Era of Breakdown

Chapter 67 Shopping together

Remember in a second [Wanben Station] Mobile phone users enter the address:

On the blood-colored land, the ice-blue flowers bloomed faster and faster, and Aretha raised her head in confusion.

The long sword touched the ice sculpture not far away, and the ice sculpture immediately exploded into powder, and even the hideous and disgusting Honkai Beast inside turned into ice blue powder, covering the ice surface.

Aretha shuddered, and at a glance, this place really changed from a bloody battlefield to a world of ice and snow!

etc! What about Aji?

The beautiful lady from the Kaslana family just now seemed to come from A Ji!

By the way, isn't the strongest member of the Kaslana family 'Francis', God of War? Why this...

Aretha only felt the chaos in her head, and ignored the provocative words in her mind, and quickly went to the place where she lost with her teammates.

The scope of the ice field is getting wider and wider, completely suppressing the scorching energy after the tyranny of the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment, bringing people a cold wind that seems to come from Siberia.

Many Valkyries who were still fighting sat down on the ground. They could see the situation clearly just now, but they saw several shadows flashing in front of them, and the arrogant and vicious Houkai Beasts turned into ice sculptures.

The front of the line.

The young knight who wanted to resist the herd of beasts with his own body was stunned, but in the end maybe his emotions broke down, and the young knight who was about to turn himself into a wall burst into tears...

Outside the battle circle, before Karen could adapt to the changes in her body, she saw the little girl who was also thrown out.

When Aji came here, it seemed that Aji gave her an injection. Karen clearly remembered that her left arm was dislocated, her muscles were torn, and after landing, her head was also smashed into a small hole.

But is intact, the scene of being injured just now is like a dream.

She caught the little girl who was also thrown by A Ji. It was hard to imagine that this girl who looked younger than her was actually a member of the Valkyrie Troop.

The little girl who fainted had a dislocated right arm, and the whole right arm was limp. Karen waited for a long time, but she still didn't recover.

For some reason, there was a tinge of joy in her heart.

Kallen stayed obediently outside the battle circle, except for the flame that struck the sky and seemed to burn everything, she could no longer see the exact location of her father.

Before she could make up her mind, a gust of cold wind extinguished the flames and fixed all the Honkai beasts in the ice sculptures...

Yaeji from the third perspective was dizzy, and the movement speed of "Kalen" who controlled his body was simply against the sky! Sometimes he can only catch afterimages passing by, and his own perspective will be stretched again.

Is this really the effect human can achieve?

Yaeji's heart moved from the third perspective, and she switched to the perspective of God. Ice blue flowers bloomed on the plain, and "Kalen" blocked the beast tide with her own strength!

And... "Karen" seems to be able to do a job with ease, and she looks very relaxed in battle... Is her physical strength unlimited?

Yazhongji was shocked, could Kallen really grow into such a strong person in the future?

etc! Since the Sixth Night Symphony has an sss level, doesn't that mean...the Goddess Priestess also has an sss level?

The "petals" of the Ice Blue Flower spread out over a large area, and often the cold wind blows, and everything it goes is frozen.

The earlier Honkai Emperor also suffered hatred under the great sword of Heavenly Fire, and "Karen" did not encounter any actual obstacles.

Even those chariot-level Honkai beasts more than ten meters high are not the enemy of "Karen" in one blow!

This kind of formidable strength is no more than that of the "Lerrscher" recorded in ancient times, right?

Yaeji was shocked, the visual impact brought by God's perspective was even stronger, the ice blue color shrouded the continuous beast horde at a speed visible to the naked eye...

He remembered that he had spent his life back and forth to explode the seeds, calculated all kinds of skills accurately, and exhausted all his energy to barely gain a foothold in the beast horde. Looking at "Kalen" now, Yaeji felt a sense of sadness.

Since "Karen" is so powerful, can he be a bad boy in the future?

Yaeji was really calculating the feasibility of such a thing in his heart!

If he works hard, he will find Parvanti's dna in the future, and after injecting the hypervariable factor, even if he doesn't use the Sixth Night Symphony template, he can still exert the freezing effect... It's just that the ultra-low temperature constitution can Effective control?

Can the super variable factor be awakened?

Yaeji's thinking jumped back and forth, and finally he thought that the time to wait for the road of eating soft food was not as good as developing by himself.

Looking at the ice-blue flowers still blooming below, Yaeji couldn't help but sigh. It would be great if he could comprehend a battle of this level from the first perspective, if...

Before Yazhongji could finish thinking, he suddenly found that he had entered the body of "Kalen"!

He could feel every movement of the muscles in his body, and the Youse Streamer from the Youse Aria could even hit the enemy around the corner!

The dark aria that originally looked like a pistol was abruptly used as a machine gun in Karen's hands!

"Papa papa ~"

‘Fortunately, it won’t be blue fire. '

Yaeji: "???"

Now that they have been integrated, Yaeji began to seriously analyze "Karen"'s movements and attack methods.

After analyzing it for a while... Yaeji felt like his brain was going to burn out!

"Would you like a cup of afternoon tea?"

Yaeji: "?!"

"Are you talking to me?" Yaeji asked cautiously.


Yazhong Ji was stunned for a moment by that sweet voice, he was thinking in his heart, while "Kalen" said it directly!

This is the first time he has experienced this novel dialogue situation.

Yaeji: "I don't need it, are you really Kallen?"

"Captain~ Is it your job to please me?" Karen replied in a rather helpless tone.

'captain? ’ Yaeji was even more confused, and he decided to change the subject.

"Caroline, are you tired?"

"Thanks for caring."

Yae Ji: "Uh... will these Houkai Beasts..."

"You're underestimating me."

Yae Ji: "..."

Suddenly, Yaeji had a feeling that the energy in his body had gathered to the limit and might explode at any time!

This feeling is exactly the same as when the anti-god priestess wanted to release the 'Crimson Flame Hell'!

Ya Chongji's heart skipped a beat! When he used the Goddess Miko template before, he also felt this way, as long as he didn't release the "big move", his physical strength would always be maintained.

But that feeling is really uncomfortable! It's as if the body is going to explode at any moment! But after the release, all the previous fatigue will surge up, causing the disadvantage of being unable to continue fighting.

Could it be...

"its my time!"

Yachongji noticed that "Karen" paused, and the dark purple crow-shaped half mask was put on his face at some point. A large amount of dark energy around him expanded rapidly, and a cross in the shape of a crow suddenly appeared in the sky!


The purple bone wings on both sides of the cross spread out, and the gloomy energy flashed, revealing an ominous atmosphere everywhere.

The roar of the beast tide was still in my ears, and the whole world seemed to be paused.

Immediately after...

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