the other party wanted to fly away, A crisp blade returned to solve it.

On Kallen's side... the one-size-larger glove obviously dragged down its combat power. It is an indisputable fact that there are also some flaws in the use of gun fighting instead of fighting.

So much so that in order to prevent the Honkai Beast from taking off and escaping, Karen had no choice but to slam the opponent with a hammer!

The natural strength of the Kaslana family combined with the "inch strength" technique taught by Yazhongji, the strength of that "small fist punching your chest" blow made Yazhongji feel ashamed.

The white tortoise shell on the outer layer of the Honkai Beast gradually spread out like a spider's web, and was finally blasted by Kalian's hammer!

Looking at the assault-level Honkai beast on the ground that was hammered so that it didn't look like a beast, Yaeji twitched the corner of his mouth. He always felt that he had misled Kallen.

Think about the elegance of the S-level character 'Sixth Night Symphony' in the character panel, and look at Kallen's attack method in front of him... Yaeji only hopes that Francis will not use the same method to hammer him to death... ....

"Sakura performed well, Karen, still have to change it, try to use the moves I taught you before. After all, what I taught you is gun fighting. Although we don't have guns now, we can't always Hammer it down."

Karen nodded her head half-understood, and said, "I think hand-to-hand combat is much better than Dad's firecracker!"

"Okay, okay!" Yazhongji said repeatedly: "You just need to know, just don't say that in front of your father."

"Why?" Caroline was puzzled.

"There are so many reasons!" Yazhongji glared at Kallen, glanced at the armguard, and opened his mouth and said, "If you use the moves I taught you in the next battle, I will give you a suitable set when you go back." armguard."

"Really?" Kallen's eyes lit up, and she almost jumped up and hugged Yachongji.

"Really." Yazhongji said seriously: "Not only do you need to use 'Shunbu' and 'Cunjin', but you also need to learn to integrate them and bring them into 'Twilight Nocturne' and 'Lightless Tide'."

Karen nodded her head seriously, with a pensive look on her face.

"Sakura." Yaeji turned his head to look at Yae Sakura who was snickering, and said equally seriously: "Your Baba is studying well, and I am proud of having such a talented sister."

Yae Sakura subconsciously puffed up her chest, and the look of joy on her little face couldn't be stopped no matter what.

"However, the violence of blade return is far more than that. You have to find a way to integrate the skill of 'inch strength' into the body of the sword, so that the damage of blade return can be improved. The specific feeling is mysterious and mysterious, and I can't teach you anything , can only be realized by you.”

"You can also practice precision blade return first..."

Yaeji repeated what the former captain 'Arisa' had said to him. Seeing his sister thinking seriously, he also showed a gratified smile.

Turning to look at Otto again.

Otto's small face was looking forward to it as always, and Yaeji was also cassetted as usual.

The smile on his face remained the same, he rubbed Otto's already disheveled blond hair again, and encouraged him: "Good job, I can sort it out when I get home. With the weakness of the Houkai beast, the casualties of the Valkyrie troops will definitely be further reduced." .”

Otto nodded, but felt puzzled in his heart.

When the three of them were deep in thought and Yaeji had a sense of accomplishment, a chariot-level Honkai beast with a height of seven or eight meters jumped from a distance!


The earth trembled, and Yae Sakura and Kallen were startled, and they adapted to the vibration after a few staggering steps.

On the contrary, Otto, a poor little man without any combat experience, sat down on the remaining broken stones on the ground.

Yazhongji raised his eyebrows, and ordered: "This should be the Honkai Beast running over from other people, Sakura, you take the card with you!"

Lian and Otto stayed away from each other. "

After finishing speaking, Yae Ji, who had been activated by Shunbu, had disappeared.


the next day.

Xidi District, the residence of the sub-inspector.

Otto couldn't come to exercise today because the raised gravel yesterday made his little ass suffer.

Francis left in a hurry after a night's rest, as if there was something urgent, which made Karen very dissatisfied. In the morning, Karen, wearing armguards, had already gone through the demolition procedures for the pavilion in Yaeji's backyard.

Yae Sakura, holding an unsharpened stainless steel katana, was practicing precise blade return against the solid iron stake in the courtyard.

Rin was still sitting in the wheelchair, reading the books Yae Ji brought her.

Sitting in the corner, Yazhongji, who was bathed in the sun, took a sip of tea and couldn't help but lament the peaceful life.

Time was silent, and the days of peace and tranquility lasted until the spring of 1466.

Yaeji with pink hair and shawl imitated Francis, holding a hair tie behind her back, looking neat and tidy.

Sitting in front of the desk, Yae Ji with a serious look possesses the magic power to calm people down slowly.

The immature facial features have grown slightly, losing some of the softness of the past, and the temperament of the whole person is more inclined to the heroic appearance of an elite Valkyrie who is serving.

The report on the file made a pair of jade eyebrows frowned.

In the past ten years, for the first time, the Valkyrie troops stationed in the West District were completely wiped out during the mission.

One team was wiped out, and the other teams were attrition.

The news of Bonnie's serious injury added a layer of hostility to Yazhongji's delicate face.


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